Chapter 265 (Gossip [-])
The sun is warm, but never too warm; the wind is gentle, with a faint fragrance of grass, and the unique smell of cattle and sheep, caressing the face of the person, and lightly wrapping around the shoulders and waists of the person, just like that Breathing is infinitely pleasant; the sky is like washing, clear and far away, there is no smoke in the plains, no mist in the distant mountains, and the idle clouds are free and easy; the horses neigh, and the eagles howl and startle the sky. The guest grassland can be full like this painting environment.

After driving for two hours, the dirt road facing the grassland was finally dented with rut marks.The younger brother sighed and screamed, his eyes reflected the magnificence of the green grass in the deep sky, and a bright smile bloomed on the flower garden on his cheek.The natural beauty of being a guest is that you never have to hesitate about complicated appearances, such as clothing color and appearance; you can indulge in the combination of beauty and ugliness in clothes that don’t match on weekdays, and you can let it go—your hair is swaying in the wind; there is no need to be restrained , Pretending to be a shepherd boy, pretending to be a man riding a horse.In this way, we can find the general innocence and freedom of the younger brother who ran wantonly in the pasture.

Overlooking from a distance, on the side of the vivid horizon, the Obo built by the holy stone of Burhan Mountain is surrounded by blue and white "hata" swaying in the wind; the golden stele carved in Mongolian shines with the sun. The devoutness of the Mongolian compatriots Faith is mysterious and awe-inspiring. The grace of "Changshengtian" dominates the life and rest of all things. Sitting on the ground and lying on the grass, even rolling freely, because the grass and warm colors contain ancient aura, arousing the most childish in the heart. Childish; my younger brother is dressed in a beloved Mongolian robe, with strong legs, jumping and leaping. I climbed up from the embrace of the grass and chased my younger brother; my parents also broke free from the "shackles" around them, smiling. Perhaps, this world, unique Nature can accept all human emotions! Therefore, only when people rush to the embrace of nature, like a naked baby throwing themselves into the arms of their mothers, can they really know what the joy of the soul is, and what it is like to be a real living creature. What is the gospel of simply injecting everything of nature into the blood vessels of the whole body!
Walk half a mile at noon to the group of yurts, and you will be able to drive away your hunger.Stir-fried lamb haggis, the most simple cooking of hand-cooked, has derived an irreplaceable fresh, salty, and mouth-to-mouth fragrance.Afternoon full of tea and food, I was "strictly" for myself, extremely "selfish", wandering alone "willful" - running involuntarily on the grass, watching the figure appear in various disguises; pitch, humming a casual song.Beating with the same pulse as nature, rising and falling with the same sound wave, and being content with the universe constructed in my mind.Let's ride a horse! On the horse's back, I don't speak - I just let the sun shine on the back of the neck; the horse's hoof kicks, but it doesn't gallop, the white mane of this dragon is swaying, and the shoulders and neck are strong; There is indeed a dragon's blood gushing in the body of the dragon horse. The body is walking with the dragon horse, the heart is calm with the clear blue sky, and the thoughts are with the clear spring at the foot of the distant mountain, flowing into the charming winding Mozhgrad River. to go.

Nature is the greatest book in the universe, perhaps written by the Creator.And every line of text in this book is what you and I can comprehend: cattle and sheep and horses, mountain eagles and swan geese, sky and wind and grassland green waves. They come from nature and return to nature! The symbols they use-to , The meaning is obvious, if people are not blind, deaf, and have no sores in their hearts, the book of nature can be read by you without any fee, and it will be used by you forever; There will be guidance, and there will be supervision when you stumble or be self-conscious! Why don't you and I love nature deeply?
(End of this chapter)

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