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Chapter 23 "The Notebook" in progress

Chapter 23 "The Notebook" in progress
Remote Media has been very busy during this time. Filming of "Young Son of Heaven" has already started in Shunyi, and "The Notebook" has basically finished casting and scouting.

Zhang Qi: Zhang Yi

Li Jianming (male lead): Liu Huohua

Ai Li (female lead): Li Xiaoran
Elderly Li Jianming: Blue Fields

Elderly Ellie: Lu Zhong

Ellie's father: Sun Yanjun
Ai Li's mother: Zheng Shuang

Li Jianming's father: Pu Cunxin

Liu Xueting (Ai Li's fiancé): None

Cheng Yu'an was very satisfied with this casting list.These actors have good acting skills, and the prices are not expensive.

"Liu Xueting, let me find someone." Cheng Yu'an said as he took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Kun'er, are you in the capital? I'm missing a male second here, would you come? Okay, um, you come to the company this afternoon to sign the contract, okay, let's have dinner together when you have time, hang up."

Cheng Yu'an hung up the phone: "It's done."

"Who did you find?"

"Chen Kun."

When the crew of "Lian Lian Notebook" was ready to set off to shoot in Dali, the time had come to the beginning of March.

Cheng Yu'an chose the Erhai Lake as the shooting location, where the climate is mild and the scenery is pleasant, which is very suitable for shooting romance films.

The launch conference was very simple, and it only needed a round of interviews with local media in Yunnan Province and several online media.

""Lianlian Notebook" takes one scene at a time, Action!"

Cheng Yu'an's second film officially started filming.

As for the capital, Cheng Lingfeng, who had money, decided to go all out and prepare to start another TV series.

It's too expensive not to shoot costume dramas.

Urban dramas save money and sell well, and the most economical urban dramas are youth school dramas!
Cheng Lingfeng has done careful market research, and the current TV drama market is monopolized by two categories, one is costume dramas, or martial arts, or historical jokes.

Another big category is period dramas.

There is a lack of campus idol themes that young people like.

However, there is a problem here. The TV remote control at home has been controlled by housewives for a long time. Do you expect them to be interested in youth school idol dramas?
Moreover, everyone knows that costume dramas and period dramas sell well. If you make a school idol drama, whether the TV station will pay for it is a matter of opinion.

But Cheng Lingfeng still decided to be the first person to eat crabs.

So she called Cheng Yu'an in Dali to ask for his opinion.

Cheng Yu'an lamented that Cheng Lingfeng has such a keen market vision that she can actually see the gaps in local youth idol dramas, so she said: "You can find a Taiwanese team to come here. They have a way of making idol dramas. I will take the time to write an outline for you here. You want them to perfect it."

At this time, Cheng Yu'an had finished the day's filming and was resting in the hotel.

Youth idol drama, campus idol drama.

Poor thing, Cheng Yu'an watched so few idol dramas that he could count them on one hand.

What should he do.

School Idol Drama School Idol Drama...

These words kept turning in his mind.

Got it!

How did mainland campus idol dramas get away with "The Sky of Heaven"!
Regardless of what later generations say about this drama, the protagonist is a criminal pretending to be X, which does not match the national conditions.But he is hot!
Who wouldn't hum "Red Stone"?
When watching idol dramas, don't think too much, the logic of the plot is basically coherent, and it's enough for handsome men and beautiful women to get together.

In two days, Cheng Yuan wrote the outline of "The Sky of Heaven" and sent it to Cheng Lingfeng.

After that, I continued to plunge into the shooting of "The Notebook".

"Huohua, you are a dear!"

"Old Liu, don't be cowardly!"

On the set, Liu Huohua held Li Xiaoran's face and kept his mouth shut for a long time.

The anxious staff yelled and booed beside them.


It was Li Xiaoran who laughed first, pointed at Qin Ranqiu and Cheng Yu'an and cursed: "None of you is a good person!"

"Crack! The crew rests!" Cheng Yu'an stopped shouting, and smiled at Li Xiaoran, "Why are we not good people?"

"You read the joke carefully."

The progress of "Lianlian Notebook" has been very slow.

The reason is that Liu Huohua and Li Xiaoran, the male and female protagonists, have been unable to let go.

But Cheng Yu'an has to take the blame for this.

He had calculated thousands of times, but he didn't realize that Liu Huohua and Li Xiaoran were friends at first, and they were too close to each other, so they couldn't find the right condition when they were filming intimate scenes.

Liu Huohua's girlfriend, Sister Po, is Li Xiaoran's best friend. Sister Po lived in Li Xiaoran's house when she was drifting north, and Liu Huohua and Li Xiaoran also got acquainted with each other.

Not all friends are like Brother Xun and Chen Kun, who can get into the mood so quickly as a couple.

For this reason, Cheng Yu'an specially called Sister Po and asked her to do ideological work for the two of them.

Sister Po is very generous, saying that the two of them can act as they want on the set, and don't need to take her into consideration. Apart from sleeping on the set, the two of them can stick together and feel like a passionate couple.

Don't think that the actors enjoy making intimacy scenes, except for a few psychologically twisted ones, the actors are actually under a lot of pressure when making intimacy scenes.

If the moves are small, the director will not be able to pass; if the moves are big, it will appear that he does not respect the opponent.

Both male and female actors.

"Huohua and Xiaoran rest first, we'll be filming old age scenes." Cheng Yu'an changed the plan.

Needless to say, the plays of the two teachers, Lan Tianye and Lu Zhong, are almost NG.

"Crack! Very good, it's over." Cheng Yu'an took off the earphones.

Cheng Yu'an looked at the playback screen on the monitor, and suddenly had an idea.

There is a scene in the middle, where the sons and daughters bring their grandchildren to visit the two.

Cheng Yu'an suddenly wanted to invite someone to come and play a guest role, so he did it when he thought about it, Cheng Yu'an picked up his mobile phone and started making calls.

"Hello, Director Cheng." A pleasant voice came from the phone.

"Hey, Sissy." That's right, Cheng Yu'an wanted to pull Liu Yifei into the crew to play the role of the protagonist's granddaughter, "What are you doing now?"

"I'm in school." Liu Yifei replied.

"Sissy, I'm filming a new film in Dali, do you have time to come and play as a guest?" Cheng Yu'an asked.

"Okay, okay, I haven't made a movie yet." The little girl cheered, but then the excitement went down again, "I want to ask my mother."

"No problem, you talk to mom first." It's just a temporary idea, it doesn't matter whether Liu Yifei comes or not.

Hang up the phone and continue shooting.

At the end of the shooting in the evening, Cheng Yu'an went back to the hotel room to see tomorrow's shooting plan.

After watching for a while, I received an English email.

Official from the Fantastic Film Festival in Brussels, Belgium.

Roughly speaking, "Sniper Phone Booth" has the opportunity to participate in the exhibition, please arrive in Brussels before April 4.

This is undoubtedly something to be happy about.

On the other side of the capital, our Miss Liu Yifei is pestering Mother Liu to go to Dali:
"Mom, just take me there. I haven't made a movie yet." Liu Yifei was in Mother Liu's arms.

"You've only been back to school for a few days and you want to go out again. Besides, this is just a guest role, and it's worth flying from the capital to Yunnan Province? If he shoots in the capital city, I will definitely let you go, but not in Yunnan Province, the road is too far away .” Mama Liu refused righteously.

Liu Yifei still wanted to be coquettish, but Liu Xiaoli obviously didn't like this, she stared at her, Liu Yifei immediately stopped and went back to the room obediently.

After returning to the room, Liu Yifei took out her mobile phone and called Cheng Yu'an, saying that her mother disagreed with her going to Dali, and the road was too far.

"It's okay." Cheng Yu'an didn't care, and it was originally a temporary idea, "You can rest, and I will find you to film in the future. Goodbye."

(End of this chapter)

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