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Chapter 350 The Golden Horse Storm

Chapter 350 The Golden Horse Storm
China Film could not get the overseas share of "Inception", but in China, he made at least 1 million.

So Director Han put his mind on "The Hunger Games" again, just like "Inception", with a part of China Film Casting, and no overseas distribution of accounts—because he also knows that Cheng Yu'an will not distribute the global accounts to him for this kind of film—— The domestic account sharing ratio is a little higher.

But he was ruthlessly rejected by Cheng Yu'an.

Just kidding, the total cost of the tetralogy is only 2 million US dollars, and the total box office is 30 billion. Cheng Yu'an will not give anyone else a penny.

"The investment of "The Hunger Games" is not high, only 7000 million U.S. dollars. It is not considered a big production in Hollywood. Many producers are not optimistic about our adaptation, saying that "Twilight" was stepped on by us. "The Hunger Games" "Can you be stepped on by me again?

"I can't even get any money for this movie. The 7000 million yuan is all paid by us." Cheng Yu'an did not lie in the last sentence. The 7000 million yuan was really paid by himself. The 7000 million was divided up.

That's what Cheng Yu'an said, and it's up to Dong Han to believe it or not, since he won't split "The Hunger Games" anyway.

This year's Golden Horse Awards, Yuanyuan sent two low-budget films, one "The Dark Side" and one "A Little Thing of First Love".

The company gave face, Chen Zhixi couldn't leave, and asked a production vice president to lead the team. From the director to the actors, everyone from the two crews went.

Cheng Yu'an wouldn't even go there, he just got back from the United States and joined the crew to catch up with the progress.

The two films performed well in Bay Island, both exceeding NT$1.2 million (RMB 2700 million). Brother Hu, Yang Xue and Tong Liya also have fans on the island.

Brother Hu is happy to be nominated for his first Best Actor since he was a movie star, but he also knows in his heart that it is impossible to win an award if you give a nomination to make your resume look better.

The one with the highest probability of winning the award is Han Yan, who is very likely to win the best new director.

"The best new actor of the 47th Golden Horse Awards is..." The award presenter Wang Baijie held the envelope and glanced at the audience, "Tong Liya, "A Little Thing of First Love."

Yaya in the audience covered her mouth, she really couldn't believe that she won the Golden Horse Award for the first time starring in a movie.

Teng Huatao patted her and signaled her to come to the stage to accept the award.

Tong Liya got up and hugged and shook hands with Director Teng and the actors of "A Little Thing of First Love".

On stage, Tong Liya was about to cry:

"I really didn't expect to win this award. Thank you for the Golden Horse Award, director Teng, my two younger brothers (Zhu Yilong and Zhang Ruoyun), and director Cheng Yu'an from a distance. Thank you."

Liu Yifei watched the live broadcast and was jealous: "I haven't won the best newcomer yet."

"It's been almost 10 years since you debuted, and you still want to win the best newcomer?" Cheng Yu'an teased.

Liu Yifei glared at him and ignored him.

Cheng Yu'an continued: "Didn't you take the number one spot in the global popularity index on the IMDB movie newcomer list in 08? That counts."

"What does this have to do with movies!" Liu Yifei knew that Cheng Yu'an was deliberately teasing her.

Later, Han Yan really defeated all the competitors and won the Best New Director Award.

When the last few best individual awards were presented, they were upset in a row.

Xu Fan, the most popular actress, lost to Lu Liping, and Wang Xueqi, the most popular actor, lost to Ruan Jintian.

"What are they doing!" Liu Yifei found it inconceivable when she saw it, "Isn't this messing around. He's not even the protagonist!"

Yes, the hero of "Monga" is Zhao Youting!

"We won two newcomer awards, Lao Hu also nominated Best Actor, the results are very good, it's none of our business.

"If the Golden Horse Awards dare to do this, they must be prepared to be scolded."

"Who will scold."

"Do you think Feng Xiaogang will let go of the Golden Horse Award?" Cheng Yu'an said with a smile, "How could he be reconciled to losing his daughter-in-law like this. Look, Feng Xiaogang and Sun Haiying are going to quarrel again."

The two quarreled from the middle of the year to the end of the year, and Sun Haiying began to say that Feng Xiaogang was pretending to be foreign: "Movies are also impetuous. There are always two or three people in China who are jumping around. Feng Xiaogang is pretending to be foreign."

"Chinese entertainment films are already a desert. Feng Xiaogang's current state is because too many people are willing to praise him for his stinky feet."

Well, the hornet's nest was stabbed, and the two started to quarrel with each other on Weibo.

After "Tangshan Earthquake", Sun Haiying said: "I never watch domestic films, and I never went to see "Tangshan Earthquake" with the movie tickets sent by Feng Xiaogang."

Within a few days, Feng Xiaogang responded: "I didn't send him a ticket. If he needs medicine, I can give it to him."

Finally at the end of the year, the Golden Horse Award ignited Director Feng's violent temper again, and began to bombard the Golden Horse: "It is expected that they will have such a trick, so I decided to accompany Lao Xu on this trip. Before leaving, I said to Fanzi: You have to I don’t need to be there for the award. If you don’t have the award, I will definitely be by your side. Sure enough, it’s necessary to go with you. The big sale of "Tang" has already made today’s results. It sold 6.6 million and you still have the award? I hate you for being too late .This is ecological balance. But I will not persuade Fan not to go, all I can do is to hold Li Yuanni's hand at that moment. She is a victim of the route struggle."

But Sun Haiying did not fear him at all: "Before Liping went to Wandao, I encouraged her, and she must be the best actress. The Golden Horse is a sincere and unglamorous film festival. If she does not win this award, the Golden Horse Award will not be awarded." reality."

The two quarreled fiercely on Weibo, but in Cheng Yuan's view, the more lively the quarrel, the better, and it would be best to have an offline Weibo live broadcast appointment.

Because of the scolding between the two, Weibo has gained several million users in the past few days.

I forgot to mention that this year's Golden Horse Awards, Ning Hao is one of the judges.

At the same time, as the creative director of remote media (real director, paid), he announced his two remote films next year at the film forum and film market of the Golden Horse Awards.

He will not direct a new film next year, he will participate in both films as a producer.

One is "Golden Heist", scheduled for summer vacation.After all, he listened to Cheng Yu'an's words, and instead of directing "Golden Heist", he chose to bring a newcomer to shoot.

The second film is called "Front and Cloud", directed by Cheng Er and produced by Ning Hao.

The relationship between Cheng Er and Yuan Yuan was neither salty nor weak. At the beginning, when he had no money to eat, he reluctantly filmed "Sunflower", and then he had no contact with Yuan Yuan.

However, Ning Hao and Cheng Er are neighbors, and their relationship is not bad. At the end of the year, Ning Hao and his wife set up a match and agreed to invest in "Frontier Storm" remotely.

No matter how many film plans there are, Ning Hao will not announce any more.

The reporter asked about the vice president of remote production who came to participate in the exhibition, but he did not disclose any more information: "Except for "Painted Skin 2", which has been scheduled for National Day, other information is temporarily inconvenient to disclose."

"The company will still put the cultivation of new actors and directors in an important position, and will notify everyone as soon as there are new films."

"Director Cheng is filming "You Who Came from the Stars", and will go to the United States to shoot "The Hunt" after the film is finished."

I won't reveal any more.

(End of this chapter)

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