lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 184 The Familiar EDG

Chapter 184 The Familiar EDG
At one o'clock in the afternoon on May [-]th, Meixia and her teammates arrived at the Oriental Gymnasium under the glare of the late spring sunshine.

This is the third match day of MSI, and EDG will be on stage for the first match, facing their last opponent in the first round, Flash Wolves fw from Treasure Island.

The civil war between the LPL and LMS teams is second only to the Sino-Korean war for Chinese audiences in the mainland and Taiwan Province.

So even though the game was not scheduled for prime time, many college students on both sides of the strait who had no classes in the afternoon and office workers who went to work to catch fish at work, still unanimously opened the official live broadcast room.

The Tombstone Forum on Baodao next door is full of discussions about the game.

"My wolf even won SKT yesterday, and I feel like I have a good chance of beating EDG today."

"People in mainland China say that EDG is an insider in the civil war and an outsider in the war. Now facing me, wolf, he must be an outsider! Brother Ka, hurry up and let the factory manager see the real strength of a top-level carnivorous jungler!"

"Although I can't bear to see my wife Mika-chan lose the game, but this is LMS's counterattack against the mainland, and I can only bear to watch Mika-chan get blown away by Brother Maple."

"Actually, I secretly feel that it is not impossible to let edg win, after all, the mid laner Mika is a cute Sakura girl."

"Above you, the guy who betrayed you because of beauty, you are inferior. On the Internet, he is a person who calls himself lpl, and he is a fan of the factory director."

"You have to defeat EDG to let Mika know how muggle the LPL division is. Then it will be easy to invite her to play in the LMS."


Although there is no shortage of mika fans who value color and meaning, most of the Taiwan audience support the fw team, and they are always unbelievably fascinated by the local team and full of confidence!

And compared to it.

Due to mika's huge flag before the Mid-Season Cup, edg's consistent performance in foreign battles, and the record of the lpl team losing to the lms team many times in the group stage, there are always concerns about edg in the Huaguo forum.

The two commentators, Wawa and Miller, have a sense of unreality similar to the previous factory manager for the four-game winning streak that they easily defeated SKT.

"Miller, I remember that our LPL team didn't seem to have played such a smooth group stage before. We still hope that EDG will reach the knockout stage step by step! Don't let your guard down!"

"That's right, it should be. Even if EDG won the Mid-Season Cup last year, they lost to SKT in the first group stage. However, EDG has an old fried dough stick factory manager, which should make us feel at ease."

"Well, the most important thing is to hold Mika with the rope and not let her get on top. Since the factory is Mika's idol, I think this kind of thing should be easy to do."

While the two commentators were chatting, the bp on the field started.

The blue square fw prohibits the enchantress, bull head and male gun.

It can be regarded as giving enough respect to Meixia's enchantress, and it can be seen at a glance that the banned male gun is the leopard girl who wants to snatch Qian Jue and challenge the factory manager.

The red square edg bans Ike, Sivir and Qian Jue.

Abramovich didn't pay any attention to maple. He banned the opponent's top and bottom lane heroes, and then banned Qian Jue, leaving only Leopard Girl who is a t1 jungler but has a winning rate of less than [-] after two days in the group stage.

fw immediately snatched the big tree first, and handed over the leopard girl's problem to the factory director.

And if the factory manager chooses the AP hero Leopard Girl, then the available heroes in EDG will be further compressed.

On the edg voice channel, Abu said with a smile, "Hey, then the card Leopard Girl, Mika is fine!"

Cards have always been Mika's shortcoming, but if he wins the game today, edg will add a lineup combination that confuses the opponent. If he loses, he doesn't need to ask Mika to eat Haidilao to bear the mysterious power, a win-win situation!
"No problem." Misha nodded.

Although she won't be able to use her full strength with the card that focuses on roaming, but the fw that can be used to defeat the lck operation of Zhaomaohuahuxue is more than enough.

Then, amidst the astonishment of Baby Miller and many audiences on both sides of the strait, edg locked on Card Card and Leopard Girl.

Of course, with mika's foreshadowing in the opening match of the Dragon King, everyone accepted it quickly after being surprised.

Wawa said, "Edg has completely started to practice the lineup after winning four consecutive games in the group stage!"

Since s6 does not have Mike Crazy yet, Miller, who common sense believes that Mika does not participate in the command, analyzed, "One thing to say, Mika Dragon King can roam, and the cards should not be too bad, and EDG is mainly directed by the factory manager. As long as mika operates accordingly, the lower limit will not be too low."

Seeing the bullet screen, the baby suddenly laughed, "Haha, four guarantees and one guarantee, back to the most familiar routine of the factory director!"

Then fw locked Thresh and Lucian.

EDG re-selects Bloompope.

Up to the last two selections of fw, as players, they definitely don't have the blind confidence of black and white forum users.

But when dealing with the lpl team, the level of seriousness is also full. At this time, there is a heated discussion in the team about the choice of middle and wild.

Karsa said to the coaching staff very seriously, "Just take the spider, it's okay!"

Maple said, "Spider Jie, definitely enough for Mika to eat a pot."

Spider Tribulation is a technique that the two researched to deal with Mika the Dragon King. Now that Mika has selected a card, he can naturally continue to use it.

The coach, Char Siu, seemed more hesitant than the players, "Are you sure? Think about it! The counter effect of the Zed pair card should not be as good as that of the Dragon King. Wouldn't our normal Tsar Spider be more suitable? It will be more powerful in the later stage, so you don't need to bet all your bets in the early stage. "

Karsa explained to Char Siu, "Just Spider and Jie. Jie who practiced before the game, they obviously guarantee the four protections, and the big mouth or the mouse. The Tsar Spider probably won't be very useful in the later stage."

It was the char siu who was full of jealousy towards Mika, so he made up his mind, "Okay, let's take a gamble with Spider Jie. Anyway, it's just a group match, so you don't need to have too much pressure."

On the live broadcast interface, FW was on for two seconds, the Tsar Queen, and finally changed to Spider Queen Elise and Shadow Stream Lord Zed!
At the last choice of edg, deft locks on Tuqi, the source of the plague.

The lineup of the two sides is thus determined.

Blue square fw, top laner Dashu, wild spider, mid laner Jie, adc Lucian and support Thresh.

Red Fang edg, top laner Bobby, wild leopard girl, mid laner card, adc mouse and auxiliary Bloom.

The game enters the loading phase.

The commentary doll began to analyze the possible situation, "It's up to the factory manager in this game. In the early stage, we should squat to prevent Mika from being bombed by the spider, and in the middle stage, we can take Mika to swim."

Miller said, "The lineup is indeed EDG's familiar taste, and you won't lose if you play well."

But Summer is not willing to win safely as the commentator wishes.

On the voice channel, she has been misunderstood by the audience and commentators that she has no operational command ability, and she is fully commanding the team to conduct a first-level regiment.

There are card yellow cards, Bloom q and three rings, leopard female double form, and mouse's explosive poison, which can be called a luxurious lineup of a first-level regiment.

If you don't fight this, it's a waste of money.

Entering the Summoner's Canyon, Mei Xia quickly bought a potion of corruption and went out, and then manipulated the mouse to continuously signal the area that fw might pass through.

 The reason for asking for leave yesterday seems to be misunderstood. At first I said that I asked for leave because I was watching the BLG game, and then I deleted the second leave note I sent because of uzi's quarrel.

  Yes, I admit, I'm just lazy...

  There should be another update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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