Chapter 202 (Seeing but not seeing)
Sit and watch green bamboos transform into qiongzhi, everything has its own way and those who see it will know.

You see, the cloud-shrouded Lushan waterfall rushes towards you with majestic momentum. Only when you look at the whole situation can you see the true face of Lushan: you see, new colors are sparsely revealed in the haystacks buried by cedars in deep winter. Under the ruins and ruins is a vigorous vitality that is ready to go.Facing the myriad worlds where the sea and the sky are boundless, the information conveyed by vision often limits us to the scenes we see.

And if we can not stick to the floating world and throw the anchor of our eyes far into the deep sea, we will become the wise men among the dust in the world.

Learn to jump out of cognitive limitations in seeing, gain new insights in common sense, and only then can you face life more calmly and have confidence in life.It is the ability to see that makes human beings discerning creatures, and it is the state of mind that escapes the limitations of vision that makes us wise men in life.We see butterflies dancing gracefully from caterpillars nibbling green leaves, eagles fluttering their wings from cracked eggs and shells, we see the unity that must be united from disintegration, and the life that turns into spring mud from the broken flowers and leaves.Yes, we can perceive life and truth, we can have insight and empathy, but we are not saints, we are often limited by the limitations of cognition, and we often believe in what we see and even feel complacent.Therefore, we should be more humble, more in awe of the vastness of nature, and use the vision of seeking knowledge to see a wider world, to explore the truth, and to pursue the profound truth.

Only by following the rules can we transform what we see into what we get, and only then can our knowledge be broadened.Looking for commonality in common things, digging deep into complex relationships, and seeing will become the key to enlightening our growth.Recalling the past, Galileo saw the chandelier swinging in the church, and deeply explored the isochronism of the final pendulum: Newton saw the apple falling, divergent thinking, discovered and proved the law of gravitation: Watt saw the lid of the boiling teapot suspended, innovated and improved Efficient steam engine.The things we take for granted in our daily life often contain the most profound philosophy.Yes, not only great men with strong observation ability have the power of seeing, but we can also be like them, seeking insights from seeing, gaining knowledge from seeing, working hard from seeing, and reaching far away from seeing.Learn to place a clear mind in seeing, and not confuse the secular tide in the hustle and bustle, only then can you harvest the fruits of life and breed the fragrance of the soul.In the secular Vanity Fair, we are easily dazzled by the vanity in front of our eyes, and our hearts sink into the swamp of fame and fortune, and we cannot extricate ourselves.If you open up the pattern of vision and put your torch-like gaze at the height of life, then you will see a sky of flowing clouds and flowing water as far as you can see, and what you see will always be open, magnificent, light and comfortable.

As the saying goes, "You will be at the top of the mountain, and you will see the small mountains." When we stand on a high place and overlook everything in the world, the world will become smaller when our mood is bigger.Tens of thousands of stars can be seen in the darkness of the night, and a ray of dust can only be seen when the light is bright. We must learn to see the flaws in good times and the light in adversity. Only in this way will we not fall into vulgarity and truly hold the initiative of life in our own hands. hands.

In the face of the hustle and bustle of the outside world, you can see the brightness of the world with your heart; in the face of self-growth and development, you can see your own limitations with a mirror.All things are born from their roots, and all things come into being through the Tao. We see the bright world in the dark place, see the clear world in the hustle and bustle, and look at the surroundings firmly, only to realize that everything is just the truth of all things.Seeing gives us the ability to embrace the world, and it is because of seeing that we can usher in the most beautiful scenery in life, so please cherish the period with clear eyes and clear eyes and see the truth in this world before it is too late.

(End of this chapter)

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