lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 204 Pull Pull Withdrawal

Chapter 204 Pulling and Withdrawing
Summer's single-belt tour lasted for a long time after pushing down the SKT three-way outer tower in [-] minutes, until the early [-] minutes, she equipped with more sun flames and ghost cloaks, and her gold lead reached [-].

But delaying the game to [-] minutes later, and pulling the economy to a dangerous zone of nearly [-], it's really not that she deliberately disgusted skt out of personal grievances.

Although this kind of operation is very tormenting the opponent, she is still a Yasuo player who likes to be happy and grudges. She is commonly known as a good girl, so the revenge psychology is actually only a small part of the factor.

The main reason is that if skt's lineup doesn't insist on stepping down to the high ground to fight it out, it's really not easy for EDG to initiate a group to break the deadlock.

Strictly speaking, in our lineup, Titan is the only hero who can take the initiative to start a team, but she is in a solo belt, so the other four caught skt jungler and support in the jungle several times, but they failed to seize the opportunity to get it in one fell swoop. kill.

However, there is no way to reduce skt's staff, and wolf's field of vision in the upper half of the jungle is excellent. They can only cautiously explore the map resource of Dalong, which can determine victory or defeat in one fell swoop.

In the [-]th and [-]th minutes, edg tried the big dragon to force the group twice, but in the end they just gave the baron a full body massage, and didn't dare to fight from the beginning to the end - skt struggled to hold the vision in the upper half, and touched the big dragon in edg When using the acceleration of Sivir and Karma, it is easy to escape the situation of being opened.

However, there is finally time to break the deadlock.

In thirty-two minutes, under the persistent struggle, Meixia finally used the flag of command and the portal to break through the skt lower road highland defense tower!
What followed was that the five of them huddled together in the bottom lane, and under the high patience of skt, smashed the bottom lane crystal!

"Everyone has completed their equipment and status, and they can fight the big dragon!" Mei Xia calculated that she had enough gold coins, retreated to the grass and pressed b to return to the city.

Then she bought the fourth piece of equipment, the green armor, and went out to lead her teammates to gather at the mouth of the dragon pit.

Titan Bobby and Bron are three meat tanks. Rat and Male Spear have the former broken and the latter have the dance of death.

Like the previous few times, skt sent heroes to the river to explore the view of the dragon pit.

Meixia is indeed not rushing Dalong, there is no need to ask the factory manager to bet on punishment with Blank, she just needs to start this wave of team battles, trick the old man who cleared the soldiers down the road to teleport, and then use Dalong to pull for half a minute, and then go down Lu Chaobing can smash the SKT incisor tower by himself.

So everyone gave Dalong a full-body massage service for the third time, and looking at the big tree coming out of the intersection, Meixia flashed a hook without hesitation.

Titan Q hits the skill of dredging the river, forcing Karma to give re all acceleration, the big tree expands at the same time, and then retreats to try to pull the group, and at the same time sees that Mei Xia flashes to open the group, and goes down the faker on the high ground I thought that edg would resolutely play a team, and sent a teleportation to the rear of the battlefield to be on the safe side.

It's just that after Summer's q hit, she didn't use ult, and her teammates didn't follow the damage. She activated w's shield, retreated against the damage of Sivir and Qian Jue, and left the battlefield at the cost of losing half of her blood volume.

"Mika's team flashes this time, and his teammates can't keep up. I'm a little anxious. If Karma is hooked, there may be a chance..."

"It's not a big problem. I cheated Faker's teleportation by mistake. Now no one in skt can guard the bottom lane super soldiers! If Dashu leaves the frontal battlefield, none of the other four people in skt will dare to walk in front of the Titan to explore the dragon. Pit vision!"

Commentator Miller's understanding of the game is restored as he gradually trusts the edg lineup.

On the field, edg is just going to use the bottom lane super soldiers to operate.

Meixia found a safe place to go back to the city, and then tp to the middle of the river, she and her teammates continued to wander around the mouth of the dragon pit to test it out, and slapped the dragon twice from time to time, but they didn't want to let the skt people leave!

Time passed by every minute and every second.

The super soldiers on the bottom lane began to attack the front tooth tower, severely consuming the blood volume of the defensive tower.

And the pull of the skt river is also trembling. Mika's titan has been targeting their lineup from the beginning. With edg's big advantage, as long as he hooks anyone, it will be difficult to keep even with Qian Jue and time.
Faker and several veteran players of the team can calm down, after all, they have encountered even more desperate situations after many battles.

However, as a rookie in the team, the jungler Blank's mentality cannot be compared with others.

So Qian Jue became a breakthrough in the long-term pull!

Mei Xia intentionally made a q again facing the big tree in the front and Qian Jue's overlapping body, this time the big tree was accelerated by Karma and time, and quickly moved to the side to avoid the Titan's anchor, while the big tree Shu's beautiful evasion, but it exposed Qian Jue behind him to the limit distance of the hook skill.

Qian Jue didn't realize that Tai Tan's real target was him at all, and he didn't expect that the big tree, who was supposed to block the damage for himself, would choose to avoid it, but he didn't understand that in such a situation, the big tree would at least be hit if he didn't get hooked with his ultimate move After losing the remaining blood, Duke didn't dare to resist the injury easily.

So Blank didn't respond to using flash or q to move, allowing Titan to easily move in front of Qian Jue by dredging the river.

Then Mei Xia did not hesitate to take the e and big moves on Qian Jue!
Behind him, the four-piece mouse approached stealthily and activated his big move and full firepower. After just two flat a's, Qian Jue was already bleeding.

After the control of blank is over, he will immediately start the big move of the sheep's breath. Although he has the acceleration of Karma and Sivir, he dare not leave the invincible range of the sheep's breath...

In fact, it is impossible for him to stay within the range of the ult. Bobby directly used e to push him out of the lamb spirit, and then Faker urgently gave the ult, but it only made EDG waste three more seconds to guard the corpse.

When Qian Jue fell to the ground and was about to be resurrected, Meixia's second round of q skills also turned into a good cd!She didn't wait there, but immediately hooked the faker who cast a spell to save people!

boom!The anchor accurately hit the old man standing at the narrow intersection, forcing Faker to flash backwards and escape.

It's just that faker can flash and escape. The big tree that has been blocking the front of the team is not so easy to run. He was slowed down by Bron's q ice bite, and there is no ultimate move to reduce damage. After flashing to the ground, he was hit by the mouse's long-range flat a to make Bron passive Imprisonment.

In less than ten seconds, all five flashes of skt were handed over, and the entire team scattered like birds and beasts.

Even so, the revived Qian Jue and Dashu, who was accused of flashing, were still killed.

As for the escaped SKT three, they didn't dare to turn back and fight again. They rushed all the way from the river to the high ground, turned their heads to clean up and almost knocked down the front tooth tower super soldier group.

So Meixia and her teammates turned around and successfully got the dragon buff in [-] minutes!

After that, it will be another tortured operation. The skt lineup has no chance at all in the later stage, but they just passively defend under the wretched towers and let the highland towers fall one by one.

The game lasted until thirty-eight minutes, edg broke the three crystals of skt, and then led the three super soldiers to victory!
(End of this chapter)

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