Summer Summer's champion skin has been released, but the lpl game server is a version slower than the outside competition area, and the game server is slower than the game server, so after choosing Syndra, there is no way to show the audience the answer with my signature in the first place city ​​special effects.

Change the skin to the Ice Queen series, then adjust the double moves and talent runes, and enter the Summoner's Canyon.

During the time of entering the game, Mei Xia has time to change skins leisurely, and the factory manager is already talking about directing the first-level regiment.

Although the kid on the opposite side chose the spider with a strong early wilderness to fight against the male gun, but he is familiar with the characteristics of the two junglers, and he still wants to invade the ig wild area!

On the opposite side of the field, Rambo, Jie, and Spider.

Our own side is in the middle field, Kenan, Syndra, and Nanqiang.

The first-level regiment is half-baked.

If ig had an operation, the invasion would most likely fail, but the jungler on the opposite side of this game was a kid with a worse mentality than the factory manager, so Summer Summer also agreed with the first-level invasion.

Enter the game, go to the middle field to count the time, it will refresh almost at f6, and go straight to the red square f6 area.

But it was a surprise to walk in.

The ig jungler is not in the upper half, only the mid laner Jie is guarding the f6 intersection!

kid has a fluke mentality. First of all, he doesn't want to fight with edg in a first-level team, and then he thinks that if his spider is blue-opened in the lower half, he can go all the way up to the third level and then gank on the road-after all, this game is Mainly for the top order, it is very comfortable to swipe from bottom to top.

And after seeing edg's first-level invasion, he was worried that the team battle would not be easy, so he didn't go to f6 to fight back at the first time, but gave up the wild area to the factory manager.

"Did the kid put f6 to the male gun? In this way, the ig blue will be opened, and there will be no way to protect Rambo's laning in the early stage." The commentary doll can't understand.

"Spider first-tier regiments really can't beat the men's guns, right? In fact, it's not a loss. After brushing your own blue, you can brush edg red, which is to exchange wild areas with the factory manager." Zeyuan said.

But seeing that the start was so smooth, Meixia immediately wanted to strike while the iron was hot!

She commanded, "Senior factory manager, come to the middle lane and help me push the line! Go catch the spider!"

"Okay, I'm done with red!" The factory manager understood what she meant.

"Senior Meiko, can you help me too?"

"Okay, okay!" Meiko didn't want to care about iboy for a long time, isn't it more interesting to be a dog for Sakura girl than to watch ADC?
So the factory manager ate f6 and red, still at the second level, instead of going back to brush his own blue, he raised his gun and walked to the middle.

At this time, Meixia and Rookie are still facing off [-]-[-]. Although Zed is a short-handed assassin, in fact, the release distance of the q skill is definitely not short among assassins, and it still has no consumption.

Twisted Syndra's dark ball by moving and then returned with q [Shuriken], a wave of wonderful moves made the commentator and the audience applaud.

But just when Rookie was proud of his excellent position, Graves, who was carrying a gun, inserted from the side f6 intersection to his side.

Then the male gun hit Jie's face, aqa set, and the damage of the red buff, dried Jie to half blood.

Then he fired one shot at each of the three soldiers in the rear row, hitting the remaining blood, so that Meixia could collect all of them with one q, and was promoted to the second level.

After pushing the pawns, he walked towards the river. At this time, kid was walking to the wild area of ​​EDG to eat red——

Because he knew that the male gun might turn around and grab it hard, so he swiped his own blue and came to steal the red. When Syndra and the male gun stepped into the river, most of them had already been wiped. The walking speed is not fast enough, I have enough time to eat the red, and then order the explosive fruit to go down to the dragon pit!

When the punishment fell, the red and blue buff aura appeared on the spider, and the kid immediately turned around to order the explosive fruit.

Yet only the voices of yordles were heard in the distance.

"Run fast!"

Lulu, who was riding a staff, arrived at the back of Xiaolong Pit, and pressed a basic attack on the exploding fruit.

The spider watched the fruit shatter, and realized that he was too focused on the middle field and ignored the duo. Kid could only stare at the deceleration of Lulu q [Shining Spear], walked to the edge of the wall, and headed into the empty dragon pit Press flash.

He flashed to the dragon pit and wanted to go down the road. With a duo to support him, there should still be a chance of survival.

It's just that Syndra and the male gun who left the middle are already waiting at the mouth of the dragon pit!
The factory manager still handed e to the spider.

You kid wants to steal my family's blue, right?

I don't know I have mika to help defend?

The thick and long barrel shoots at the spider's face, and when Jhin comes over with w to stun the male gun, Ezreal who goes down the road also arrives to support him, and shoots at the spider's face with the same e face and q!
When the kid was scarred and walked near the pawn line, he wanted to open e to distance himself, Meixia turned the qe second company with one hand, interrupting his last delusion.

"Withdraw, withdraw!" Seeing the death of his teammates, ig assisted Megan, who later changed his ID to Baolan, and immediately commanded his teammates to escape.

The factory manager chased after him and fired two more bullets, forcing Malzaha to dodge and flee back to the tower.

Now ig Nosuke has no double moves.

Everyone returns to online development.

And Summer and the factory manager both have double buffs!

"It's difficult for rookie to line up in the middle lane now..." the commentary doll couldn't help but said, "Give Mika a double buff, this is not taking off!!"

"Half of the blood was knocked out by the second-level red buff male gun e-face for nothing, and now I have to face Syndra who has one blood and two buffs!" Ze Yuan laughed.

And seeing Syndra's reply, Rookie's face turned pale.

It was agreed that Mantis will be invaded by male guns in the early stage, so the chosen spider will increase the mid-field advantage. Why is your spider even more explosive than Khazik at the beginning!

Originally, Zed used his own body to consume Syndra's mana, but now Mika gets double buffs, and the mana will continue to attack a person with extra damage. He just hangs up to level six.

It's not just the mid laner who suffers.

After this round, the spider has completely lost control of the wild area, and after being resurrected, it can only return to the lower half area to continue to fight the three wolves and the toad.

After getting the assist, the factory manager immediately returned to the city to update his equipment, then turned around and went to the upper half of the area to eat wild, so from the beginning of the game to 6 minutes ago, the Duke on the road has been unprotected and may be gank by the male gun at any time environment!

And Rambo's skill mechanism, the high area damage of the q skill, it is impossible to control the line at all, and it is impossible to hide and defend against the gank.

Only 2 minutes passed, the factory director who ate Sanlang and Lan in the upper half of his family did not continue to brush Toad, but came to the line on foot, and was injured by the e-face again, forcing Rambo to return to the city with blood Then tp go online.

At this time, the game time reached 4 minutes and 30 seconds. The factory manager remembered the spawning time of wild monsters very accurately. He deliberately left f6 in the lower half and the toad in the upper half without spawning, just to get stuck in the river at this time.

ig's f6 is about to refresh again!

At this time, Kid, who was only two levels, knew that he was not an opponent of the male gun, and he did not dare to fight against the male gun allin for punishment, so he had to go through the wild area to steal f6 in the lower half of the male gun's remaining area in exchange.

How could Mei Xia allow him to get what he wished, he calculated his thoughts correctly, and stood at the intersection to block the spider's attempt to invade.

Syndra w [Driving Thought Power] can pull the big bird away, and brushing f6 can only be a waste of time.

The game is almost 6 minutes into the game.

And the spider only eats four groups of wild red and blue buffs plus three wolves and toads from beginning to end.

Kid's last hit count shows a pitiful 6, which is about equal to eating a wild monster in 1 minute...

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