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Chapter 263 Interview

Chapter 263 Interview
Liu Yifei ignored jet lag at the hotel, Cheng Yuan couldn't be so leisurely, got up early the next day, and spent the whole day in the company dealing with official business.

A major film company has the most cooperation in Hollywood with Universal and Fox, followed by Warner.

The company's movies with a cost of more than 5000 million are basically distributed by Universal, and the peripheral development of the movies has always been done by Universal.

Cheng Yuan chose to cooperate with Fox for some small and medium-budget horror films, comedies, and TV dramas.

"Inception" is the first film that Cheng Yu'an and Warner collaborated on. Warner returned the favor and gave a script of an all-star romantic comedy similar to "True Love Actually" to a big film company, and it was called "Lover" in a daze. Festival", produced by a major film company and distributed by Warner Bros.

This kind of film makes money, but not much.

It is difficult for an all-star romantic comedy like "True Love Actually" to lose money, and such a family-friendly romantic comedy can earn back its cost just by selling DVDs and online on-demand.

Warner also very "generously" gave the master control of this movie to Cheng Yu'an, accounting for a full 57%!
Take "Inception" in exchange for such a thing!

Talking is better than nothing, do it.

A few actresses who have always had a good relationship with the company, such as Anne Hathaway and Jessica Alba, were recruited, and they started working after the roles were assigned.

It is estimated that the filming will be completed in two months, and it will be released on Valentine's Day next year.

To say that Nolan really enjoys filming, flying around the world, shooting scenes everywhere.

China, Cardington, UK, Paris, France, Morocco, Canada.

Travel with public funds.

On the third day, Liu Yifei entered the group "Inception", accompanied by Cheng Yuping.

The whole crew is just a young lady and a foreigner. Chen Baoguo's role has already been wrapped, and he is afraid that Liu Yifei will be bullied by someone who is short-sighted.

The first day of filming went smoothly. During the rehearsal, Liu Yifei listened to Cheng Yu'an's words and found a strategy to match Xiao Li. The effect was good, and Xiao Li liked her quite a lot.Today's filming also took special care of her.

"Crack! Very good." Nolan shouted from the sidelines, "Crystal, you performed very well today. That's all for today, continue tomorrow."

The little sister went back to the dressing room to tidy up, and returned to the hotel with Liu's mother and Cheng Yu'an to accept an exclusive interview with Weibo Movie.

Self-owned business must be given priority.

"Mr. Cheng." The host came up to say hello, and the interview was arranged in the study of Cheng Yu'an's suite.

"If there are any procedures and problems, let's take a look first." Cheng and Liu took the manuscript and read it. They found a few very common questions and felt that there were no problems. They tidied up and the interview began.

"Hello, audience friends, this is Weibo Movie." The reporter began to say the opening remarks, "We are now in Los Angeles, USA, on the filming site of "Inception", and today we are going to interview our fairy sister Liu Yifei and "Inception" The chief producer is also our well-known domestic director, director Cheng Yu'an."

The two greeted the camera, and the reporter's first question was towards Liu Yifei. After all, she is an actress in front of the stage, and her popularity is even higher:

"Yifei, I think many of our viewers would like to know, how did you get the role of Adrian in "Inception"?"

"Actually, I've said it before, it's normal to go to an audition, and then I'm selected."

The reporter threw this question to Cheng Yu'an: "Director Cheng, what was the basis for choosing Yifei?"

Cheng Yu'an said: "Actually, I didn't choose her. It was decided by me and Warner. Warner did a detailed investigation on every audition actress before deciding on the role. They believed that Yifei's popularity in China would help Because of the box office of "Inception" and her good audition performance, she was finally confirmed."

Cheng Yu'an officially responded to the outside world as the chief producer, and there was no shady scene for Liu Yifei to get this role.

Because after the role was fixed, there was a popular opinion on the Internet, saying that Liu Yifei got the role because Cheng Yuan had hidden the rules.

Said that she had been with Cheng Yu'an in the United States for more than half a month before Cheng Yu'an agreed to give her this role.

The second question: "How does it feel for Yifei to join the group today?"

Liu Yifei said: "Because I had enough preparation time before, and I also came to rehearse and familiarize myself with the crew in the middle, I don't feel anything special about today's official filming, but I think Leon is very handsome with makeup and a suit on."

After the last sentence, Liu Yifei covered her mouth and smiled.

After asking Liu Yifei two questions, the reporter cue to Cheng Yuan:

"Then Director Cheng, can you tell us what is the original intention of creating "Inception"?"

Cheng Yu'an thought for a while, organized the language in his mind, and said: "Actually, "Inception" was originally a very crude script outline, and I put it on the blacklist of Hollywood scripts, hoping that some directors can read it. We filmed this story together. Later, Nolan came to me and said that he was very interested in the story of "Inception". I chatted with him a few times and found that many of his ideas coincided with mine, so Without much hesitation, we decided to do it together. From the decision to shoot to the launch, the pre-production took almost a year."

Cheng Yu'an nodded after finishing speaking, indicating that that's all he wanted to say.

The reporter took over the conversation: "As far as we know, Yifei's birthday will be celebrated in a few days. Our program team has prepared a gift for Yifei."

Liu Yifei didn't expect that the program team would come to this trick, and she really didn't receive the notice before.

Even Cheng Yu'an didn't know.

"We know that Yifei likes cats and dogs very much, so we specially brought a cat for Yifei." The reporter took the pet cage from the side and took out a cute British short-haired blue cat from it.

"Ah," Liu Yifei couldn't stand it immediately, "It's so cute." She said and hugged the cat from the reporter's arms.

"It's really cute. Thank you. Mom, look." Liu Yifei held up the cat and smiled at Liu's mother outside the camera.

Mother Liu also smiled and looked at her daughter.

"Brother, look, isn't it cute?" Liu Yifei handed the cat to Cheng Yu'an to hug.

Cheng Yu'an took it over and looked at it. The little guy is indeed very beautiful.

After giving the gift, the interview ended: "Okay, our interview is over here, I wish our Yifei a happy birthday, and the filming went smoothly."

"Thank you."

During the whole interview, Cheng Yu'an only said a few words, he was a tool person through and through.

On the 25th, Cheng Yu'an took the mother and daughter to a big meal and celebrated Liu Yifei's 22nd birthday.

After watching the crew for another week to ensure that Liu Yifei was okay with the crew, he returned home with peace of mind.

Because "The Wind" was about to be released, he was required to be present for the early publicity and platform.

What's more, "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is about to be released. As one of the planners of the film, he didn't come to the launch conference, so he must come to the premiere!
(End of this chapter)

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