Chapter 517

On March 25th, Saturday, lpl ushered in the third match day of the eighth week of the Spring Split.

The match between edg and ig was scheduled for the first match of the day.

Although it is said that the ig top laner has introduced the skt top laner duke in a good state, and the current record is [-] wins and [-] losses, ranking among the top three in Group A.

But even RNG, the top player in Group A, lost [-]-[-] to EDG. As for whether ig can beat EDG today, even the most loyal dog son has no hope.

Of course, the game scene is still very lively with a lot of spectators.

And the two commentators, Doll and Ze Yuan, also vigorously encouraged ig fans to balance the one-sided approval rating.

"Last year's World Championship, although edg won in the end, but the duel between Aguang and Duke in the top lane can be said to be very controversial." Wow was the first to introduce the topic.

Ze Yuan continued, "That's right, many people think that Duke actually defeated Mouse in the lane, but Mouse won the game by roaming with Mika in the mid-term as a meat tank hero.

Some people also say that mouse can develop peacefully against Duke with meat tanks. He has not been single-killed by the laning line in four rounds, and the replenishment economy is not too far behind. Extreme..."

"And now, our LPL viewers are very lucky. We don't have to wait until the MSI, or the S7 World Championship, and we can re-experience the strong duel between mouse and Duke, the two world championship champions and top laners in the regular season of the division!"

"Even in lck, it's hard to see..."

The audience really bought it.

[In the edg world championship, except for Mika, the other three teams were all beaten by skt? 】

[Hehe, the old top laner who was kicked out by skt after Duke finished the world championship, wouldn't really think that he could touch the world champion Ah Guang, right?]

[The audience in the cloud is confused, I can still vividly remember the scene where mouse was almost passed by Duke in the World Championship!This is the beginning of the history books? 】

【Han blowing roll】

[Duke is so powerful, why didn't he get the champion skin? 】

[Relying on an island woman to win the championship, what's there to brag about? 】


Before the game started, the barrage was already noisy.

And the game has only entered BP, and the popularity of the scene has risen to a new level.

The blue side edg banned the poodle Jess and the wine barrel in the first three moves, and the first two moves were normal bans. The third move was to block the ice fist wine barrel, which had a very good BO5 effect on the opposite duke, and the second was to block the ig wine barrel The possibility of Ueno swinging.

The red square ig banned Enchantress, Verus and Qinggangying in the first three hands.

So the answers for the two jungle versions of Nangun and Mantis are out.

edg immediately grabbed the male gun for the factory manager, and ig grabbed Rambo and Malzaha in the first two hands!
"Grab Rambo first!" EDG player seat, coach Abu was a little surprised, "What does ig mean by bp?"

Last year, Marin's Lambo was hit by a wall in LPL, but Duke dared to snatch the Lambo first, because he didn't take the factory manager and Mika seriously.

"Ah Guang, just take a big tree, and catch one when you hit the road!" The factory manager grinned.

But mouse glanced at Mika, thinking differently from the director and the coach.

He has transformed and sublimated from the World Championships, and he is no longer the weak A Guang in the past.

"Coach, I want to take Kenan!"

"This..." Abu still wanted to hesitate.

"That's right, it's up to you to deal damage in this round!" Mei Xia first expressed her support.

"Well, what Mika said is good, then Kenan!" Abu immediately changed his mind and nodded.

I am sure to take Kenan for mouse, but there is no need to pick Kenan in the first round. In the second round, I may be able to deceive ig for two ban positions.

So edg selected Lulu and Syndra in two or three hands.

Then it was ig's turn to choose.

The coach mafa from South Korea has a gentle personality. He likes to communicate with the players no matter in training or bp, and he is willing to listen to the players' personal ideas.

This is also the reason why most of the BP of ig in the s8 season was actually made by him as the team, but the team still found coach Jin Jingmo to teach with him-he alone couldn't control several thorny players in the team.

And in this regular season, after he realized early on that IG's hard power is far behind EDG, his bp in the game relied on the player's personal expertise from the very beginning.

Otherwise, Duke won't grab Lambo first hand.

At this time, he asked the jungler, "kid, do you still want to take Kha'Zix?"

Kid shook his head quickly, how dare he choose the mantis in front of Syndra and the male gun, "Rookie is going to take the robbery, and the top order is AP, so I will choose a spider or a blind monk to cooperate with the control!"

The blind monk and Jie are not as good as the spider, so ig locks the spider in the third hand.

The first round of bp is over, and the commentator has been analyzing non-stop.

"Edg doesn't have a hero in the first three hands? Then in the second round, ig will be the top laner! Titans and big trees are easy to cooperate with the jungler!" Waowa said.

"There's another Shen, but it may be more uncomfortable for Shen to face Rambo." Ze Yuan said.

Shen's sword array mainly defends against ad damage, and it is really difficult to fight Rambo.

So ig banned people in the second round, as the baby analyzed, banning Titan and Dashu.

edg banned Ike and Nan Dao, the former is the counter position of Syndra, and the latter is the hero that rookie most often cooperates with spiders.

To select people to start.

ig first showed ADC Jhin. As the position with the biggest gap in strength between the two teams, he could only choose this hero for Marge.

Then edg chose ADC Ezreal as the fourth player. The upper, middle and wild are all late-stage heroes, and iboy chose a mid-stage hero to match the lineup.

In the fifth hand, Kenan of mouse finally appeared!
First, the audience cheered.

Another barrage full of screens.

[mouse is trying to prove himself? 】

[Lpl's territory does not allow Koreans to be presumptuous! 】

【In my opinion, mouse just forgot how he reported Mika's thigh victory in the world championship, and he was gone after defeating a few fish-eating Lassi in lpl! 】


Although the audience reacted strongly, it was normal to choose Kenan in front of Duke.

Then it was ig's fifth move.

Unlike kid who hesitated and gave up on Mantis, ig mid laner Rookie is more confident and has the courage to prove himself.

ig directly locked the Lord of Shadow Stream in seconds!

This surprised all the audience, including the commentators, in the selection!
Because since winning the World Championship last year, few mid laners dared to choose Zed or Assassin in front of Sakura Girl in the game!

"It's really locked! Rookie locked the Lord of the Shadow Stream, Zed, and faced Mika's Dark Queen Syndra!" the doll shouted.

"This reminds me of the match between mika and rookie in the spring game last year. Zed and Yasuo. Mika used Zed and Yasuo to beat rookie in two consecutive games, which proved his strength!" Zeyuan said to last year's Having done enough research on the game, it can be said that mika knows all the games he played.

"It's Rookie's turn to prove his abilities in this round!"

"The game is great!" Waowa shouted excitedly when the heroes of both sides were determined.

edg lineup, top laner Kenan, jungler, mid laner Syndra, adc Ezreal and support Lulu.

ig lineup, top laner Rambo, jungler Spider, mid laner Jie, adc Jhin and support Malzaha.

 Yesterday the ig player made a mistake and wrote wrongly, ning17chun is not in ig yet, now it has been changed to kid.

(End of this chapter)

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