Light and shadow player

Chapter 22 Chapter 22

Chapter 22 No.20 Two Zhang Yi
"Hello, Teacher Lan, I really like your Second Master Qin." Cheng Yu'an took the initiative to say hello.

"It's a pity that I was born late, and I couldn't catch up with the performance you and Mr. Yu performed in 92." Cheng Yu'an's tone was full of regret.

So at that time, Alzheimer's disease was already very serious, and that "Tea House" became his curtain call performance. Although the performance was not perfect, so he forgot his words, but the audience still gave warm applause to send off the best shopkeeper Wang Lifa.

Lan Tianye and Cheng Yu'an sat in the theater and chatted about dramas, from Shakespeare to Chekhov, to Guo Moruo and Lao She, the more they chatted, the more speculative they became.

Seeing that the old man was happy, Cheng Yu'an said, "Teacher Lan, I'm a film director. I'm here today to ask you to act in a play."

"Oh? Now there are still plays that my old bones can act in." Lan Tianye smiled, took the script and read it.

Cheng Yu'an waited slowly for Lan Tianye to finish reading. After a long time, Lan Tianye let out a sigh of relief: "Your book is good. Shall I play the old man Li Jianming?"

"Yes, when I wrote the script, I wrote it for your image." Cheng Yu'an flattered the old man without leaving a trace.

The old man was very helpful: "This role is very good, I took it, when will the filming start?"

"Next month, but you don't have to worry, first finish filming the scenes when you were young, and then concentrate on filming the scenes of old Li Jianming and Ellie."


"Mr. Lan, I have to ask you one more thing. Elder Ellie, I want to ask Teacher Lu Zhong to play the role, so I need your help to talk about it."

"No problem. She just returned to the capital two days ago, and she came to the theater to sit for a while yesterday. She should be at home today. Let's go. I'll take you to find her." The old man did what he said, got up and walked out.

The two came to Lu Zhong's house, and it was her lover, teacher Wu Guilin who was also an actor, who opened the door.

"Old Lan, why don't you come to my house today when you have time? Come, come, please come in quickly. Hey, who is this young man?"

Cheng Yuan introduced himself.

Lan Tianye went on to say: "He came here to invite Lu Zhong to make a movie, and he didn't call your old lady here."

"Okay, sit down, I'll call someone for you."

Lu Zhong was born in 40 years, and he is only 63 years old now. He is still in good health, and his body is thin, so he doesn't look old at all.

Cheng Yu'an told the story of "Lian Lian Notebook", and the old lady also liked this story very much. After seeing Lan Tianye, she agreed, and even brought someone to invite her. There is no reason to disagree.

After finalizing the two old drama stars, and watching the rehearsal at Renyi for a while, Cheng Yu'an said goodbye.

It was already very late, Cheng Yu'an walked around the company, and found that Ning Hao and Han Yan were still discussing the filming of the movie together, and after a few words of encouragement, he asked them to go home from get off work.

For the next few days, Cheng Yu'an and his team huddled in the company to discuss the casting and setting of "Lian Lian Notebook".

Han Yan has already led people to discuss the roles of Sun Yanjun and Zheng Shuang.

At present, there are not many actors and actresses to choose from in the market. After much deliberation, few of them have any good ideas. Cheng Yuan simply called a friend to recommend:

"Hey, teacher Wang Zhiwen? I'm Yu'an, yes, yes, the post-production of "Sniper Phone Booth" has been completed, and I have signed up for the Brussels Fantastic Film Festival. Wait for their notification. Teacher Wang, I have a new film, There is a lack of a heroine for a romance film. I would like to ask if there is anyone there who can recommend it to me? Oh, I have a hard time choosing a casting director. It is too difficult to find a suitable actor.

"Request? Be more beautiful, taller, love scenes, it must be handsome men and beautiful women. Well, there is a kiss scene, and a bed scene, but don't miss anything, only the back and silhouette of the upper body. Okay, help me find it Mo, I will treat you to dinner after I finish my work."

Cheng Yu'an also sent audition invitations to Lu Yi and Huang Xiaoming, but their managers rejected them due to their inconsistent schedules.

After asking a few friends in the circle, Cheng Yu'an put down the phone, rubbed his brows, and asked Ning Hao, "How did you choose the filming location?"

Ning Hao unfolded his notebook: "According to the characteristics of our drama, it can be roughly divided into two major scenes, one is an urban scene, and the other is a village near the water. The market in the city is easy to say, the Minguo Street in Huairou and the film and television city in Shanghai They can be photographed. This village near the water is a bit troublesome. Our story happened when it was warm, but now it is winter, so it is difficult to find. I chose a few places, how about Baiyangdian and Beidaihe?"

Cheng Yu'an nodded: "Go and have a look in the afternoon. If it's suitable, we can shoot near the capital and save a little cost. If it's not suitable, we can only go south. It's still too cold."

The two were talking, and there was a quarrel at the front desk of the company.

"Let me try it, I don't need a paycheck."

"If you say no, you can't. You don't come to the door like this."

"Miss, I'm an actor in a professional theater troupe, just let me try, I know your company is casting."

"Sir, the casting is in charge of the company's special personnel. I have no right to let you in. If you continue to do this, it will interfere with our normal work. Please leave."

"Miss, I..."

Cheng Yu'an came out to see that the girl at the front desk was arguing with a tall and thin man.

"What's wrong?" Cheng Yu'an asked.

"Mr. Cheng, I don't know where he got the news that our company is looking for actors. If you insist on coming in, you won't be able to leave." The little girl replied.

Cheng Yu'an looks human, with small eyes, big mouth, and thick lips. He is tall, but he is too thin.

Ugly and ugly.

Such an actor is really not good for acting.

"Okay, I'll take care of this." The girl at the front desk agreed, and Cheng Yu'an said to the visitor, "Come in with me."

"Thank you." The man bowed slightly to express his gratitude.

Bringing him into the conference room, Cheng Yu'an asked, "What's your name?"

"My name is Zhang Yi."

Cheng Yu'an smiled and said, "It looks like he was a soldier."

"Well, I'm in the comrade-in-arms repertory troupe."

"How's it going in the repertory theater?"

Zhang Yi shook his head: "I have never been able to act in the repertory troupe. I do some odd jobs, and occasionally I can play a double reed or a supporting role."

"Are the troops let out to act?" Cheng Yu'an asked.

"It's okay, just report to the troupe." Zhang Yi replied.

"I'm indeed recruiting actors here, but don't mind if I speak straight," Cheng Yu'an said.

"It's okay, just say it." Zhang Yi straightened his back.

"This is a very romantic love drama. The hero and heroine must be good-looking. I'm afraid your image is not very suitable." Cheng Yu'an said bluntly.

"I know, if I can play a supporting role that shows my face, I will be satisfied. It would be even better if I can say a few more lines." Zhang Yi is also a straightforward person.

Ning Hao, who was sitting beside him, was amused by his words, and Cheng Yu'an also laughed, and said, "With your words, I will be able to handle it easily. I really have a role here. If you are not too young, I will give it to you. How about it?" ?”

"Thank you, I can act." Zhang Yi quickly nodded his thanks.

"You took it before reading the script?" Cheng Yu'an joked.

Zhang Yi smiled awkwardly.

"This is the script, you should read it first." Cheng Yu'an gave Zhang Yi the script of the male lead's best friend in "The Notebook".

This role is quite a bit of a role, with a lot of lines and a good number of appearances. He has a real name in the play and can have end credits.

Zhang Yi quickly read it and felt that he was really suitable for this role, so he immediately stated that he could play it.

"It's fine if you don't think you're too young, go sign the contract, this role is yours now."

"Thank you Director Cheng, I will definitely perform well." Zhang Yi is very grateful to Cheng Yu'an for giving him this opportunity.

 After a day of eating in the village, I was so tired.I won't be going out as a guest tomorrow, so I can update it earlier.Goodnight everybody.

(End of this chapter)

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