Chapter 251 (Not coming back in autumn)
Bao Zhishi cherishes the year, the sage cherishes the day, and the sage cherishes the time.

"Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely. I say that autumn is better than spring."

I strolled on the path home, slowly and quietly, and stared at a group of yellow butterflies up and down.

I don't understand why autumn has been bleak since ancient times.And why? The autumn day in the poem is better than the spring dynasty?
My steps are light and light, and the yellow butterflies are also flying lightly.I tried to get out of my thinking, and when I came back to my senses, I saw the group of flying yellow butterflies. Hey, when did the leaves change into yellow clothes? On the road, I didn't even find the leaves withered.

I probably didn't notice it because I was thinking about other things. I couldn't help laughing at myself, remember, the last time I noticed the leaves was in spring.

Walking on the path of memory, I recalled that spring morning again. Look, the big tree has grown new leaves again. I look at a large area, which is green.The leaves are like a happy sparrow, bouncing around, yes, it’s another year of spring, you see, the woods are all covered with green clothes in spring, my companion points to the woods in front of me to agree Look at me, we just walked and laughed freely...
"It's half a year in a blink of an eye, time flies by like water and never returns." I sighed, lowered my head, looked at the path paved with yellow leaves, my eyes were a little moist, and the autumn leaves were still flying around my feet. They were circling around, and suddenly they stopped, as if they were thinking about something, I also stopped, looking at them, I somehow had an urge to pick up a piece.

I bent down and wanted to pick up a fallen leaf, but the wind blew gently, and the autumn leaves flew a few meters away. I ran up unwillingly, thinking that I would definitely be able to pick up the dead leaves completely again. , the wind blew gently again, and the autumn leaves took the wind up to the sky. I followed them and walked all the way for a long time, until I couldn't even see the autumn leaves, and then I stopped slowly I got off my feet, but my eyes were still on the sky.With endless unwillingness, final stubbornness, painful regret
A drop of autumn rain hit my face without warning, mixed with tears, and flowed down.I was indifferent, and then two or three drops of silky rain rushed towards me. I came back to my senses and hurriedly ran under the tree to hide from the rain.

It's raining heavily. This is the first rain in autumn. It just fell for no reason. Quietly, quietly, the yellow butterfly flew down from the tree slowly. I stretched out my hand and it stopped. My palm, I stared blankly at it again, motionless, just like an autumn leaf falling into the lakeside in the depths of my soul, shattering the reflection of the tree.Then I bent down slowly, gently put the butterfly beside the tree root, raised my head, my originally confused eyes became firm and unremitting, and walked slowly forward, I didn't look back, just like this in the rain Walking, even the big tree that can shelter from the rain is left behind.

Facing the "autumn day" and "spring dynasty" again, I am no longer confused, because no matter when, as long as you cherish the time, every minute and every second is meaningful.Sometimes the things that make us regret and regret are like fallen leaves, there are too many, because of this, we can't wait and linger.Go forward bravely! Don't look back and brood.

In autumn, it not only has withered leaves, but also melts mud to protect flowers.

Autumn is not only miserable, but also the cycle of four seasons.

Autumn is not only sighing for the world, but also still loved by me.

(End of this chapter)

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