Chapter 75

This is a world of light.

As far as the eye can see, nothing but light is still light.

Gray light is everywhere, and the frost-like gray has quietly existed here for millions of years.

In this gray world, the gray and simple stone is like a stone thrown into the sea. The ripples caused by it do not cause any reaction at all, and are quickly smoothed by the frost-like gray.

If it wasn't for the guidance of the black toad, Bai Lu would almost get lost in this monotonous gray space.

Up, down, left, right, east, west, north, south, any direction is the same.

Gray fills the world.

Hearing the constant urging of the black toad, his voice became more and more urgent.

Bai Lu continued to go deeper, just when she thought she was going to pass through Geshi Mountain and enter another world, suddenly, a scene that she would never forget in her life appeared in her sight.

Dozens of piercing black magic pillars seemed to appear suddenly.

Standing in the gray world.

Bai Lu counted, and there were 72 of them.

The 72 pillars of the demon god stand upright.

Heavy jet-black clouds of smoke kept pouring out, supporting a dark world in this monotonous gray space.

The magic cloud inside is tumbling and surging, the black smoke is boiling, and the faint light radiates in the gray space, and between the gray and the darkness, there are faint flashes of purple light flickering.

"It's here, it's here!"

The black toad jumped out of the Immortal Demon Palace, looking at the dark world outside the jade, his jaw was drooling, and his eyeballs were almost protruding.

Bai Lu was also very shocked.

The supreme artifact in her book, the supreme sacred object of the magic gate in the world of cultivating immortals, actually has dozens of them here.

Her mind is a little messy and her eyes are confused.

Is this still her book?

Why doesn't the author know about her?
Is it another hidden plot?
Driving Kunlun Jade towards the Demon God's Pillar, the darkness gradually enlarged, as if a big world was swallowing him.

After driving in the gray world for a long time, Bai Lu and the others finally got close to a magic pillar on the edge.

Continuing to walk forward, it seems to have entered another world, surrounded by surging pure magic energy, black clouds of smoke tumbling, exuding an ancient and remote atmosphere.

Bai Lu had never seen such a pure and huge demon energy, and the toad next to her was completely intoxicated.

I couldn't help absorbing a ray of magic breath from the outside world, and the strong magic breath hit my face, with a happy and intoxicated expression on my face.

And the closer it was to the Demon God Pillar, the more intense the demonic energy became, almost congealing into substance, and the huge pressure made it almost impossible to advance.

Even if she breaks through the primordial spirit, the girl still feels powerless in the face of this heavenly pressure.

And at this time, the Demon God's Pillar seems to be fully opened, emitting a deep and gloomy light from the whole body, and the complicated and mysterious lines seem to come alive, and the streamer of light flickers.

When the deep dim light collided with the quiet gray light, it was like the most extreme fireworks in the world.

The dim light and the gray light annihilated at the same time, bursting out into a silent brilliance.

Facing the gray light that destroyed the world, that faint light was not at all inferior.

Immediately afterwards, endless demonic clouds tumbling, dark gray clouds transpiring, everything died silently, one can imagine how terrifying it was.

"So that's how the magic energy and gray fog were generated?"

Looking at the thick magic smoke and dark gray clouds produced by the silent annihilation of the dim light and the gray light.

A flash of understanding flashed in Bai Lu's heart.

"These dim light and gray light are higher forms of magic energy and gray fog."

Suddenly, in the turbulent cloud of magic smoke and ash, a bright purple light flashed.

It exudes an innate spirit from the beginning of the creation of the world.

"what is this?"

Bai Lu was curious, and asked the toad to roll up the purple light with its magic energy.

(End of this chapter)

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