Both boys and girls were among the best in academic performance. They were admitted to the same junior high school in junior high school and the same high school in high school. Even in college, they were all admitted to the same prestigious school, but with different majors. Both boys and girls consider each other their childhood sweethearts.

In college, the boy was no longer the ignorant boy. He became sociable and turned into a tall, handsome and sunny boy. The girl is not that young and astringent little girl, she is now mature and graceful. Boys and girls seem to be a perfect match.

The girl looked at the boy in school, as if he was like a fish in water, he could chat with everyone, and he had a wide range of communication. The boy was simply the prince charming in the eyes of many girls.

Every time a boy goes to find a girl, the girl is drawing the design seriously. Until the girl finishes drawing, the boy can't bear to disturb the girl, because he thinks she is the most beautiful at this time.

Gradually, as the graduation date approaches, the boy has more and more things to do, while the girl often goes out to collect materials because of the need for painting. The two met less frequently.

Once, the girl's friend told her that she saw a boy in a bar, more than once. The girl just pursed her lips and shook her head, expressing disbelief. The girl believed that the boy would not go to that kind of place to have fun.

This is indeed the case. The boy only went there part-time and part-time. The boy only mentioned this when he took out the watch he gave to the girl on her birthday.

Time passed slowly. On the day of graduation, the girl gave the boy a letter and said to the boy: "Do you still remember our time treasure box? We can open them in two years. You have to wait until we take out this letter." Our time treasure box can only be opened and viewed later. Then I can grant you a request, but you are not allowed to come to me in the past two years, but I allow you to call me. "

Two years passed in a hurry, and the boy kept his promise and kept the letter from the girl without opening it.

In the past two years, through the connections he accumulated in school and two years of hard work, the boy finally reached the position of director of a company and saved a lot of money in his bank account. But what confused the boy was that the girl hadn't called him in the past two months. When the boy called, no one answered.

So the boy is going to find the girl and tell her that he can fulfill his promise 20 years ago and take the girl around the world. When I found the girl's home, I was told by the landlord that the girl had left here for half a year. It was said that she had some illness and had been living in the hospital.

The boy came to the girl's home very happily, but when he heard the news, he felt that the whole world was dark, just like the sky outside, dark and gray...

After asking about the hospital where the girl was treated, the boy quickly drove to the hospital where the girl was staying.

When he saw the girl's thin face, the boy raised his head and closed his eyes hard to prevent tears from flowing down, because the boy didn't want the girl to see his weak side.

When the girl heard the sound of opening the door and turned her head and saw that it was a boy, she comforted the boy softly, not wanting the boy to worry: "You are here. I didn't expect you to find me. But don't worry, I'm fine."

Listening to the girl comforting herself weakly, the boy tried his best to smile and show that he was fine. However, the girl was okay. When the boy entered the ward, he had already asked the girl's attending doctor. The girl had leukemia and had had it for two years. When the boy heard this, he almost smashed the test sheet.

"You know everything, right?" The girl stared at the boy's face. "Did the doctor say that I'm fine in the near future, but I don't know when the next attack will occur. Don't worry, I know that my disease can no longer be cured. I won't be sad and shed tears every day. I have looked away. .You too, don’t be sad, okay?”

"Let's go get our time treasure box. It's been 20 years. I don't want to have any regrets." The girl suddenly turned around and said to the boy who was peeling an apple for herself.

The boy looked at the dark cloud-covered sky outside the window, then turned to stare at the girl who was struggling to hold half an apple. He slowly exhaled for a long time, as if all the strength in his body had been drained, and finally nodded. The girl agreed.

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