Light and shadow player

Chapter 499 I XX!

Chapter 499 I XX!

"Heart Blossoms on the Road" is being filmed in Yunnan Province. Ning Hao, Huang Bo and others are going to participate in the Shanghai Film Festival next month. Now the crew is racing against time.

As soon as Cheng Yu'an got out of the airport, he saw Xing Aina and Yue Xiaojun who came to pick him up. He joked, "You guys know how to choose a place. It's like spring all year round here, and it's very comfortable. You don't come to travel with public funds, do you?"

Xing Aina smiled and said, "Come on, you filmed three films in Yunnan Province, so you are ashamed to say that we travel with public funds."

Several people came to the set in the car talking and laughing.

After getting off the car, Cheng Yu'an saw Ning Hao standing in two rows with the crew, and Ning Hao stood in the middle of the line to welcome him.

"What kind of posture is this?" Cheng Yu'an was really taken aback by this battle.

Ning Hao pretended to come up to shake hands: "Welcome the director of Cannes to guide the crew, welcome."

The staff standing in two rows applauded "extremely warmly".

Cheng Yu'an raised his hands in greeting: "Comrades have worked hard."

"Serve the audience!" A Northeast dialect rang out from the crowd.

Cheng Yu'an smiled and said, "Get out! Okay, okay, why are you still in the queue?"

As soon as Cheng Yu'an broke his merits, the people at the scene stopped pretending and returned to their original state.

"This idea was not from the bald head, but from Lei Zi." Cheng Yu'an said.

Lei Jiayin reacted loudly: "Oh, why are you being wronged? You are a great director and you can't speak plain words."

Xu Shanzheng laughed: "This time you are wrong, this idea is from Huang Bo."

After a commotion, Cheng Yu'an invited the crew to drink coffee.

"Where did the filming end?" Cheng Yu'an took the schedule and the script.

"Half." Ning Hao sat in front of the monitor and watched the footage.

"Not bad, it's pretty fast. Hey, Teacher Wang, long time no see." Cheng Yu'an saw Wang Yanhui beside him.The two had known each other since filming "Li Mi's Conjecture".

"Director Cheng, congratulations on winning the award." Wang Yanhui was very kind outside the scene, and spoke softly, which made people feel very comfortable.

"Ham, it's nothing special, why don't you come to the crew now?"

After resting for half an hour, the crew resumed work, and then there was a group play, and it was a big one.

Sasha brought her underworld boyfriend to seek revenge.

The main creators formed a circle on the set and walked the scene first.

"Come here from here," Ning Hao said. "Later, the No. [-] machine will give it to me from the side, and the No. [-] machine will give me the one a little further away."

Ning Hao talked about the camera and positioning for a long time, and the actors generally understood it.

Cheng Yu'an flipped through the script and said with a smile, "Lei Zi, I don't think you should say so many words."

Lei Jiayin quit: "Brother, I don't have a few words in total, and you cut them off for me."

"No, I'll redesign it for you."

Ning Hao's scene is very free, and his own script will not detail every line and every action, which will give the actors a lot of room to play.

"Just one sentence, I'm stupid, use different emotions to change.

"I'm stupid! I'm stupid. I-I'm stupid!" Cheng Yu'an demonstrated a few sentences, "Then follow up with the sentence about falling to the ground."

Lei Jiayin is careless outside the scene, but he is very serious in the scene, and the pressure on the scene with him is very high. If you don't play well, he will really throw face at you or even scold you on the scene.

Lei Jiayin became interested in Cheng Yu'an's suggestion, and Ning Hao also thought it was a good idea: "Let's try it."

Then several people redesigned the actions according to Lei Jiayin's lines.

Lei Jiayin asked, "Is there any popsicle?"

Then he said his own thoughts: "I came out with a popsicle in my mouth, and when we met, I just kicked it. Brother Bo cooperates with me, I'm fucking! Then fight brother Shan Zheng."

As they spoke, the three of them demonstrated on the spot.

"Yes, let's go again."

The idlers left the arena, leaving Huang Bo and Xu Shanzheng in the arena.

Ning Hao and Cheng Yu'an were on the sidelines: "3 2 1, go in."

A group of gangsters ride motorcycles into the painting.

Sha Sha, played by Yang Mi, and Hei Boss, played by Wang Yanhui, complained: "Husband, just those two."

Wang Yanhui remained calm and only raised his eyelids to glance at the two of them.

Lei Jiayin sipped the popsicle, took off the bag on the motorcycle and threw it over: "I'm damn!"

As he spoke, he kicked Huang Bo over, and then slapped Xu Shanzheng's bald head.

"Crack!" Ning Hao shouted with a smile, "The effect is good. Shan Zheng, are you okay?"

Lei Jiayin's kick looked ruthless, but Huang Bo flopped and dodged it, but Xu Shanzheng's slap on the head really made a mark.

Xu Shanzheng patted his corned egg and cursed: "I'm so damned, you kid is here to have fun." After saying that, he laughed.

"I'm sorry Brother Shanzheng, I'll be more careful next time." Lei Jiayin quickly apologized.

Xu Shan smiled and said: "The effect is good, director, let's do it again."

"Okay, let's do it again."

But the rest of the drama is always on Yang Mi's side.

Yang Mi took on this role under a lot of psychological pressure.

She pulled her tooth, but she didn't want others to talk about it.

Although there is some self-deprecating element in accepting the role of Sasha, she is not feeling well at all.

It was to make up for the mistakes she made before, otherwise she would not have played such a supporting role in less than 10 minutes with her status.

The crew actually knew what kind of character Yang Mi was, and this role was a bit embarrassing for her.

"Crack! Yang Mi, your voice should be louder and thicker, you are a Siberian tiger bitch, be more arrogant."

Cheng Yu'an also wanted to laugh watching from the sidelines, but in fact, Yang Mi's taking on this role would do her more good than harm.

At least she can justifiably laugh at herself about tooth extraction in the future.

It was a wave of cleansing.

"Got it, I'll do it again." Cheng Yu'an put more pressure on her from the side.

"What were you doing just now?" Yang Mi took out a stack of money and slapped Huang Bo's face, "Do I love you? Tell me, do you love me or not?" Yang Mi added the movement and stuffed the stack of money into Huang Bo in the collar.

"Love love love." Huang Bo waved his hands in shame and embarrassment.

Lei Jiayin groaned, "I'm damn, do you love my sister-in-law?" He gently touched Huang Bo with his foot.

"Hey." Wang Yanhui stopped it.

"No, no, no love, no love." Huang Bo waved his hand again.

The off-site staff laughed like crazy, this scene was so fun to watch on the spot.

The filming crew of this night scene originally planned for three days, and with temporary changes to the lyrics and redesign of the action, it is estimated that it will take about five days to shoot.

This night, I shot for more than four hours, and there were not many usable shots. Ning Hao saw that it was already past one o'clock in the morning, so he announced that he would call it a day.

"That's all for today, I'll shoot the interior tomorrow. Call it a day."

Cheng Yu'an originally wanted to invite supper, but seeing that it was getting late, he gave up.

"Lei Zi, is there anything else going on?"

"Hey," Lei Jiayin didn't feel sleepy at all when it came to this, "There is a male lead drama, with Wan Qian as the partner. I am a mother, I can also act in love dramas." Lei Jiayin was very happy.

To be precise, that drama is not considered a love drama, the hero and heroine have no love drama, it can be regarded as a light comedy.

It's called "Teacher's Diary", and it was filmed using a parallel montage technique. The leading actor doesn't need to be too handsome, so Lei Jiayin was hired.

Cheng Yu'an followed "Heart Blossoms on the Road" for two days, and then went back.

(End of this chapter)

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