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Chapter 812 "Mulan" Official Announcement

Chapter 812 "Mulan" Official Announcement

The fact that Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei trained together was quickly known by the media.

But Huang Xiaoming's ability to open his eyes and tell nonsense is not weak, and he doesn't say too much: "I am preparing for a new play, and it happens that Yifei's coaches and equipment are complete here, so we will practice together."

It is very common in the circle for the same group of coaches to train two groups of actors.

Xiao Ming's answer like this can also deal with the reporters.

Maybe I can't wait, maybe the news has been fermented long enough.

On the second Monday in July, at 10:30 a.m. local time, Disney announced on its official website and Twitter:
"Since the announcement of the live-action "Mulan" movie, we have received feedback from fans around the world and enthusiastic inquiries from actors. Today, we are honored to introduce to you the actor who plays Mulan, the most distinctive Disney princess— — Ms. Liu Yifei from China."

Perhaps because the news was not shocking enough, after the official announcement of Liu Yifei, he said:

"In addition to Liu Yifei, we would also like to welcome the director of "Mulan", Mr. Cheng Yu'an, with the highest respect."

Below the official tweet are two photos of Liu Yifei and Cheng Yuan.

One stone caused a thousand waves, and this news was the first to detonate in the United States.

Liu Yifei has a group of fans in the United States, and Cheng Yuan's reputation is more concentrated in the industry, but there are still audiences in the United States who know him, and several international awards are not for nothing.

Disney fans lead the orgasm.

They are looking forward to this movie very much. Disney's princess series must be the most shining star in the world film industry.

And Mulan is the most different Disney princess, and fans have higher expectations for her than other princesses.

"Crystal is the most suitable candidate for Mulan in my mind."

"Crystal's action scenes are very good. I have watched both of her "John Wick" movies. I believe she can play Mulan well."

"Disney is too smart. If they get Crystal, they get an Oscar director. What will happen if a director who has won an Oscar, a Palme d'Or and a Golden Lion to make "Mulan"? I'm already looking forward to the movie's release gone."

In the past few years, feminism has been popular in Hollywood, and Disney's establishment of the project "Mulan" at this time may not have the meaning of rubbing against the trend.

The industry also fully affirmed Disney's candidates.

"According to Disney's requirements for Mulan, she is good at English, good at acting, and has a star look. I can't think of anyone who is more suitable than Crystal."

"Cheng is the best director in the world. I'm a little curious about how much Disney spent to hire him to make "Mulan". If it's just because Crystal is his wife, it doesn't seem convincing enough."

"Disney is smart. Crystal is the most successful Chinese actor in Hollywood after Jackie Chan, and Cheng is an internationally renowned director. With these two cards played, "Mulan" is already invincible in terms of publicity and release. .”

The news quickly spread back home.

It's past 11pm in China now, but it still caused a lot of heated discussions.

Disney's announcement explains all the strange behavior of the couple.

What kind of nonsense "fitness", Liu Yifei is doing action training in advance for "Mulan".

What "City of Wasteland" is "Mulan" at all!
After the confidentiality period passed, many news became clear.

The actors also knew that it was Cheng Yu'an who prevented Disney from casting stars around the world, and the heroine had fixed his wife from the very beginning.

Afraid of being gossiped about.

But Huang Xiaoming, Wang Junkai and others who received Cheng Yuan's invitation immediately burst into joy!

It doesn't matter if you don't know the script, you don't know the characters, you don't even know when the filming will start!

Bet right!
"Hua Mulan"!Disney Princess series, the biggest piece of cake in the global film industry!

Although the highlight of "Mulan" is the heroine, being able to participate in the Disney Princess series and being able to make a name for herself around the world is the success that others dream of.

"What did I say?" Liu Yifei said to Huang Xiaoming on the training ground, "I won't let you suffer."

Huang Xiaoming felt incredible when he heard the news when he got up early in the morning!

I didn't do anything, just had a meal with Cheng Yu'an at one or two o'clock in the morning and got the role of "Mulan"?

Although it is not yet known who will play the role, Liu Yifei said that Cheng Yu'an will return to the capital tomorrow to hold a meeting with all the actors, and will send out their respective scripts at that time.

Huang Xiaoming's team finally shut up.

Oppose Huang Xiaoming to accept a three-no movie?
Don't even dare to bet, will the sky fall on your head?

Sanzi and his team were also crazy about it!
"Mulan" ah!

Although Wang Junkai has acted in a few plays, he is still a rookie. He was admitted to the Film Academy this year, and he received "Mulan". .

For the younger generation, no one has a higher starting point than him.

It was only then that the reporters realized that it was no wonder that there was no project approval record for this film in China. The film was made in a foreign language through the channel of Disney.

As for the actors, especially the actresses, who had been invited by Cheng Yu'an before, it goes without saying that they were in a good mood.

But more people who didn't receive the invitation can only say something bitter: "It's better to marry well than to do well.

"We're fighting so hard here that our heads are bloodied. It's better to have a good husband, and we can get it done with a single word."

"Fate is good. When I was young, I was protected by my godfather, and when I grew up, I was protected by my husband."

Not to mention the excitement of Liu Yifei's fans.

#刘一菲花木兰# and #刘一菲Disney Princess# were on the hot search early.

"How many surprises will Yifei bring us! First, he won the two actresses of Baihua and Jinjue, and now he is going to play the role of a Disney princess!"

"Fan Liu Yifei is so happy!"

Liu Yifei's response came a little later and was simple. She just reposted the Weibo of Six Princesses reporting that she was determined to play Mulan, and accompanied it with a muscular emoji to express that she would work hard.

Cheng Yu'an returned home from out of town that night, and had bad words as soon as he entered the door:

"Mulan, is Mulan at home?"

Liu Yifei smiled and said, "Is your wife's name Hua Mulan?"

"Daddy!" The little guy ran over to hug him.

"Hey, my dear, I miss my father." Cheng Yu'an rubbed his face against his daughter.

"Itchy." The daughter laughed.

Cheng Yuan dragged her daughter with one hand, and put her arm around Liu Yifei: "My wife's name is not Hua Mulan, but she wants to play Mulan. I think about how the news will write it.

"The inside story of the casting of "Mulan", Liu Yifei got the role by sleeping with the director! How about it? This news is absolutely explosive!"

Finally, the official announcement is made. After running outside for so long, the actors, setting and other aspects have been arranged. Next, we only need to move forward generously.

"A dog can't spit out ivory." Liu Yifei was also amused by Cheng Yu'an's nonsense, "I left you a meal, eat it quickly, and you will know that you are poor."

"Smelly poor." Cheng Mufan followed suit.

"You little bastard, do you know what it means to be poor? You just learn." Cheng Yu'an hugged her daughter, "You are being poor with me now."

"Hehe." The daughter smiled.

Cheng Yu'an put her daughter down and went to eat by herself.

Who is the most upset about the official announcement of "Mulan"?

Is it the actor who was not selected, or the boss who did not catch the investment?


It's Ali Films.

You are patronizing to watch "Mulan" and Liu Yifei, can you watch my new movie "Qing He Nan Gao" which will be released tomorrow!

Starring Zheng Shuang and Ou Hao, this is a youthful and passionate campus story!


(End of this chapter)

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