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Chapter 500 Mr. Ma wants to subvert the film and television industry

Chapter 500 Mr. Ma wants to subvert the film and television industry
After Cheng Yu'an finished her tour in Yunnan Province, she started a stroll mode in the next few days, going back and forth to visit various crews across the country for lunch.

After Tong Liya returned to China, she was not dazzled by the glory of Cannes, and returned to the crew non-stop to work overtime to make up the show.

Jiang Wenli experienced life for the role of Li Hongqin in a certain village.

Before the 8th, the market was quiet. After the college entrance examination, a large number of movie-watching potentials were released.

The summer file has also officially started, and "Old Father" has begun to spread the promotion. Even if it is Cheng Yu'an, the promotional treatment of "Old Father" can only be said to be average, and it cannot be compared with "The One in My Body" that will be remotely released in this year's summer file. Guy" vs "When Men Are in Love".

Literary films should have the awareness of literary films.

But the pre-roll advertisements and theater advertisements that should be bought are also arranged.

Summer movie screenings in theaters.

Cheng Yuan attended.

The representatives of the theater chain naturally boasted and complimented Cheng Yu'an.

Cheng Yu'an picked them up one by one, and he was numb to deal with this kind of situation in the past half month.

There are a lot of movies in the summer this year, except for the other two movies of the rich second generation and remote.

There are also Jay Chou's musical "Rooftop Love", the stable and profitable animated film "The Purcell Movie 3", the co-production of Hua Yi and South Korea Showbox "The Great Ape", and the Sino-US co-production produced by Keanu Reeves. "Kung Fu Man", and Fan Xiaopang's "One Night Surprise" and so on.

The whole summer file is very lively.

The theaters are not optimistic about "Rooftop Love", needless to say Jay Chou's appeal, but musicals are too small in the country, and there may not be a small audience in three to five years.

Ye Ning even joked at the meeting: "You might as well record a Jay Chou concert and broadcast it in theaters. I think it's more profitable than showing movies."

Both are fan movies, but the theaters are very fond of the two "Tiny Times".

They have done their homework and know how terrifying the fans of Guo Jingming and Yang Mi are, and they think that if the two movies are shown together, they might get [-] to [-] million.

Nave, the two "Little Times" took away 8 million box office.

"The Guy in My Body" and "When a Man Is in Love" have nothing to say. Long-distance romantic comedies have a guarantee of 3 million yuan, and theaters have always been very reassuring about long-distance films.

But for "Old Father", it was also the first time they saw the finished film, so it was a bit difficult to say.

Cheng Yu'an didn't care, and said with a smile: "After all, it's a literary film, it doesn't matter if there are fewer films, everyone can arrange them as they like."

Cheng Yu'an refused to change "Old Father" to "Father Trapped in Time". This name ruined the movie's viewing experience.

The screenings lasted until the evening.

Cheng Yu'an walked out of the venue, and was stopped by his assistant Xiao Zheng before getting into the car: "Brother, Mr. Ma invites you."

"Mr. Ma? Which Mr. Ma?"

Xiao Zheng took a quiet look at Cheng Yu'an before he realized: "Didn't he just retire? What do you want me to do?"

Mr. Ma announced in May this year that he would step down as CEO of Ahri.

"He said he wanted to ask us about making movies."

Cheng Yu'an's expression was as if he had eaten fly droppings, and his eyebrows were knit together.But since this kind of boss came to invite him, Yu Qing should go.

The location is approximately at the Capital Club of the Jiangnan Club.

Cheng Yu'an is different from all the rich people on the list. He doesn't mix with others, and he doesn't join any so-called rich people's club.

And his external identity is more of a director than an entrepreneur.

President Ma is very curious about him.

As soon as we met, he said: "You are the best-looking entrepreneur I have ever seen."

Cheng Yu'an also smiled and said, "You are also the most distinctive looking entrepreneur I have ever seen."

Mr. Ma is not surprised when others make fun of his appearance.The two sat down, and Mr. Ma poured him a cup of tea: "Try our new tea here, you can't drink it outside."

"No, I can't sleep after drinking tea at night."

Mr. Ma also followed him and put down the teacup: "They brought it over. To be honest, I can't tell why I drank it. Let's just drink some water and talk."

Cheng Yu'an complimented Mr. Ma: "Teacher Ma has retired, and he will enjoy life in the future."

"What are you enjoying, born to work hard."

Retire endlessly.

Mr. Ma is good at serving cups, but he also divides people.His net worth is several times higher than that of Cheng Yu'an, but he doesn't despise Cheng Yu'an at all.

After chatting a few words, Mr. Ma finally brought the topic to the film and television: "I am visiting today, and I want to ask you a question. What do you think should be done in this movie?"

The remote mode is public, and Cheng Yu'an didn't hide it, so he explained the remote production process to Mr. Ma again.

"I know what you're talking about. Just talk about how to make money from movies."

"I do not know either."

"You don't know? You are the boss when making movies in China now."

"I really don't know." Cheng Yu'an said, "Movies are a high-risk, high-reward gambling project. No one can make a movie and make a profit."

"Then how did you do it?"

"Based on the quality of the film, combined with the schedule and competing products in the same period, it is possible to make a rough estimate, but no one dares to guarantee it."

"Nothing is impossible." Mr. Ma started, "We have a data analysis system to profile users, analyze their preferences, and then release videos according to this preference..."

Mr. Ma began to introduce his big data analysis.

The nature of Internet companies is not called audiences, but users.

"Mr. Ma, your way of doing e-commerce works," Cheng Yu'an interrupted him, "Profiling consumers, and then providing them with the products they need. But you can't do this with movies and content."

"Why can't it be like this, one buys one and sells the other, and I'll give you whatever you need."

"It's true to say so, but after all, film and television are not entirely commodities. They also contain content and aesthetics. A commodity that consumers need today can be produced tomorrow, but the production cycle of film and television is very long. In one, two, three or four years, when your movie comes out, audience tastes may change."

"Moreover, your model of targeting user portraits can only be said to be a movie for a specific group, and the movie is to be released in theaters for everyone."

Mr. Ma seems to have listened to it, but he doesn't seem to have listened to it.

Anyway, what Cheng Yu'an said is something that everyone in the industry knows, and you can understand it just by asking.

"Online users are still different from offline audiences."

"We have portraits of hundreds of millions of users..." They called it big data, and Cheng Yu'an called it nonsense.

"It's useless. If user portraits were effective, Hollywood would have taken over the world long ago."

Mr. Ma still disagrees with Cheng Yu'an's statement: "We, Ari, want to launch a big entertainment plan in the future, and we must use the Internet to subvert the entertainment market."

I don't like this group of people who do the Internet, and they subvert the industry with their mouths and mouths.

The film analysis that Cheng Yu'an said has a major premise, that is, you really understand movies and the rules of this industry.

But this group of Internet superstitions is data, and they don't believe in the analysis of professional filmmakers at all.

Mr. Ma probably also saw that Cheng Yuan was not interested in his rhetoric, so he said, "I think we can cooperate in the future."

Cooperation is of course welcome.

But what President Ma said next made Cheng Yu'an unhappy: "I'm going to invest 60 billion in remote."

Without asking whether Cheng Yuan agreed or not, he said that he would invest 60 billion.

Cheng Yu'an resolutely refused: "Changyuan is not short of money now, and the funds are relatively healthy. External financing is not considered for the time being."

After several additional issuances and transfers, Long-distance Video has a market value of 12.76 yuan per share, and its market value has stabilized at 800 billion.

Moreover, Cheng Yu'an knows that Ahri's basic market and largest traffic outlet are e-commerce, and all their channel traffic is ultimately directed to e-commerce.

That's why Cheng Yu'an didn't play with him.

Moreover, Ari's investment management methods are notorious in the industry.

After investing in a company, the headquarters will parachute the management team to the new company, and talk about Internet slang, such as empowerment, track, series connection, synergy, moat, etc., will scare you.

And he is especially good at doing PPT, making reports and planning, opening his mouth is subversive.

A product can't wait to come up with a hundred XX plans, and the interior is extremely chaotic.

The typical layman guides the experts. After the new company is turned into a scandal, the management returns to the headquarters with a bright resume for promotion and salary increase, leaving a lot of feathers.

The meeting between Ma Cheng and the two ended up unhappy.

Cheng Yu'an did not agree with his Internet thinking, and Mr. Ma was unwilling to settle down to create content.

But the headline on the second day still said: "Ma Yun wants to invest 60 billion in remote media, and use it to start Ahli Entertainment!"

(End of this chapter)

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