Chapter 250 (Backward Time)
"The boy I love will always boil and keep his feet in the air."

The place that teenagers yearn for

It is the bubbling west window protruding from the mountain branches
The train is full of old times
Poetry and sword intent walk with longing
Young Ying Wu's writing and ink tasted all over the world

Don't you see that the sky is overwhelming, the sea waves and geese are wandering
The waterfall goes upstream, it is difficult to stop the waves

One Sword, One Blockbuster

Thousands of people, thousands of faces, thousands of autumns are prosperous
I also once folded pear snow and twisted poems in the high hall
Picking all the fragrant grasses, looking for fireflies at night, sniffing flowers, dipping in the moon, picking ink lamps
The four seasons of a young man's life are full of dawn and dusk

Facing the sun to end the sinking
Others say that except Wushan is not a cloud

Laugh at the world with a hundred holes and a thousand words
boy deserves boy

A moment of vicissitudes
The angry horse in fresh clothes walks alone in the world of mortals

Looking ahead

The spring robe falls on the mountain and the river wind beats the shore
(End of this chapter)

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