lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 203 Korean Mika Operation

Chapter 203 Korean Mika Operation
The team battle was settled in [-] minutes, and EDG's economic lead skyrocketed from [-] to [-]. Even the commentators and audience of lck had to admit that skt was at a huge disadvantage.

But for the double champion skt who won a game first, lck audience commentators will not lose confidence as easily as lpl.

Kim Yong-sun, the roaring emperor of Hanwon Channel, encouraged the audience with a loud voice, "Oh! SKT fell into a bad situation, and EDG used their usual four-pack two-bottom strategy last season...

However, the same move can only be used twice. SKT was able to beat EDG in the World Championship last year. Please believe that they can also find a way to comeback this year in MSI! "

Long-faced Jin Dongjun nodded, "That's right, to be honest, I think the reason why EDG's two rounds of arrests were successful is that Mika's roaming strategy, which is very different from the previous game, also caught SKT by surprise.

So what the skt guys need to do next is very simple, stabilize the line and have a good vision, and don't give mika a chance to roam. "

lck viewers and commentators are still full of hope.

But Faker's feeling on the field is completely opposite.

The previous match against mika was more like a contest of operation between the two sides. Even if they lost the game, they would only feel that their operation was not good enough, and if they reacted faster, they would be able to fight back.

However, edg's early operations in this game made them realize what a suffocating rhythm is.

mika is like a titan in her hands, she can't find any flaws in her body!
"Xiba!" The bang next to him didn't have such a consciousness, he was still complaining, "Xianghe, why didn't you teleport earlier just now, and almost completed the counter attack..."

"Mine!" Faker nodded and apologized out of the principle of not spoiling the atmosphere during the game, but he didn't think so.

Even if teleported ahead of time, how effective would the Guardian of Time, who was equipped with only the Catalyst God Stone, be useful if he was caught four by the opponent? !At most, three-for-zero can be rewritten as three-for-one, but the received kills are actually irrelevant to the outcome of the team battle.

The wolf next to him calmly explained, "Sanghyuk didn't realize that Mika jumped the tower so decisively... Next, the Titan Teleportation will change to CD immediately, everyone pay attention!"

Faker nodded in various ways, "Well... she will definitely use this tp to do things! Besides, I can't see Mika's Banner of Command Titan anymore..."

Hearing Faker's words, the other four people in skt were extremely surprised, but they didn't have the idea of ​​blaming the big devil for it. They all knew how powerful Faker was, and being able to make him say such words clearly showed that the situation in the middle lane had almost reached to the point of no return.

SKT began to shrink the battle line in an orderly manner, playing the Korean defensive operation they are most familiar with.

The bottom lane defense tower quickly gave up, and then the wild area fell, and then the top lane and mid lane defense towers were also lost one after another. At nineteen minutes into the game, skt's economy lagged behind and rose to [-].

But skt would never have imagined that in this game, Summer selected Titan, roaming is actually just a cover, her ultimate goal is to defeat faker in the field that her opponent is best at - including the use of Korean style!
The so-called Korean-style operation, the key to the gameplay is to divide and control. After doing a good job in the wild area vision, a large number of unnecessary wild area resources will be given up to wait for the lineup to develop in a disadvantageous situation. The other four searched for resources in various ways.

A single Bobby in the edg lineup is not suitable for a single belt, and Titans are usually not suitable either.

But Summer Summer's Titan is not a normal situation!
She gets home in eighteen minutes and buys the second big piece.

The commentator immediately noticed the change in the mid laner's equipment bar, "Hey! What kind of black technology did Mika come up with! What does this purple one seem to be called..."

"Zzlot's portal, let the little spider push the tower!" Miller smiled and showed a true expression, "Haha, I thought that if the coach didn't ask her to match the lineup with Mika Titan, then it must be her What kind of black technology! It's like the czar of the whole French power before!"

Although Wawa still doesn't know the role of the Banner of Command and the portal in the arena, he believes in Mika, "So that's the case, then we all blamed the EDG coaching staff by mistake!"

The audience immediately followed suit.

"I'm super sorry, Abu!"

"I was wrong. Calm down and think about the lineup of edg, it's actually not bad at all."


But more still think that the credit should go to Mika.

"Isn't it bad to choose a Titan mix lane for mika? Does it mean that you have to choose a mid laner Galen for mika to be considered a rubbish bp?"

"So I apologize?! Is there a possibility that the Banner of Command Portal Titan is Mika's genius idea?"

"Don't use Mika's hard work and talent to whitewash Abu's messy bp!"

"Indeed, edg's advantage is entirely due to Mika's good operation, and Ankai's operation! What does it have to do with Abu..."


On the field, Mei Xia had two pieces of equipment in hand, and then changed from a roaming position to a single player. She directed mouse to continue to develop in the top lane, while she was grinding the second tower of SKT in the bottom lane.

The portal is placed in the grass in front of the tower, and the flag of command buff is added to the top of the artillery soldiers, and then they go to the front of the tower and use the AOE of the e skill to push the line continuously.

The skt sent to guard the bottom lane is the top laner tree, with sun flame and q skills to replenish troops, and the cannon cart with the buff of the flag of command can be dealt with slowly, but for him to be a melee hero, he needs a5 clicks to destroy it The portal, that is embarrassing the twisted tree.

Duke tried to clear the line with the damage at first, but even the full meat suit couldn't handle the damage, and was hooked by the titan under the tower again. With the minions and bugs, the blood volume dropped by nearly half.

After the big tree had no choice but to escape to the tower, the bugs from the portal slammed into the defensive tower.

In three or two hits, the half-blood second tower was smashed!

"Xiba, it's so disgusting! Mika's outfit!" Duke finally realized the meaning of Faker's words a few minutes ago, and he immediately called to his teammates, "Come and help me, or I will be killed in the Highland Tower later." Push it off!"

SKT jungler Blank soon arrived for support.

But Summer Titan has both flesh and q wall displacement, so she is not afraid of the stunted Qian Jue at all. With her w shield on her back, she unleashes a big move with her backhand, and then retreats calmly.

And he is still calculating in his heart, this time the dragon has not been refreshed, Qian Jue can come to support.

But wait another two minutes, with Baron Nash as a check and balance, and Duke facing his own strong push line, it should be ineffective every day!
She unhurriedly used Korean operations, skt only dared to use the time when faker had teleportation to go down the road to help Dashu solve the teleportation gate, and there was no possibility of continuing to pour combat power.

But Mei Xia didn't fight with each other at all, he would pull back when someone came over, even if Dashu and Time seemed unable to kill Tai Tan for half a minute, she didn't take the risk.

After four minutes of running like this, the middle highland had no chance to push, but with her as a check, deft slowly and unstoppably pushed down skt's middle and top towers, and the gold lead reached [-].

Hey, it's just playing, it's just torturing skt.

Let you faker use the little murloc routine to trick me in the last game!
(End of this chapter)

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