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Chapter 21 Casting

Chapter 21 Casting
"Lianlian Notebook" is a very cliché love story.

To put it bluntly, the poor boy fell in love with the rich daughter.

But isn't that what love stories are about?

"Titanic" is also a poor boy who falls in love with a rich daughter, and Ruth is also engaged, which is considered cheating.

But who can refuse Xiao Li who is in his early 20s.

Hou Ke had watched the cut of "Sniping the Telephone Booth" a few years ago and had confidence in Cheng Yu'an.

After reading the story of "The Notebook", he decided to invest in it, but he still didn't relax:
"The story is a good story, but you also know the situation in the factory. The 50 you invested in before has caused dissatisfaction among many old directors, saying that they would rather invest in a fresh graduate than support the art of the old director. creation."

"They also want to fight for 50 yuan?" Cheng Yu'an was puzzled?

"You don't know, the environment is bad now, the money is deducted from the nails, and every penny is precious." Hou Keming talked about his years as the factory manager, and he had mixed feelings in his heart, " For your play, the factory will still give you 50 yuan, no more will be available.”

Cheng Yu'an originally wanted to deduct 200 million from Qingying Studio, but he didn't expect it to be 50: "Okay, 50 is 50, it's better than nothing."

Cheng Yu'an went to the production department of China Film Group again. He thought that "Sniping the Phone Booth" was a good film and China Film Group would like to invest in it, but he got the same answer. China Film Group has no money, but it can help distribute it.

In the end, I still called Andy Lau and the Bank Supervision Agency. The two of them invested 200 million, and Yinhuang invested another 200 million, and then the investment was completed.


Cheng Yu'an is thinking about the casting of "Lian Lian Notebook" at the company.

Formal crews will not release news that they want to cast a role, usually they are recommended by friends in the circle and invited by the producer.

The original "Lian Lian Notebook" actor is Ryan Gosling.

After "The Notebook" was tepid, he became popular with "La La Land" and then took on "Blade Runner 2049".

The heroine Rachel McAdams has been in small scenes such as the MTV Movie Awards or the Teen Choice Awards. "Focus" won the Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actress.

Cheng Yu'an doesn't want to be bound by the original version, but also chooses the right actors according to the film.

Just thinking about it, the girl at the front desk of the company came in:
"Director Cheng, someone is here."

"Who?" Cheng Yu'an raised his head and asked, seeing two people standing behind the little girl.

A square face, big eyes.

A young face with glasses.

The little girl introduced: "The assistant director I found for you. Huang Ke and Guo Fei went to "Young Emperor", and Mr. Cheng recruited two new assistant directors for you." Then she introduced to the two, "This is our The company's vice president and creative director, director Cheng Yu'an."

The big-faced boy was obviously much more mature, and he took the initiative to shake hands: "Hi, Director Cheng, my name is Ning Hao."

The little boy wearing glasses also introduced himself: "Hi Dao Cheng, my name is Han Yan."

Cheng Yu'an was overjoyed when he heard the introduction of the two: "Hello, sit down."

Then she said to Ning Hao: "I know you, you won the Best Director at the College Student Film Festival, right?"

Ning Hao chuckled.

Cheng Yu'an turned to Han Yan again, seeing that he was very young, so he asked, "Have you graduated yet?"

Han Yan was a little embarrassed: "I am a freshman this year."

"Come out to run a film crew in your freshman year? That's hard work."

"Accumulate more experience."

"Okay, since it was recruited by Lingfeng, let's keep them all. Han Yan, you are only a freshman, and you still have to attend school classes. You should be the assistant director of casting first. Interview and recruit actors in the capital will not delay your class. , Ning Hao is the on-site assistant director. Is it okay?"

What else could the two of them say, of course they agreed.

"I have a new play here," Cheng Yu'an said, and gave the script of "Lian Lian Notebook" to the two of them. "You guys read the script first, and if you have any comments, just ask. Let's make this play well together."

The two sat down to read the script, while Cheng Yu'an continued to think about the actors.

Not long after, the two put down the script, and Ning Hao said first:
"The story is very good, a straightforward love story."

"Yeah." Freshman Han Yan echoed.

"Now let's decide on the cast. If you have any ideas, just let us know." Cheng Yu'an had several actors in his mind, but he still asked for their opinions.

"The leading actor, Li Jianming, is the first thing I think of is Lu Yi. He is famous, has acting skills, and looks good."

Cheng Yu'an nodded, Lu Yihai made his debut in Yan drama, won the Golden Eagle Best Actor in 00, and starred in the popular "Youth Bao Qingtian 2", he is one of the hottest niches at the moment.

"He is really good, count him as one, is there any more?"

Han Yan took the words: "How is Huang Xiaoming?"

Cheng Yu'an thought for a while, Huang Xiaoming was two years older than him, and the two knew each other. Now Huang Xiaoming has not changed his character, and his enthusiasm for acting is still there. He performed very well in "The Son of Heaven".

It is said that he was specially recruited by their head teacher.

During the exam, other teachers didn't like him, saying that he acted like a piece of wood, but he was good-looking.

Teacher Cui resisted all opinions: "Even if it is a piece of wood, it is still a beautiful piece of wood."

So Huang Xiaoming entered the film school.

Cheng Yu'an smiled: "Xiao Ming basically meets the requirements, but he is a little short of size. Let's wait and see."

"The heroine Ellie, I thought about it for a while, how about Fan Xiaopang if she wants to be pretty?" Ning Hao said.

Cheng Yu'an shook her head: "No, she is beautiful enough, but her temperament is wrong, she is too charming. And I guess she doesn't have time, she is filming Feng Xiaogang's "Mobile Phone"."

"Where's little Song Jia?"

Little Song Jia has a good image and temperament, and Cheng Yu'an immediately listed her as a candidate.

"Director Cheng, I think of an actor for the role of Ellie's father, Teacher Sun Yanjun." Han Yan said.

Cheng Yu'an thought for a moment, and his eyes lit up: "Teacher Sun Yanjun is really suitable for this role. Where is he now? I haven't heard from him for a long time."

Ning Hao said: "Teacher Sun has gone to sea and is the dean of a private art school in Guangdong Province."

Cheng Yu'an thought for a while: "Let's decide Teacher Sun to play this role first. Han Yan, you bring someone to talk, and then talk about it if you can't agree. Speaking of this, Ai Li's mother, what do you think of Teacher Zheng Shuang?"

Little Zheng Shuang doesn't know where she is yet, so there's no need to call her Big Zheng Shuang.

The two immediately thought of the image of Hu Sanniang in "Water Margin".

"Teacher Zheng Shuang has a good image and temperament, but I'm afraid she is too beautiful to steal the heroine's role." Ning Hao expressed his concern.

"It's okay, I'm not afraid to make Mr. Zheng Shuang a little older."

"Then I think Teacher Zheng Shuang is very suitable."

"Okay, let's do this first. Ai Li's parents will appoint Sun Yanjun and Zheng Shuang as teachers. Han Yan, you can communicate with these two roles." Cheng Yu'an arranged.

"Okay." Han Yan's tone revealed excitement. He never expected to be able to participate in the casting on the first day of his employment, and he delegated the power to himself to discuss.

"You guys get to know each other better at the company first. I'll go out and invite some actors in person."

The two actors Cheng Yuan wanted to invite were in Renyi, and he had thought about inviting them when he was writing the script of "The Notebook".

"Hello, I'm Cheng Yu'an. I'm looking for Dean Liu. I called you before." When he came to Renyi, he reported his background, and Cheng Yu'an was taken to the office of the director of Renyi, Liu Jingyun.

in the door.

"Hello, Dean Liu."

"Cheng Dao, young and promising, please sit down."

When talking on the phone a few days ago, Cheng Yu'an said that he would invite some actors from Renyi to act in his own movie.

Liu Jingyun is naturally very happy. Nowadays, dramas are not easy to do and are out of fashion. The audience likes to watch TV and movies.

Renyi, as the number one player in domestic drama, lives like that.

Theater actors have long had opinions, and they have switched to TV dramas in the past two years.

But what makes Liu Jingyun angry is that if you go out to film, you can shoot. You will either have a high box office or win awards. Both will make the theater look good.


Every time Liu Jingyun thinks about the development of the theater, he has a headache.

In the end, we can only blame the current bad domestic market.

"Principal Liu, I'm here this time mainly to invite teachers Lan Tianye and Lu Zhong. I don't know if it's convenient for them."

"Hmm..." Liu Jingyun pondered for a while, then said, "Both teachers have retired. Mr. Lan is still helping the theater bring in newcomers, and Mr. Lu is now focusing on filming."

"Are the two teachers in the theater now?"

"Teacher Lan is here. Teacher Lu just returned to the capital two days ago and is resting at home."

"I'm sorry, Dean Liu. I'll go see Teacher Lan and see if I can please move him, and then I'll visit Teacher Lu."

Old man Lan Tianye's life was a legend. He withdrew from the Kuomintang-controlled area to the JF area. In order to cut off contact with everything in the Kuomintang-controlled area, he changed his name overnight to Lan Tianye.

The old man started to do dramas in the mid-40s, and the most classic and well-known character is of course the finale of Renyi's drama - Qin Zhongyi and Qin Erye in "Teahouse".

There is also Jiang Ziya in "Feng Shen Bang".

That's called a celestial spirit.

The old man is rehearsing a play for the newcomers in the small theater. Before entering the theater, he can hear his loud and clear lines.

The old man is over 70.

 After eating for a whole day, even sitting at the children's table is tiring.

(End of this chapter)

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