lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 185 The Despicable Factory Manager

Chapter 185 The Despicable Factory Manager

"In fact, we don't need to invade the spider wild area. When they come by themselves, if fw wants to catch the lane, he must look behind the second tower on the top lane."

"Fw should come over from the f4 river to make an eye, senior factory manager, you are in front to seduce!"

On the edg voice channel, Meixia speaks serious but somewhat blunt Chinese.

Even though it has been more than three months since she started speaking Chinese again, her physical hardware is completely the same as that of Sakura Girl. Just like the Apple earphones cannot produce the same sound as the original earphones, she still cannot pronounce a pure Chinese accent.

The factory manager asked, "Oh, what about you, Mika?"

Mei Xia replied, "I was hiding in the bushes with the others, if you attract them, you will be given a yellow card to stop them!"

"Mika, you look so sinister when you are directing..." the outspoken mouse quickly changed his words in the middle of the sentence, "You are wise and mighty!"

"Are you complimenting me! I'm not particularly happy, because this is just the normal gameplay of the game." Meixia explained.

Looking at her current game talent, the analysis of the first-level team, like playing Yasuo with wind wall to block skills, playing little murlocs squatting in the grass to shade people, and Teemo planting mushrooms on the ground, are very simple game mechanics .

After setting up the strategy, the five of edg walked into the bushes of f4.

fw knew nothing about their ambush.

On the live map, the five members of FW tried to find the mouse branch line, making sure to use Lucian Thresh's superior duo to suppress the mouse's development, and they huddled together and carefully drilled into the river.

The commentary noticed the positions of both sides from the perspective of God, and immediately explained excitedly.

"FW invaded the wild area, and seemed to be squatted by EDG. The factory manager really deserves to be a veteran. He seduced outside alone and let his teammates ambush in the bushes!"

"Caught me!"

"Thresh learned q to make a hook, missed, and didn't continue to chase, wait, fw seems to be signaling to the grass, and Thresh walked over at the front..."

fw assisted swardart to insert a jewelry eye into the grass, instantly illuminating the four people huddled in the grass.

Then head on is a yellow card!
He was so frightened that his complexion suddenly changed, and he couldn't retreat in a flash at the first time, and was imprisoned in place, then Leopard Girl q, Bron q and Dashu w shot at the same time.

After the dizziness and a large amount of control were over, he tried to dodge and escape with residual blood, but he was poisoned to death by the continuous damage of Bron's ignition and rat poison.

The first-level group is not over yet!
Meixia and her teammates played five to four, and continued to chase forward. When she chased to the river, a second yellow card was displayed above her head!Flash w, aim at the spider!
Karsa reacted well this time, using dodge to dodge, but was still stunned by the shadowy yellow card when he landed, and then Bloom flashed Q-hung slowdown and passive behind Mei Xia, and the spider could only wait to die on the spot.

In the end, the damage of the card keeps up, and the head is taken! edg kills Nosuke Flash, and takes [-] economy for nothing!
All the members of the fw team showed a bitter expression. They took the spider robbery and chose Lucian Thresh, just to fight in the early stage. Whoever thought that the first level team would change everything.

It will be very difficult to regain the advantage in the future...

"How did they know that we were going to invade from here...the factory manager is still putting eyes in the front and pretending that there is no one behind him!" Karsa said angrily.

"It's a shame, the factory manager has definitely studied this wave." Another victim, Swardart, shrugged, "We can only stabilize the line when we meet, and wait for the opportunity."

F4's superb acting director made them gnash their teeth.

But outside the arena is already boiling.

"Surprise or not, surprise or surprise, there are four strong men in the grass."

"The factory manager is so seductive! He can handle fw to death!"

"The director's acting skills are amazing, this is the gold content of the strongest director in Ionia!"

"Laughing to death, fw Nosuke two death flashes."


Meixia received three hundred yuan, and immediately went home to equip and buy a killing ring, and combined with the corruption potion, the blood recovery effect is very good.

When they re-arrived in the middle, the pawn line just arrived, and the line-up between Kaka and Zed officially began.

But what Meixia is thinking about is not laning operations, her focus is still on the wild area.

The best way to avoid being gank by spiders is to take the initiative to crush him, so that he will never have the energy to catch people in the middle!
Summer knew that spiders could only be solo after they were revived due to the first wave of deaths, and the most suitable wild monsters for spiders were obviously only three wolves or f4 that were easy to be cleared by AOE!

Therefore, the spider will only go to buff wild monsters after reaching the second level.

Then, considering the blue first and then the red, she thinks that it is easier for spiders to keep the deceleration effect of the red buff for gank!

But it doesn't matter which buff the spider chooses, Meixia's goal is only the blue buf in the upper half of the wild
So when she went online, relying on her long-handed advantage and releasing skills without blue land, she quickly pushed the line of troops to the maple tower, and after leveling up to the second level, regardless of the situation on the line, she pulled her legs and walked to the river on the left.

At the same time, the factory manager who finished brushing the red buff also entered the river!

Although karsa's radar system in the s6 period is not yet accurate to the level of later generations, he can clearly see the disappearance of the middle card, and mika is clearly here to grab the blue!But he can't do anything about it. He died once at the first level, and his wild clearing speed is slower than that of Leopard Girl. So in [-] minutes and [-] seconds, the factory manager gave the second blue buff to Mika, just to make up for her consumption of pushing the line. Lost a lot of mana.

Seeing this, the barrage in the live broadcast room was full of question marks.

"Leopard Girl's second blue is given to the card?"

"The factory manager is a Leopard girl! How can a Leopard girl give buffs to the mid laner?!"

"I realized, this is the difference between the factory manager and ordinary junglers. Otherwise, there are so many junglers in the World Championship, how could mika only recognize the factory manager as an idol."


Meixia relied on the blue buff to return to the middle lane, and then she did not rely on the blue buff to continue pushing the lane. The spider must have eaten the red buff at the second level, and there is no wild to farm. All she can do is look for opportunities to gank, so she is determined not to give it to the opponent. Chance.

Sure enough, in half a minute, the angry spider came to the middle lane, trying to complete the pre-match plan for the middle lane, and killed the mika card to vent his anger!

But without flashing, he can only force out and use e cocoon to win the prize.

And for Summer Summer, a player whose operation is almost inhuman, all lottery skills are like welfare picking, and it will never be possible to succeed.

Cocoons pass by.

Karsa failed to arrest and turned away helplessly.

Want to escape, hum!
Meixia didn't intend to let him go at all, she turned around and hit the q wild card, and immediately after, the factory director Leopard girl attacked from the side.

Leopard Girl Q javelin pointed at the spider under the cover of the wall.

Karsa reacted quickly, the young lms wild king pulled up his hand speed and dropped the helicopter at the limit to avoid damage.

But then the three-color poker cards were lit above the card's head, Meixia turned back and waited for him to land, the yellow card stunned the spider who was using the little soldiers to move.

Then Leopard Girl flashed up to bite, and finally chased the missing spider to the front of the tower in the middle of fw, where the factory manager got the head.

In less than five minutes, fw was behind by three kills and one thousand economy.

Most importantly, the spider specially selected by Karsa to cooperate with Zed's restraint card has already collapsed!
(End of this chapter)

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