"This is the tree. I didn't expect that this cherry blossom forest is still there. You can dig them out. I will sit on the bench next to you and wait for you." When they came to the "Time Treasure Box" that belonged to boys and girls, they were buried. "After sitting under the cherry blossom tree, the girl said to the boy holding her arm beside her.

Cherry blossoms in April are the best time to bloom.

After the dark clouds left, wisps of sunlight broke through the barriers of the dark clouds and shone down. The cherry blossoms falling through the moist air made the beauty in front of him look so sad.

"tick, tick"

The boy held two "time treasure boxes" belonging to a boy and a girl in his hands, but his tears couldn't stop falling.

"Why didn't you wait for me... didn't you say you wanted to wait for me to take out the box?" The two "Time Treasure Boxes" representing boys and girls in his hands fell down with the boy's hoarse shout...

It turned out that when the boy was digging out the box, the girl had already collapsed on the bench, with a lot of nosebleeds flowing out. She looked so poignant and weak against the white gauze skirt...

The boy carried the girl to the hospital like crazy, but the result was so distressing...

"Why do you think a park was suddenly built here?"

"I heard that someone bought this cherry blossom forest and turned it into a park. Are you stupid for building a park in this remote place?"

People who come to this park to rest from time to time often see a young man pruning the leaves of a cherry blossom tree every year.

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