Chapter 203 (Hands of Sunset)
All the regrettable things in the sunset will end in the form of fairy tale books.Going out to meet the dusk always feels good luck.In the distance, some peaks of Mount Dai are dissolved into sheaths inlaid with gold. The huge red sun eats up the green glazed green hills bit by bit, like fried bright yellow poached eggs. In the flower shop, small daisies and orange flowers Still inserted in the glass jar at the door, the tapered jar can hold a whole sunset pour.

The sunset is a colorful painting.The halos sprinkled layer by layer on the streets where people come and go, the shadows of the crowd were stretched very long, and the gray tones became the scattered rays of light at dusk.I leaned comfortably against the somewhat warm wall, with my five fingers blocking the sinking sun, I squinted my eyes to watch my fingers close together and closed again, enjoying it.Reluctantly, my small palm couldn't hold back the lazy setting sun, and I could only see the orange-yellow light smudge my fingertips into pink petals.

When the sunset accidentally breaks into the eyes of a child, and the slender eyelashes turn into fluttering wings of butterflies shining with gold powder, I think it is as cute as a child.

Sunset is intoxicating tea.When half an evening falls into the tidal sea, the sea beyond the mountain is also pearly.The waves are still rising and falling, and the drunk sun hides in the sea to bathe.A little bit of foam floats gently in the water, which is the virtual shadow of the sunset. People who are still swimming by the beach are surrounded by orange, and people who are cheering and surfing on the sea are also mixed with the afterglow.

Sunset is a lingering sorrow.When the brilliance of the horizon disappeared, there were still a few bright stars wandering in the sky.In the days, people always say that life is too hasty, probably because they have never tasted the sunset dipped in sweet sugar, never heard the cries of vendors in the setting sun, and never seen the twilight blown by the evening wind at the corner of the alley.

You said that the sunset is better than the fisherman, the river, the river, the green mountains and the long rivers, and all the gentleness in the world.I watch you piss in this sunset.

(End of this chapter)

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