lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 537 Abu's swing is disgusting

Chapter 537 Abu's swing is disgusting
With the big dragon, edg has basically established the victory.

However, this is a fiercely competitive playoffs. Even under extreme disadvantage, NB still did not give up the game easily.

Especially swift.

As the oldest and most experienced player in the nb team, he has the courage that others can hardly possess.

All edg members returned to the city to replenish their equipment, and pushed down the unguarded first and second towers in the middle lane. Due to the lack of time for the dragon buff, it was difficult to get to the high ground in the middle lane, so they switched lanes and pushed up the second tower.

At this time, Swift ambushed in the grass opposite the stone beetle in the upper half of the area.

"The spider seems to have disappeared, everyone pay attention..." Mei Xia smelled danger.

The economic lead of [-] plus is a sensitive number, and the players on the team are very cautious, except for the impulsive iboy—as someone who has never experienced that disaster, he doesn't take it seriously.

iboy even pushed the defense tower on the road in order to rush on the road quickly, and directly e[Arcane Leap] to the Golem wild area.

And just after he landed half a body away,
The spider's 【Detonating Spider】 emerged from the grass, followed by a white 【Cocoon】!
The 17-year-old iboy with an extremely fast reaction speed was so frightened that he pressed the flash on the spot, and the flash subconsciously went to the auxiliary body, and he suffered damage from [cocooning] and [exploding spider] as soon as he landed!

The audience commentators off the court were sweating for iboy, and applauded the operation of swift spider's prediction and flashing.

But it was a pity for Meixia, who saw everything clearly on the field, and Swift, who was the operator.

Obviously, an Ezreal who is protected by a healer and an auxiliary ultimate move is not something that a spider can kill in seconds.

The spider's cocoon was going straight to Lulu on the other side from the very beginning, Swift was not going to aim at Ezreal at all!

But now, by accident, Ezreal took the skills, and he had no choice but to bite the bullet and immediately change into a spider form and go up to aqa.

But before killing Ezreal in seconds, he was knocked into the air and transformed into a sheep.

Then he suffered damage from the clockwork and male guns from the follow-up support.

The spider died first!

And facing the rest of the NB staff who tried to support the spider from the second tower on the top road on the other side.

Mouse, who hadn't had a good teamfight in the whole game, made a blatant shot.

The wine barrel flashed, stunned Karma, and then made a big move to blow Karma and Jess next to him back!
Mei Xia then pressed qr!

Karma was instantly killed in the air!Jess flashed in the follow-up, but was also killed by the male gun's big move.

edg0 for 3!

"Swift found good opportunities in this wave, but unfortunately it didn't do enough damage, failed to kill ez, and gave away three heads..." the commentator remembered.

"The second tower on the top road must be released, and the high ground is gone. Is there any chance for EDG to make a move? Only the prince and Dazui are left in nb, and I can't hold it..." Hao Kai judged.

EDG, led by Summer Summer, of course wants to flatten it all!
With the help of the dragon buff, he quickly pushed to the high ground, and then in front of the front tooth tower, mouse returned to the city to tp to protect the soldiers. At this time, the prince eqr aimed at Ezreal, trying to protect the main base with his life.

But iboy reacted, e dodged eq and knocked him into the air, Lulu gave a change of sheep, w the unstrengthened prince couldn't hold on for three seconds, and was killed.

Then Big Mouth and the revived spider, and then the revived Jeskarma, the gourd baby rescued the grandfather and sent out the head...

In 25 minutes, the crystal exploded!
The commentators didn't even care to congratulate edg. They crushed the suffocating playoffs all the way, as if it should have been a situation they could play, and there was no need for surprises.

"In this game, NB was powerless to fight back. Except for the two waves of scout exchanges in the laning phase, which were very beautiful, the two teams did not even have a few serious team battles in the follow-up." I remember feeling emotional.

"After nb's game, I thought about it carefully. The top laner prince didn't seem to be able to play the role it should have, and the strong mid-field combination doesn't seem to be as strong as the last BO5." Su Xiaoyan also played her specialty, commenting Criticize nb's lineup selection.

"Although it must be because Mika is stronger, it's really not particularly suitable to use Jess Spider's early lineup with no error tolerance."

Su Xiaoyan had good intentions.

But she overlooked one point.

In the early stage, Nakano was able to be hit by Sakura girl for 10 minutes and [-] economic difference.

If you switch to Jess or Lucian of Mika in the middle field in the later stage, I am afraid that the loss will only be more ugly.

And this.

The scout who has fought against Sakura sister head-on, has the clearest experience...


The intel world focuses on your ad past, the break is over, and it's time for the second inning.

I remember, "The good game is finally back! All League of Legends summoners, this is the second match between EDG and NB in ​​the upper half of the LPL Spring Split semifinals!"

Su Xiaoyan announced, "Currently edg is leading 1-0. In the second game, nb chose the side, and they chose the blue side."

Hao Kai stared at the bp column, and spoke quickly, "Although the blue side, nb's bp is still very difficult. They banned Jess, Syndra and the barrel--they did Jess themselves, probably because they didn't want to give Mika a backhand Education, and the wine barrel, it seems that the wine barrel of the mouse in the last game still caused a lot of pressure on v."

I remember seeing edg again, "Then, edg banned Galio, Male Gun and Poodle respectively. This is because they don't want to give Swift a suitable jungle hero. Indeed, only Swift played the best in the nb game last game."

In this way, it is the first to snatch people.

edg kept a spider who played very well in the first game of swift and a mantis who was extremely risky.

But Swift is not going to take the spider anymore, and Mantis is not too willing to snatch it first-hand. After all, the hero is really unable to do things before level [-], and he is easy to be destroyed by the invading wild...

He is a little psychologically shadowed.

So nb grabs Verus first hand, a steady and strong hero who is not easy to be countered by a second hand.

And go to edg to choose people.

That, of course, is to get the Mantis for Blank.

Then choose a good partner with Mantis, who is also the version's strongest support Lulu.

Then nb immediately selected Karma who was tied with Lulu to assist t1 in the second hand, and Rambo was selected in the third hand.

"Lambo may be a jungler..." Coach Abramovich realized immediately.

After all, there are not many junglers left outside the field, and nb still does not choose heroes, so in the second round, edg bans spiders and blind monks, and swift really has no heroes to choose from.

"It's okay, Rambo's jungler is not very useful..." Misha wasn't worried at all.

If nb really uses Rambo as a jungler, then the tactics they discussed in the waiting room will only be self-inflicted...

So edg took out a hero who is more comfortable against Rambo in the third hand, the furious knight Kled.

Enter the second round of bp.

nb snatched Varus himself and edg's adc was still vacant, so the target points were all placed on the bottom lane.

Both Han Bing and Big Mouth were placed in the forbidden box.

On the edg side, it is logical to disable spiders and blind monks.

Then go to EDG's fifth hand selection.

Holy Gun Ranger Lucian!
The commentator remembers raising his voice, "Is Lucian the mid laner? The mid laner is swinging with the ADC, so there should be a great possibility for Mika to take on Lucian!"

Su Xiaoyan smiled slightly, "The voices off the court are a bit loud, everyone really wants to see Mika's Lucian!"

In fact, there is also the ultimate secret weapon of Lucian's top laner and Kled's mid laner, but it's just a mere playoffs, and it's not time to use it yet.

Amidst the applause.

nb's fourth hand is locked on the Titans, which is obvious. Rambo's jungler is on the top lane, while nv's top laner v is choosing to play steadily, knowing how much he is, and dare not continue to play tricks.

Then the fifth move was confirmed, Talon, the shadow of the blade!
Scout is different from V, he didn't follow Su Xiaoyan's wishes at all.

Even though he had already lost two regular games and the last game to Sakura, he still chose to face it bravely!

"Lu Xian's laning is a male swordsman. If Lucian is in the lane, this game will be wonderful!" Remember that the expectations are full.

"Scout has gotten worse. How should I put it, I admire him..." Su Xiaoyan had to pay her respects.

If the backhand Tai Long is facing Lucian, if he is killed and collapsed, and it is very likely to collapse in the line, I am afraid that he will bear huge pressure...

However, Meixia's fifth move did not let Scout get what he wanted.

Lucian's short-handed Tai Long, if he kills three times in 10 minutes, I'm afraid he will collapse the Dao heart of the scout kill on the spot.

Therefore, the kind-hearted Summer only chooses to defeat the opponent sustainably, unless it is absolutely necessary, try not to kill the opponent that is too ugly.

"Are you sure you want to swing like this?" Abu was actually a little bit reluctant, this scout is really ignorant, and like the audience, he wanted to see Mika's Lucian kill Beng Nan too much.

"Yeah." Mei Xia nodded, "Lu Xian and Mantis are both Ads, such a middle field is not very comfortable!" Mei Xia gave a reasonable explanation.

So Abu had no choice but to give up and choose the final hero according to the original calculation.

Summon Ushio Hime Nami.

So, Lulu swayed to the middle!

【ah?Lulu mid laner? ? 】

[I'm super, there is still this kind of swing? 】

[Lulu faced the male sword in the lane, Scout's mentality collapsed...]

[Abu kills people, he doesn't even give Lu Xian a chance to face the male swordsman in the line, he wants to use Lulu to disgust people! ! 】

[It's disgusting, this Abu's bp! 】

[This is a competition, what do you want to fight against Lucian, edg agrees! 】


For a while, the audience sighed with joy and surprise.

What I sigh is that I can't see Lucian's performance of the male knife point against the wheat awn.

The surprise is that this is the first time mika has chosen the hero Lulu as a mid laner!And the disgusting Abu is disgusting, and Lulu has to admit that she is indeed swinging by the gods when facing the male sword!

Although Lulu seldom has the chance to kill solo, but the transformation of the sheep and the big move are too much for the assassin's mid-laner mentality!

So the final bp result.

The blue side nb selected top laner Titan, jungler Rambo, mid laner male swordsman, adc Verus and support Karma.

The red side edg took out top laner Klie, jungler Mantis, mid laner Lulu, adc Lucian and support Nami.

(End of this chapter)

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