Chapter 82 Origin Fragments
Judging from the information from Tianfu Hall.

Back then, the sky changed too suddenly, and the Splendid Golden Palace also responded in a hurry, which resulted in countless powerful beings who were not prepared at all, and died in the sudden catastrophe.

However, the Demon God's Pillar left behind during the invasion by the ancient demons was ready to move. Amidst the chaos of many great powers, the Splendid Golden Palace had to be abandoned, and it was suppressed on the 72 magic pillars as a magic weapon.

Obviously, they miscalculated the power of the Demon God's Pillar.

72 The gloomy light emanating from the Demon God's Pillar is enough to compete with the light that destroys the world, so how can it be suppressed by the Splendid Golden Palace?

They didn't expect that the Splendid Golden Palace would be completely surrounded by dark magic aura in a million years.

No wonder no one mentioned the Splendid Golden Palace later.

It turned out that their inheritors all died halfway.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu felt speechless.

She was at the edge of the dark world and had exhausted the token's golden light to come in.

The inheritors located in various parts of the world of cultivating immortals not only have to pass through the perilous gray mist sea, but also pass through the world-destroying gray light of Geshi Mountain, and finally enter the Splendid Golden Palace under the corrosion of the terrifying demon breath.

The golden light on their tokens might be exhausted in less than halfway.

In the depths of the sea of ​​gray mist, Geshi Mountain, the world of darkness.

There are three places, you can't live anywhere you fall.

Since the token is a prohibition that can only be activated after returning to the void.

The inside of Tianfu Hall is naturally an opportunity to enter the fusion.

The fit sage, even in the ancient Splendid Golden Palace, is still a powerful party.

A world can only be considered a big world if a fit sage is born.

Otherwise, Tianfu Palace would not deliberately leave the opportunity for promotion and integration.

Looking at the silver-gray fragments emitting infinite brilliance and exuding endless mysterious aura.

Bai Lu knew that this was the source fragment that had long since disappeared in the world of cultivating immortals.

The silver-gray fragments floating in mid-air reflect a dreamlike color, as if containing a world.

Only after merging with it, you can try to break through the fusion.

The dreamy color was reflected in the girl's clear eyes. She didn't collect the fragment in time, but wandered around the entire Tianfu Hall instead.

For her, the source fragments are not a problem. Without the flower of the great way and the fire of the void, didn't she still break through from the Yuanying to the Yuanshen, and then from the Yuanshen to return to the void?
For her, the most important thing is the spirit stone. As long as there are top-quality spirit stones, no realm can be broken through.

Therefore, she wanted to see what inheritances were here.

But to her disappointment, there was nothing in the entire Tianfu Hall except the original fragment.

Not to mention inheritance, each room is cleaner than a room that has been licked by a dog.

"It seems that the inheritance of the Splendid Golden Palace should all be in the complete cave obtained by the heroine. As for this place..."

The girl looked at the empty hall.

His eyes flickered slightly.

It should only be the last resort of the ancient power.

In order to prevent future generations of high-level monks from being disconnected, a retreat place was specially created.

When there are descendants who return to the void and are unable to fit together, they will be summoned.

Fortunately, in order to suppress the Demon Pillar, the Splendid Golden Palace left a lot of energy, most of which were top-quality spirit stones, so Bai Lu didn't feel that her busy work was in vain.

After taking away all the top-quality spirit stones she saw, Bai Lu began to walk out of the Tianfu Hall.

behind her.

The Temple of Heavenly Talisman, which lost the top-grade spirit stone, instantly dimmed like a light bulb that went out.

The Splendid Golden Palace has persisted in the dark magic breath for so many years, and I am afraid it has reached the end of its strength.

Bai Lu found that many of the restrictions in the palace had disappeared. It should be that in order to save aura, the palace tried its best to block the terrifying magic breath outside and automatically stopped the operation of the restrictions.

(End of this chapter)

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