Light and shadow player

Chapter 813 Role Assignment

The production team stipulated that the next day at 10:[-] a.m. at the Huairou film and television base to hold a meeting with the main creators.

But Huang Xiaoming and Wang Junkai arrived at 9 o'clock, and practiced together for a while at the scene.

Not long after, the two saw actors or staff entering the stage one after another, some they knew and some they didn't.

At 9:30, Cheng Yu'an's car stopped outside the door, the couple got out of the car, and brought someone over along the way.

"Director Cheng."

"Morning Director Cheng."

"Hello, Director Cheng."

Everyone greeted him.

"Have you eaten all of it?" Cheng Yu'an smiled, "If you haven't eaten, go eat something, I'm not in a hurry here."

I didn’t even go to the hotel conference room for the meeting today, but in Huairou’s studio, the tables and chairs were set up, and everyone met and chatted.

At 10 o'clock, Cheng Yu'an saw that everyone had arrived, and began to chair the meeting.

For the movie "Mulan", Disney's senior vice president Steve Lloyd Rogers is in charge of the movie, while Zhou Tiedong, the president of the overseas business department of the remote film and television, is in charge of the domestic connection.

Today's main creative meeting, the matchmaking teams from both China and the United States are also on the scene.

Cheng Yuan first introduced the two directors: "This is the American producer Steve Lloyd Rogers, and this is our Chinese producer Zhou Tiedong."

Then began to introduce the important behind-the-scenes personnel: "For the camera, I hired Director Zhang Yimou's queen cameraman Mr. Zhao Xiaoding. Mr. Zhao is still filming "Shadow" and can't make it. This is Mr. Zhao's assistant."

Qin Ranqiu had his own movie to shoot, so he couldn't finish it with Cheng Yu'an.

"Art design, Mr. Cao Jiuping."

Cheng Yu'an had a good idea and invited director Zhang Yimou's right-hand men over here.

Cao Jiuping and Zhang Yimou have collaborated on 10 films, from "Codenamed Jaguar" to "Happy Time". During this period, Mr. Cao was responsible for the art of all the films directed by Zhang.

The last film Mr. Cao made was "Wuwen Xidong" in 11-this film has not been released yet.

In order to invite Cao Jiuping to come out of the mountain, Cheng Yu'an also spent a lot of thought and made a lot of connections.

Cheng Yu'an will use a lot of real shots in "Mulan". He needs a photographer who can shoot deserts, grasslands, Gobi, and snow fields, and also needs an art director who can design his scenes.

That's why Zhao Xiaoding and Cao Jiuping were invited.

"Action director, Yuan Baye. Baye still has work to do, so I can't meet with you today, and I'll join the team after the official start."

The person who came to the meeting today was Yuan Jiaban's manager.

The circle of martial arts is very small. During the period of receiving movement training, Huang Xiaoming recognized the people from Yuan's class, and already guessed that Cheng Yu'an might ask Yuan Baye to be the movement instructor.

After introducing several important behind-the-scenes staff, we arrived at the actors.

"Introduce yourself, I won't talk about it."

"I first, I first." The little girl who came by Cheng Yu'an's car stood up and said impatiently, "Hi everyone, my name is Song Zuer, I am 18 years old, and I am a freshman in the Film Academy. I like..."

"Okay, okay," Cheng Yu'an interrupted her, "I asked you to introduce yourself, not to come on a blind date. It's not uncommon to bring you here, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." …

Song Zuer was already used to it, and said indifferently: "Anyway, please take care of me in the future."

"Have you played Nezha before?" Someone recognized her.

"Don't say this." Song Zuer denied it, "I don't want you to say this, I am already 18 years old, and I want to take the route of a mature woman."

"You are a big kid," Liu Yifei laughed, "You are only 18 years old, and you want to act like a mature woman."

The joke was over, and the actors continued to introduce.

"Hi everyone, my name is Zhang Zifeng, I am 16 years old this year."

"Hi everyone, my name is Peng Yuchang."

"Hi everyone, my name is Wang Junkai."

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Xincheng."

"I'm An Zhijie."

"My name is Han Haolin, and I am 8 years old." The little guy is not stage frightened.

"Okay, okay, you don't need to introduce yourself." Cheng Yu'an interrupted Ni Dahong, "Who doesn't know you."

Those who need to introduce themselves are all young actors, such as Ni Dahong, Duobujie, Zhang Fengyi, old actors, Huang Xiaoming and Liu Yifei, so there is no need to do so.

Cheng Yu'an said: "Everyone is familiar with it, let me tell you about our play first, I won't tell the story, everyone is familiar with the story of Hua Mulan.

"Today I'm mainly talking to you about the shooting. You have seen this movie. It's action training, and it's all over the country. It will be tiring to shoot, because I want to shoot as much as possible. The desert, ah, The Gobi, the grassland, etc., so the shooting time may be longer, and the current shooting cycle made by the production team is about 8-9 months."

This time is really long.

Cheng Yu'an hurriedly explained: "We want to make real shots and tell the truth, so sometimes we have to depend on the sky for our meals. We will start shooting next month, and we will shoot scenes in the Gobi and desert in the Western Studios, and then go back to the Bashang Grassland in winter to shoot snow scenes. We are going to Xiangyang Tangcheng to shoot indoor scenes, and when the spring comes next year, when the grasslands turn green, we will go to Xilin Gol and Aletai to shoot the most beautiful grassland scenes.”

The reason why I didn’t shoot snow scenes in the Western Studios was because the snow in the Northwest was too heavy and thick in winter, and the horses couldn’t run in the snow, so I had to go to the grassland where the snow wasn’t so deep.

"The battle line is long and the task is difficult, thank you everyone." Cheng Yu'an coaxed the actors first.

The actors also said that these are not problems at all.

Cheng Yu'an went on to say: "Now I will assign the script and subsequent tasks to everyone."

"Zul, little Mulan." There was no script for her.

"Where's my script?"

"Just a few words, you don't need paper in the middle of the night, I will tell you verbally later." Cheng Yu'an laughed.

Song Zuer was always unhappy, and finally acted in a Hollywood princess movie. Unexpectedly, there were only two lines, and there was not even a serious script.

Cheng Yu'an didn't tease her either, and gave her two pages.

"Zifeng, play Mulan's sister when she was a child." Sister Wenmei came, Hua Mulan must have an older sister.

Also two pages.

Song Zuer became emotional: "She is obviously younger than me, but she still plays my sister?"

"Your face looks more like Yifei." Cheng Yu'an said.

"Haolin, you play Hua Mulan's younger brother." The little brother, Sister Wen, is here.

"Peng Peng, you play the younger brother who grows up."

"Wang Junkai, you play Mulan's teammate in the military camp, A Yao."

"Zhang Xincheng, you play Ah Lin."

"An Zhijie, you play Jin Bao."

These three are Hua Mulan's teammates in the 98 animation version. Cheng Yu'an retained some of the characters and plots in the animation version out of concern for overseas audiences.

"Teacher Zhang Fengyi, you play the role of the emperor."

"Teacher Ni Dahong, you play the role of a military supervisor." In the animation version, there is a prime minister who accompanied the army, and Cheng Yu'an changed it to the supervisor.

"Teacher Duobujie, you play Rouran Khan."

"Xiao Ming, you are General Li Xiang."

The roles are roughly assigned, and some actors are temporarily unable to come today, but Cheng Yu'an has made arrangements ahead of time.

Cheng Yu'an added: "Yi Fei has been training for two months, Xiao Ming, Wang Junkai, Zhang Xincheng, An Zhijie, and Teacher Duobujie, the four of you will start training tomorrow, you have a lot of fighting scenes , we strive to play well."

"Oh, and, "Mulan" will be released globally. If you want to dub your own voice, you should hurry up and learn English well." Cheng Yu'an's scripts for the actors are both in Chinese and English.

The original soundtrack of "Mulan" must be in Chinese, and the English version will be released overseas.

Faced with the lamentations and sighs of the actors, Cheng Yu'an could only respond with sympathy: "Practice hard."

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