Chapter 176 (Novel --- Environment) 13
Chapter 13: (13)


As soon as I knock on the town sandalwood, I start writing.

Hu Hanwen took out a yellow talisman, and wrote the words "spiritual monsters are active" stained with blood.

The second knocks the sandalwood, and Bakai listens to it.

Wandering and evil, quickly appear.

Hu Hanwen's forehead was sweating finely, and cracks were knocked out all the way to the bottom of the clean plate. Finally, a ghost appeared, but it wasn't the one he wanted to see.

"How can it be reasonable that you are the only one who came here when you were summoned?"

The ghost’s clothes were torn, covered with orange decorations, the blood splattered half of his body had solidified, a tattered driving helmet was on his head, his tongue protruded from a pile of broken flesh, his bones were thick, his neck It looked like a gummy candy had been torn aside, leaving only a few muscles connected to the collarbone.

He yelled wronged, "Master, I bumped into a road sill on my motorcycle and fell directly off the cliff. Before I had time to say goodbye to my beloved lane, I came as soon as I heard your call, and I didn't miss a moment!"

"Then you are not from Laidan Village?"

The ghost nodded again and again, "I'm from Yancheng City in the west."

"Then you didn't see any ghosts on the way here?"

The ghost said respectfully, "Because I heard that there are no people here, I came to the road outside Laidan Village to go racing. I didn't see the same kind all the way."

"And—" the ghost trembled, "This village is so dark that I'm afraid, and other wild ghosts don't dare to stay here for a long time."

It stands to reason that there were so many people in Laidan Village who had encountered accidents before, and most of them had unfulfilled wishes. They would wander around the place where they lived in the Yangjian for a long time, just as Hu Hanwen expected. It's really the same person
The chest cavity seemed to be stretched by several tight thin strings, as if it was about to be broken in the next second, and there was a piercing sawing sound, which bounced back on the soft flesh and echoed in pain. All over the village, shouting hoarsely.

"Peng Xiaoyan"

"small bun"

Suddenly, he slammed on the brakes, cursed an idiot, turned his head and ran in the opposite direction, until the strong fragrance of flowers rushed towards him.

Peng Xiaoyan was still wearing a white dress, lying on the top of a tree, his face was pale and thin, as if he was about to be blown away by the scorching summer wind.

The female ghost pulled out a faint smile, "I heard your call, I'm sorry I didn't show up."

Hu Hanwen knew that she was still angry that day, "I thought you went to reincarnate."

Peng Xiaoyan leaned forward, without the cover of dense green leaves, the warm sunlight shone directly down, finally adding some blood to her face.She lowered her hand, Hu Hanwen hesitated for a while, but still stepped forward to hold this slender body, touching the skin, the bone-piercing cold soaked into Hu Hanwen's flesh, Hu Hanwen held it even tighter.

"Heh—" Peng Xiaoyan chuckled, "Idiot, I'm a ghost, I'm not warm."

The movement did not relax at all, Hu Hanwen turned to ask: "Where is the little mantou?"

A pain flashed through the female ghost's eyes, "I'm reincarnated."

Hu Hanwen also smiled, his lips were slightly flat, and even when he smiled, it only brought up the inconspicuous dimple on the right side, slightly neutralizing the cold breath on his body.

"The speed of recovery is really fast."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you there that day." Hu Hanwen finally said what had been hidden deep in his heart.

"Your master has too much yin energy, which made us little ghosts very afraid. Later, I thought it might be due to exorcising too many ghosts, so it's not surprising to be contaminated with ghost energy." Peng Xiaoyan lowered his head, his pupils were filled with Hu Hanwen's reflection.

"Until one day, I accidentally saw—"

"I already know." Hu Hanwen said, "He traded Xiao Mantou's life for Fu Ziqing's."

Over the years of teaching and getting along with each other, Fu Yang is not only a master but also a father-like existence to Hu Hanwen, and Hu Hanwen's heart is also throbbing, "After a person becomes a ghost, there will always be ghosts, but why doesn't Xiao Mantou have one? That's why Aunt Wang gave him the refreshing spirit." Hu Hanwen said with difficulty: "The method of changing life and extending life is too vicious, you have to take away the fetal light of a person, if you are forcibly taken away, this person is three The seven souls gather and disperse."

This is where he was puzzled at the beginning. It turns out that Aunt Wang took out Shuangling to maintain the existence of her son because she had no other choice.The master has profound Taoism, Aunt Wang Wanquan can find a child from a normal family to replace her, but she took a great risk to find Fu Ziqing.

Peng Xiaoyan sighed, "With this calculation, she didn't think about hurting innocent people, she just wanted to have a debtor and a debtor."

"At first, I didn't even think of going to the master's side."

"After Xiao Mantou left, Fu Ziqing's fetal light was still so strong, he should be a sick body."

Because later I learned from Taoist Diqi that 0321 originally meant that most of the people who were killed were born on that day, and then I got confirmation from the village head that all people with the same birthday had an accident, and only Fu Ziqing was left, which was very suspicious.

Once the entry point is found, everything else is connected like a cocoon.

"The master said to go to other places to find prescriptions, but in fact he was looking for people who were born on the same birthday as Fu Ziqing, and deprived them of their fetal light. Because of the same birth date, they can fool the judge of hell." That's why the Taoist priest followed the master. Hu Hanwen recalled that rainy night, the faint dark red glow from the bamboo basket on Fu Yang's shoulder was fetal light.

Peng Xiaoyan withdrew his hand, and instead covered Hu Hanwen's face, smoothing the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes.

"It's also my birthday, but why am I still alive?"

The female ghost's eyes lost light, but she smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, it's funny to say, when I was born, a Taoist priest passed by the house, and my mother asked someone to give me a divination, saying that I am a long-lived person, and I can live with you." Those who love each other will stay together forever, and live a hundred years without worry,"

"It seems—it's all a lie."

The cool wind swishes, and the warm yellow delicate petals rain down.

Hu Hanwen ran out, and then came back with a candle in his arms.

"Seeing that you are a little weak, eat more candles."

Peng Xiaoyan smiled like a spring breeze, more beautiful than falling petals.

"You wait for me." Hu Hanwen said, "When I come back, I will accompany you in a daze and fly the kite together."

Halfway through the journey, Hu Hanwen turned around again, "If I can't come back, don't wait any longer, I'd better go and reincarnate."

Peng Xiaoyan nodded vigorously.

(End of this chapter)

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