Chapter 175 (Novel --- Environment) 12
Chapter 12: (12)

"Knock knock——"


The village chief saw Hu Hanwen through the gap in the light-transmitting door, so he unlocked it.

Hu Hanwen entered the door and got straight to the point, "Village Chief, do you have any population records for the villagers?"

The old man said "Oh", "in the archives room." He stood up tremblingly. In Hu Hanwen's memory, the village head was very powerful in his early years, leading the villagers to build roads and dig sewers. The pig ran away, and he Help to catch, there is a hornet's nest stationed under the eaves, and he was the first to drive away with a sack.There are always big rolls, popping candies, rice balls and other snacks in the bag. Every time he meets a child, he will give some. When he was a child, Hu Hanwen always thought that the village chief had an inexhaustible magic bag of snacks.

But now, the long river of time has dug gullies on his face, his hunchback is arched high, and his words are full of sorrow, "The village used to be so beautiful, the population was prosperous, comfortable and rich, how many people came to me for a Tell me, but I——" the old man wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, "I'll take you there, and by chance, the Taoist priest also ordered me to bring the population book to him today."

Before leaving, he did not forget to burn three sticks of incense in front of the Bodhisattva statue, and prayed sincerely: "Miss Miaoshan, whatever offenses you do will be blamed on the old man, please bless Laidan Village again."

An elderly mother-in-law is in charge of the archives, wearing reading glasses, black cotton trousers tied with an elastic band, and a bunch of keys tied to a bag that jingle as she moves.

"What? Take the population diary?" She raised her voice, "A man named Hu Hanwen took it away yesterday and said he would return it to me today."

The village head looked at Hu Hanwen, and Hu Hanwen waved his hands hastily, "It's not me." The Taoist priest stayed up all night after what he said yesterday, and came to the village head after waking up this morning after a quick wash.Hu Hanwen asked anxiously, "Have you seen what that person looks like, and what does his voice sound like?"

The old lady let out a surprised "Hey", her voice sounded very similar to yours, and she moved closer to Hu Hanwen, looked at it through the light-transmitting lens for a long while, "It's you boy! Give me back the account."

Someone who looks and sounds exactly like me?Hu Hanwen had goosebumps all over his body. He looked around and saw all the dusty display racks. A pair of eyes identical to his own were hiding in the dark to observe his every move. Hu Hanwen shuddered a little, and his spirit became cold, "I It seems that there are never any evil spirits in the village, but people."

The old man let out an "Ah", like a frightened bird, he fell backwards extremely quickly, and Hu Hanwen quickly supported the village chief with sharp eyesight and hands.

"Who is it that commits such crimes and is so vicious."

Hu Hanwen patted the old man's back to help him calm down, "Aunt Wang told me the number 0321 before she died. Just yesterday afternoon, the Taoist priest told me that he started to investigate this matter early on, but Because men, women and children were among them, there was no rule to follow, so no clues were found, but in recent months, the number of people killed in many villages has increased dramatically, and he finally found out some clues."

Hu Hanwen exhaled, the transparent particles floating in the air were disturbed, and he trembled up and down, "People born on March 21 accounted for a large proportion, and the rest of the dates didn't overlap much, so I guess this person killed other people to deceive others. Those who really attacked were those born on March 21, and he didn't know what happened recently, so he revealed his intentions."

The village chief's breath became short of breath, "March 21! I remember that the most babies were born on that day in [-]. The delivery room was full of people, and everyone in the village thought it was strange."

Hu Hanwen was shocked, "Do you still remember the children?"

"Remember, remember, the next day the village held a banquet together, and I recorded the names of each child."

There is Zhang Dabao, a child of the old Zhang family.

Hu Jiao, the daughter of the Hu Doufu family.
Fu Ziqing from the Daoist Fu Yang's family.
"Fu Ziqing?" Hu Hanwen exclaimed, "Isn't he on April's birthday?"

"Oh, the old man remembers the time according to the lunar calendar." The village chief patted his head trying to remember, "There is also a daughter of the Peng family by the bridge, Peng Xiaoyan."

Hu Hanwen opened his eyes wide in shock, and the brown pupils swelled into a small circle, "She was also from that day?"

The village chief nodded, "After all, it's really the case. Aunt Wang's children have never heard of the first night. Zhang Dabao disappeared when he was seven years old. Hu Jiao fell into the water when he was ten years old. Peng Xiaoyan was the one who went to study for you." Years, yes, it was two years ago, who was alive and kicking before, suddenly fell into a serious illness, and went to various hospitals but did not get better. All."

The light in the file room was dim, and all objects were obliterated by black. Hu Hanwen's heartbeat became faster and faster, and the blood in his body began to boil. He had to support the table behind him with his palms so as not to collapse on the ground.

"There is only one Fu Ziqing left. His mother passed away after giving birth to him. Unexpectedly, the doctors said that the child was powerless, but he survived until now, although he has always been sick." The village chief was in tears and bowed his head. He cursed contentedly: "Whoever is so wolf-hearted is not afraid that there will be no afterlife."

An indescribable emotion emanated from Hu Hanwen.

"I think---"

I know who it is.

(End of this chapter)

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