Chapter 498 Returning to China
Cheng Yu'an originally wanted to go to Canada to visit his girlfriend first, but Liu Yifei refused: "The country is waiting for you, so I won't occupy you anymore, go back, I'll finish it in a few days."

I always feel that Liu Yifei has something to hide from me recently, and she deliberately hides from me.

But what Liu Yifei said was indeed such a truth, Cheng Yu'an didn't think much about it, and returned to China.

The "Old Father" crew was warmly welcomed at the airport.

Both Cheng Yu'an and Jiang Wenli were fine, they often participated in film festivals, and won many awards. This kind of battle still couldn't scare them.

Tong Liya was too nervous.

It's a supporting role, that's right, it's true that he showed his face for a few minutes.

But didn't he brush his face seriously in Cannes, did he stand on the highest stage of Cannes on behalf of the "Old Father" crew, and whether Ms. Tong Liya was written on the certificate.

That's right!

And Cheng Yu'an also deliberately pushed Tong Liya, and took the initiative to tell the reporter: "Our Yaya is also doing very well, you can interview her a few more words."

"Yaya, what special gain did you get from going to Cannes this time?" The reporter was also very generous.

"I met many outstanding filmmakers and broadened my horizons."

"What's your plan next?"

"Going to Cannes has delayed a lot of productions in the past few days, and I have to work overtime later."

Cheng Yu'an interjected, "Yaya will have a new movie released this year, and she's partnering with Brother Hu. I hope everyone will join in."

Only then did Tong Liya realize that her own "When a Man is in Love" will be released in August, and she also answered, "Yes, it's called "When a Man is in Love". It will be released on Qixi Festival."

After a brief interview at the airport, Yuan Yuan and his group left by car.

In the past few days in Cannes, there is no news in the domestic market.

"To Youth" has been in theaters for 32 days, and now the box office is set at 4.13 million. There are still about 10 days before the release, and it seems that there will be no waste.

The biggest winner is of course "Iron Man 3". As of now, the total box office in the mainland has exceeded 7.3 million, ranking second in the year after "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons".

"Qingying Studio is urging "Old Father" to be finalized." Cheng Yuan told him to finalize "Old Father" as soon as Cheng Yuan returned to the company.

"Old Father" is co-produced by Qingying Studio, the Palme d'Or, this face is greatly appreciated.

"You can decide whatever you want, I really hope that this film will win the box office." Even with the Palme d'Or bonus, "Old Father" is unlikely to be a big hit in the environment of domestic literary films.

"Then I will set it on the 25th of next month?" To make a literary film, you must have the consciousness to be a literary film.

The overseas copyright of "Old Father" has been sold to more than 200 countries and regions, and the cost has already been recovered.

Cheng Yu'an looked at the market in June, and was startled.

June 2013 may be a magical month recorded in Chinese film history.

"Rich Two Generations" are all released this month: "Tianji · Dwelling in Fuchun Mountains", "Super Detective" and "Little Times".

"Tiny Times" was produced remotely.

The three films won a total of 10 billion at the box office, which is amazing.

There is no particularly good schedule for "Old Father" to be released in the future, and Cheng Yu'an agreed to release "Old Father" on June 6.

In the next few days, Cheng Yu'an began to give lectures and hold meetings in various places.

The big theme is still a cliché: "Domestic films go abroad."

Cheng Yu'an didn't want to talk about this kind of issue in his heart, but he couldn't stand the organizer's decision on such a topic, so he could only hold his nose and talk about it.

He prefers to talk about specific creative issues in various art schools.

For example, he talked about the positioning and dissemination of art films in the market.

In the last play, it is about the dramatic conflict in the script creation and the echo of the audience's emotions.

In the film school of his alma mater, he even taught a 2-hour open class on film.


Most of the company's actors are from colleges, and most of them think that if you want to be popular, you have to have good performances for the audience.

But the appearance of a person broke this traditional understanding.

It's Reba.

This 21-year-old girl has never acted in a serious role since she joined the company, but she is so popular!
It is because of "Running Man".

"Running Man" brought her so much traffic that Liu Yifei gave her "Now You See Me" which she couldn't handle.

And "Now You See Me" has been confirmed to be introduced, and it will be the closing film of the Shanghai International Film Festival to be held next month.

Now Reba has flown to the United States with her agent to promote the movie.

"Now Now You See Me" was released in 1300 theaters on the first day, with a box office of over 700 million US dollars. After the expansion of the release, it earned 2900 million US dollars in the first week in North America.

Reba's exotic face and first-class figure make her very popular overseas.

Reba's fans finally stood up. Most of them are Reba's physical fans, and they are often attacked by other fans: "Your Reba doesn't even have a decent work."

I'm so angry, but I really can't refute it.

Now that "You Now You See Me" has been released, I'm finally hardened.

The fans took the initiative to move the praise from the external network to the domestic to beat the face of black fans.

The black fans couldn't slander the work, so they started to change directions: "Liu Yifei gave her this play because she didn't want it. What's so good about picking up what others left."

It can't be said that, it may not be very good to pick up things left by others, but that's not the case for acting.

Reba's fans also had something to say: "Do you know what resource sharing is for sisters? Acting and filming don't count as picking up other people's leftovers."

"Ren Yifei is the proprietress. Sister? Can your idol catch up?"

But the next day, Liu Yifei retweeted Reba's Weibo post promoting "You Now You See Me" in the United States, and accompanied it with a love emoji.

Everyone in the company is crazy about Reba.

How can she, a little girl in 92, who has never acted before, have so many fans and be able to appear in a big Hollywood production.

Not only are there objections within the company, but even Jing Tian, ​​a remote senior non-staff employee, also complains.

She thinks she can also play the role of Henry, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

She has no problem with English, and she doesn't have to learn it from scratch like Reba.

It's just that my figure is not as good as this little girl in 92. Henry needs to show off his figure when he appears in the play...but...but I can put it on, it's not bad to put it on.

The current Tiantian has not yet evolved into Da Tiantian.

And Yang Mi, who was filming far away in Yunnan Province, was very happy when he learned that "You Now You See Me" performed well in North America and overseas. Zhu signed Reba to play the role at a low price, and this time he made a lot of money.

This TV series is still using the company's channels, but Jiaxing's voice has become greater. Yang Mi is not only the female lead, but also the chief producer of this TV series.

Although it is nominal, the specific production work is undertaken by the company's professional producers.

But who doesn't call me Miss Mi when I'm out now?
And our director Cheng also came to Yunnan Province with bumps and bumps to visit the class "The Heart Blossoms on the Road".

(End of this chapter)

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