Chapter 81 The depths of darkness
Back to the twelfth floor of the void, one step at a time.

Those who can achieve the return to the void are all people with a strong heart.

They themselves are the victors of history, and their talents surpass countless arrogances of all ages.

And those who can achieve perfection need a firm will and unparalleled luck.

Of course, except for comparisons like girls.

Up to now, she doesn't even know where the limit of her "fairy root" is.

Wouldn't there be any bottlenecks in her cultivation until she became an immortal?

Bai Lu was curious.

When the peaceful and complete breath of returning to the void was slowly rippling from her body, she suddenly found a strange fluctuation in her storage ring.

It was the token given to her by the ancestor of the Bai family.

With a move of faith, Bai Lu took out the token.

The green jade pendant is slightly warm, exuding a simple and distant atmosphere.

Suddenly, the runes and seal characters on it erupted into a bright golden awn.


In the stunned expression of the black toad, the golden light suddenly enveloped the girl.

Then it turned into a golden streamer and rushed out of the Kunlun Jade from the Immortal Demon Palace, and rushed straight into the dark world supported by 72 demon god pillars.

It was dark and deep there, and the sticky magic smoke almost turned into substance, exuding a trembling aura.

Bailu was wrapped in golden light, and plunged headlong into the thick, pulpy darkness.

The wriggling magic breath exudes suffocating pressure.

There was a sneering sound like a frying pan pouring into water.

The black magic breath corroded the golden light around her like life, causing the golden light on her body to be consumed violently, and the runes on it dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, the golden light still enveloped her body, galloping forward at an incredible speed, like a golden thread across the dark world.

Bai Lu felt that even if she ran with all her strength, she could not match the speed of this golden light.

The golden light was close to the speed of light, and brought the girl straight to the deepest part of the dark world.

The magic breath here has been condensed into substance, and the black magic smoke forms a magic tide, surging like a black ocean.

Not long after, a magnificent palace appeared in front of her eyes.

In the dark and lightless world, it stands quietly like a golden fortress, exuding a soft golden light, resisting the attack and erosion of the black demon tide.

At this time, the golden light on the token was extremely dim, as if the last candle was about to go out.

The golden light flashed past, leading her into the golden palace.

Before entering, she saw a writing on the door plaque:

Splendid Golden Palace.

Bai Lu's pupils shrank slightly.

Who would have thought that the dominion of the Splendid World, the Dojo of the Splendid Golden Palace, would actually be here?
What is it doing here?
Suppressing the dark world?
Soon, Jin Guang took her into a large hall inside, and wrote the word Tianfu Hall.

After entering the Tianfu Hall, the token in her hand had lost all its brilliance and turned into an ordinary token, and even the runes and seal scripts on it peeled off like golden lacquer.

Bai Lu felt distressed for a while.

Without the token, how should she go back?

Suddenly, a message came from Tianfu Hall.

It was only then that Bai Lu realized that when the sky changed, many powerful figures in the Jinxiu Golden Palace also responded to the catastrophe.

In the hasty response, the Splendid Golden Palace left behind many inheritances.

This token is the inheritance token of the Tianfu Hall of the Jinxiu Golden Palace. As long as the cultivation reaches the perfection of returning to the void, it can be taken to the inheritance place of the Jinxiu Jinhuang Palace no matter where in the world of immortality.

Bai Lu looked at the jade card in her hand that had lost all light, and felt that those powerful men might have miscalculated.

(End of this chapter)

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