Chapter 83 Splendid Golden Palace

No barriers are prohibited.

Bai Lu came and went freely in the Splendid Golden Palace.

Tianfu Hall, Tianzhen Hall, Tiangong Hall...

The figure of the girl walked from one hall to another, and saw that all the top-quality spirit stones were packed and put into the Jiuling Pagoda.

Behind the girl, all the palaces that passed by, the golden light gradually extinguished.

After walking through the [-] halls of the Splendid Golden Palace, the Jiuling Pagoda in Bai Lu's hand has already filled two floors.

The Jiuling Pagoda is its own world, which means that the spirit stones in the [-] halls of the Splendid Golden Palace are fully filled with two worlds.

Although not all of them are top-quality spirit stones, they can be used to activate the treasure of the Splendid Golden Palace to suppress the tide of demons for millions of years, and the energy level is not too bad.

Moreover, there are strange objects such as original fragments in every inheritance hall.

More than 100 original fragments gathered together, exuding a mighty avenue, dreamlike lights and shadows intertwined together, almost forming a complete world.

The phantom of the world flashed, exuding a majestic aura of good fortune.

Terrified, Bai Lu hurriedly separated them.

She was really afraid that these original fragments would gather together and evolve into a world.

He really deserves to be the overlord of the Splendid World.

I'm afraid that all the top-quality spirit stones and original fragments born in the history of the entire great world have been collected here.

Finally, Bai Lu came to the main hall.

She actually discovered the world primordial fetus here.

It was a colorful gray boulder-like thing floating in the resplendent and golden hall.

There are 360 ​​five orifices on it, arranged according to the number of the sky. Each orifice, like a nose, sprays out colorful rays of light, surrounded by circles of halos, filled with an ethereal breath like a great fortune. .

Looking at the Yuantai, like a giant cobblestone, quietly swaying the fetal breath in this empty hall.

Bai Lu couldn't help sighing, this Splendid Golden Palace is really well prepared.

I'm afraid that the Splendid World will lack top monks.

Unexpectedly, the most precious treasures for conjoining and promoting Mahayana are all ready.

With so many backers, it is enough to guarantee the immortality of the Splendid World.

Moreover, she found that the top-quality spirit stones in the main hall far exceeded that in the auxiliary hall. She filled the entire three-story Jiuling Pagoda before finally clearing the main hall.

So many top-grade spirit stones are enough for the Splendid Golden Palace to continue to support it for a million years.

But Bai Lu didn't think so. In her opinion, it was meaningless for the Splendid Golden Palace to suppress the Demon God's Pillar here.

Moreover, the Demon God Pillar is already the only force in the world of cultivating immortals that can compete with the gray light of extermination.

Even if it involves the backhand of the ancient demons, wouldn't it be good to let them consume each other?

In this way, you can also harvest a lot of top-quality spirit stones, and when you weaken the enemy, you can also strengthen yourself.

Of course, Bai Lu also left some spirit stones to support the operation of the Jinxiu Golden Palace.

Because she discovered that there is a holy place for practice in the main hall, and the time barrier inside can double the speed ten thousand times.

Moreover, it can be concluded from the inheritance that leaving the Jinxiu Golden Palace can appear in any place in the world of cultivating immortals without gray mist.

If he wanted to come back, he had to go through the sea of ​​gray mist again, into Geshi Mountain, and into the world of darkness.

However, the Kunlun jade was outside the dark world and was not brought along by the golden light.

In other words, after I left, I might not be able to return here in a short time.

That being the case, Bai Lu left in no hurry.

Prepare to practice here, it is best to break through the body and then go out.

Time passed slowly.

In the Time Barrier, as the spiritual stones in one space in the Jiuling Pagoda were exhausted, Bai Lu's cultivation gradually approached the fusion.

outside world.

The battle between righteousness and evil is in full swing. Ever since the battle of the primordial spirit has been in full swing in the Fuyao faction, the entire world of cultivating immortals has turned into a battlefield, with bones and blood everywhere.

The orthodox and demon monks fight each other.

(End of this chapter)

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