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Chapter 811 How Cheng Yu'an Fooled Huang Xiaoming

Chapter 811 How Cheng Yu'an Fooled Huang Xiaoming
Despite the hype of the creators, the actual performance was terrible.

"Rescue Against Time" earned 1800 million on the first day, and it only exceeded [-] million in the first four days of the weekend.

And the bad reviews of the film are mostly focused on Yang Mi, saying that she is still in the puppet, and she still looks like a puppet girl playing a scientist.

"I understand Yang Mi's eagerness to change word of mouth, but acting in an action movie is not about falling hard enough, beating hard enough, and bleeding enough, all of which are not only showing 'look at me so miserable, who will say I don't fight'" In addition, there is no need for any existence at all, you really worked hard, you worked hard, we all saw this in the movie, but all your hard work was offset by your natural disaster-like acting skills."

"It's not that you can make a sci-fi film with a sci-fi idea. The screenwriter didn't write well in many details. The most fatal thing is that the setting of the heroine was not done well. Yang Mi is too young in the film, which is simply unbelievable. She is a scientist who can develop time travel technology. Of course, she is a genius, but the screenwriter should not set her up as a single mother who raises a 5-year-old son alone! Such a scientist mother must reach middle age Go, it will never be like Yang Mi. In fact, if Yang Mi is set as a beautiful agent, this story can also be explained clearly. As for the flaws in other scripts, I won’t point them out one by one.”

After the first weekend in July, students began to have a holiday, and each family began to serve hard dishes.

There is nothing special about long-distance, I have been playing in the summer file for many years, and I just need to promote it step by step.

Both "Xiu Chun Knife 2" and "Wolf Warrior 2" have started offline promotional activities.

"Embroidered Spring Knife 2" was very jealous after seeing the box office of "Stop Killing" exceeding 5 million last year, thinking that the second spring of martial arts films is coming.

He worked very hard on publicity, but the style of "Xiu Chun Knife 2" is completely different from that of "Stop Killing". The connotation of "Stop Killing" is not so complicated. In other words, "Stop Killing" didn't intend to show any connotation. Director Qiao Sanshi just wanted the protagonist to kill, and the killing should be good-looking.

As for "Wolf Warrior 2", military war movies are really unwatched, Wu Jing wanted to bring the crew to the variety show promotion but couldn't make an appointment, people didn't want to do his show.

I can only accept simple interviews and second- and third-tier variety shows.

Liu Yifei resumed an extremely regular training life: get up early and run, then go home to take a shower and have breakfast, then go to the racecourse to train horses and weapons, practice physical fitness and movements in the afternoon, and do some basic training in the evening.

Sometimes I bring my daughter to the training ground, she trains, and my daughter plays on the sidelines.

Under the supervision of Hollywood coaches, Liu Yifei has strict requirements on his daily training and diet.

On this day, Liu Yifei practiced martial arts indoors, and her daughter was played outside the venue with the staff of the crew.

A guest comes uninvited.

"Brother." The visitor picked up Cheng Mufan and coaxed her.

"You don't want to be shameless," Liu Yifei noticed that the person who came was Huang Xiaoming, and said, "You are older than me, and you want my daughter to call you brother?"

"I grow against my growth." Huang Xiaoming said shamelessly.

"You can call me brother," Liu Yifei walked over, "You are my daughter's brother, so should you call me auntie?"

Huang Xiaoming was annoyed: "I knew it was taking advantage of me."

Cheng Mufan couldn't stay in Huang Xiaoming's hands, and twisted to get down, Huang Xiaoming put her down.

Liu Yifei took a sip of the water in her daughter's sippy cup and felt that the temperature was right, so she gave the cup to her daughter to drink.

"Why are you free to come to my place today?" Liu Yifei asked.

"I was arrested by your family." Huang Xiaoming said displeased, but he was happy in his heart.

"What did he tell you?" Liu Yifei really wanted to know how Cheng Yu'an fooled Xiao Ming.

Huang Xiaoming said: "When I went back to the capital that day, I was about to fall asleep in the middle of the night. He hung up the phone and asked me to have supper. You also know that your family doesn't usually invite people to dinner."

"I know that." Liu Yifei smiled, "Go on."

"I thought at the time that there must be nothing good about this guy's idleness in the middle of the night. But he said that he had something good to ask me, and he would not be able to explain it clearly on the phone for a while, so we can talk about it in person."

"I got up from the bed at one o'clock in the morning and rushed over, but guess what good business he wanted for me?"

"I don't guess, tell me quickly." Liu Yifei didn't want to play this kind of guessing game with him.

"He sat there with a big horse and a golden knife, saying that he caught a net of fish from the fish pond on your racecourse, and invited me to eat a whole fish feast."

"I'm from Qingdao. I haven't eaten any kind of fish. He can think of inviting me to a whole fish feast." Huang Xiaoming felt that Cheng Yu'an was a bit outrageous when he mentioned this matter.

"But it's all coming, it's not justified not to eat him." Huang Xiaoming continued, "In the middle of eating, he suddenly asked me if I could gain weight and build muscles in two months.

"I said that with a professional coach, you can practice hard."

Liu Yifei understood after hearing this: "Then you were tricked by him with a pot of fish?"

Huang Xiaoming nodded: "Almost. Hey, Yifei, what the hell are you guys doing? Director Cheng beat me to death and didn't tell me. He just forced me to sign."

"I can't tell you either, but it's about to be officially announced." Cheng Yu'an didn't say it, and Liu Yifei naturally wouldn't say it either.

In fact, Huang Xiaoming's team was a little against him taking this drama. Cheng Yu'an's drama is of course very good, and everyone wants to act in it. But like Cheng Yu'an, he crossed the team and directly asked the actor himself to make an appointment. Not to mention breaking the rules, at least some not authentic.

Fortunately, Huang Xiaoming is operating in a personal studio, and there is no brokerage dispute.

Another one is, no matter how good Cheng Yu'an's play is, it must be explained what kind of play it is, and what role should Huang Xiaoming play.

Fortunately, Cheng Yu'an didn't say anything, and Huang Xiaoming was confused by the meal.

In case, like Wang Sunglasses, a big name is invited to go there, but it ends up being cut into a supporting role in the film, or even if it is not cut, Huang Xiaoming's team will not cry.

Last year, when Xiao Ming took over "Langya Bang: The Wind Rises from the Changlin", the people in his team were particularly opposed to it, thinking that it was unnecessary for an actor of his level to take on this play.

But Huang Xiaoming took over the play regardless of the team's objections.

It's like this again this time, the team is not saying that they can't act, but they have to discuss things clearly.

There is no script and no roles, so I was told to train my muscles within two months.

Anyone would find this outrageous.

Liu Yifei knew Huang Xiaoming's worry: "Don't worry, you won't suffer from this drama, just wait and see."

Liu Yifei has great confidence in her husband.

One of the most important reasons why Huang Xiaoming's team objected to accepting Cheng Yu'an's new film was that they were contacting Hollywood for Huang Xiaoming.

When Cheng Yu'an heard Huang Xiaoming talk about this movie, he immediately dismissed it as useless.

"Finding Lions Gate is coated with a layer of Hollywood gold, but in fact this is a domestic film. The biggest investor in this film is the domestic Lion and Mouse Films. It's not that the Lion and Mouse Pictures are not good, but that the producer has changed in this way. The control over the quality of the film is definitely out of control.

"Besides, Stallone is really out of date in Hollywood. I heard that Schwarzenegger will not participate in the second film. If you step in now, you won't get any benefits, and you will ruin your reputation."

Huang Xiaoming's word-of-mouth has really fallen off a cliff in the past two years. The TV series "Ancient Love Songs" aired last month was wildly hacked by netizens, and it has been a long time since he has had a good movie.

After Huang Xiaoming went back, he consulted some people again, decided to push "Escape Plan 2" on his own, and decided to take over Cheng Yu'an's new play that knows nothing and has nothing.

Didn't he come to train with Liu Yifei according to Cheng Yu'an's instructions today?

(End of this chapter)

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