Chapter 266 (Mist)
Foggy and smoky town, lying in bed staring at the sound approaching.

Three or two days in the white coat and coat, with five or six buttons buttoned up.

He stretched out his hand to the throat, lingering fear arose everywhere in his heart.

He said that he was a free man, and that he was an expert in malaria.

Out of the corner of my eye, I look towards the distant mountains, and the white expanse travels lightly.

Gao Ying is lonely and high for thousands of miles, while wild geese fly low and travel thousands of miles.

There is no wind, no rain and no sunshine, the ashes and dust are gone and the new scenery is melted.

Taoist Lu Yao knows the horsepower, and he welcomes him day by day.

(End of this chapter)

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