Chapter 76 The Dark World
Purple light falls into Kunlun jade.

It turned out to be a purple stone, exuding the aura of the Great Dao.

"This is……"

The girl suddenly opened her eyes wide, full of shock.

"Exquisite Spirit Stone!"

It is rumored that when the heaven and the earth first opened, or when the two worlds meet, a kind of top-quality spirit stone will be born from the sympathy of the heaven and the earth.

Its whole body is condensed by innate purple energy, and it is the most original force in the world.

Universal in any world.

Looking at the crystal clear and deep stone in front of him, as if condensed by a cloud of purple air, the whole body exudes an aura of the beginning of the world.

It's all innate purple energy?

Could it be that the collision of the dark light and the gray light is equivalent to the collision of two worlds?

Therefore, the best spirit stone that can only be found when the two worlds intersect is condensed.

Staring at the huge purple boulder that was half her height in front of her, Bai Lu was a little amazed.

It is recorded in ancient books that the top-quality spirit stones are formed by the intersection of heaven and earth, with irregular shapes, and the smallest one is the size of a human head.

Even she was the first to see the real thing.

Looking at the continuously fading and bursting light outside, Bai Lu's gaze deepened.

It seems that she still underestimated the dim light and gray light here.

72 Demon God Pillars stand in the gray space, and the erupting light supports the dark magic smoke world, competing with the gray light of the entire Geshi Mountain.

This is equivalent to the collision of two big worlds, and the energy that erupts every moment is equivalent to the annihilation of countless miniature worlds.

No wonder they saw wisps of purple light flickering from a distance, which were wisps of innate purple energy produced by the collision of dark light and gray light.

Like streaks of purple halo shrouded between the gray light and the dim light, top-quality spirit stones are produced every moment.

And the two sides have been in such a confrontation for tens of thousands of years.

Over the years, the scattered top-grade spirit stones have formed giant rolling mountains, and the black world formed by the 72 Demon God Pillars exudes deep purple awns.

Looking at the towering top-quality spiritual stone mountain below the Demon God Pillar, the continuous purple air has almost turned into a top-quality spiritual vein.

Bai Lu couldn't help but fell silent.

The appearance of a top-quality spirit stone in the outside world will drive the entire world of cultivating immortals crazy.

I didn't expect to accumulate spiritual veins here, and circled around the dark world.

It is thrown here like garbage, and no one picks it up for thousands of years.

If it weren't for the suppression of the terrifying glare and gray light, the great purple energy accumulated by countless top-quality spirit stones would have rushed out of the sky long ago, causing a terrifying vision of heaven and earth.

Fortunately, this is the periphery of the dark world. The gray light and the dim light oppose each other, forming a relatively balanced buffer zone.

Right before Bai Lu's eyes, in the collision of dim light and gray light, a wisp of purple light fell into the gray world, and the top-grade spirit stone glistening with purple light immediately turned into dust and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, a piece of purple light fell into the dark world behind the Demon God's Pillar, and was immediately swallowed and corroded by the thick and insoluble magic smoke inside.

Not even a black toad dared to set foot in that extremely deep darkness.

"Boss, let's practice here."

The black toad suggested in a low voice.

His wide-eyed eyes stared at the darkness behind the Demon God's Pillar, and panic flickered in his small eyeballs.

It feels that the darkness there seems to be alive, and there is a fatal attraction, and it seems to swallow it.

In the dark world that is so thick that it cannot be melted, even the creatures born from its magic breath feel palpitations.

Seeing how frightened the black toad looked, Bai Lu didn't go any further.

What is in the dark world that can compete with the entire Geshishan.

It's chilling to think about.

(End of this chapter)

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