lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 538 Great Wisdom lwx

Chapter 538 Great Wisdom lwx
Before entering Summoning Canyon, Mei Xia carefully considered the Summoner skills.

Weakness is a good way to deal with ad assassins on the line, but the weakness has been weakened in the previous versions, the effect of reducing attack speed was removed, and Lulu's many skills have the effect of restraining dash, so there is no It is necessary to be too conservative, after all, she chose Lulu to gain an advantage.

As for Ignition, if it was Summer who entered LPL last year and was eager to prove himself, she might have to use Ignition Lulu to kill the opponent in the middle.

But now that the grand slam is in hand, as a senior of lpl, he should have the attitude of an elder, thinking about fighting and killing all day long is really lack of group consciousness!

So Summer chose a relatively mild summoner skill, flash and teleportation.

enter the game.

She stood guarding the upper half of the river.

Praying Mantis is still an old problem. You can only open buff monsters first, which will give a lot of opportunities for junglers to invade f4 at the first level, and Rambo, whose red temperature q [arson feast] has a very high aoe, is one of the few who always covets opponents One of f4's junglers.

Summer Summer's guard successfully stopped Rambo, and then it started normally.

Online Lulu has long hands and skills, aqa is thunder, and it is extremely uncomfortable to harass a short-handed male knife.

What's more disgusting than Lucian is that Meixia Lulu aqa always retreats immediately after fighting, playing with the male sword, never fights with the male sword to the death, and even the pawn line does not have a strong clearing to send the tower will.

This means that Scout can't fight hard, and clearing the line is also a step slower. Even if she is called a jungler, Lulu's blood volume has always remained perfect, and she has nowhere to start.

Time passed slowly.

After the third level, after eating the scout blood bottle, he knows that if he doesn't fight again, he will be cut off by Lulu's soft knife and returned to the city.

So he finally couldn't hold back, and took the initiative to q onto Lulu when Lulu's q skill cd, and chased forward against the control time of the sheep, wa, and then hung up the ignition, and finally lowered Lulu's blood volume.

However, Meixia's backhanded many basic attacks also suppressed the male sword's blood volume to a very low level.


It is impossible to kill the male sword now, so he can only go back to the city.

And Meixia returned after pushing the line, and the teleportation went online again, and she could continue to fight with the male sword!
The scout who shrank under the tower clenched his teeth, his eyes under the glasses were slightly red, he had to warn himself not to rush, at least he was not solo killed like in the first round!

What's more, it's normal for the inferior laning to play like this. After reaching the sixth level, relying on the passive and quick support of the new version of the male sword to win the kill!He still has a chance!

Fortunately, in four and a half minutes, there was good news for nb on the court!
The nb jungler swift finally found a chance, stepping on the blue exploding fruit and jumping into the grass at the intersection of the river, just avoiding mouse's river eye and the f6 eye made by Summer for the top road!

Then Kled, Rambo eqe, who was pushing the line in Titan q, knocked Kled off his horse, and got the head with a heel flash after Mouse flashed.

The first drop of blood was obtained by swift, everyone in nb was in high spirits!

Scout's nervousness eased a little!
Then 2 minutes later, the jungle buffs of both sides were refreshed.

At this time, edg's laning advantage in the middle lane radiated to the bottom lane, and lwx on the opposite side was always worried about Lulu's support, so he was pushed by the already strong Luna combination.

And relying on the lead in the middle and bottom, Meixia immediately directed Blank to invade the red buff together!

Praying Mantis advanced, just saw Swift eating red, jumping on it is a set.

Because of getting the first blood, Rambo shoes are legal to wear shoes, facing Blank's straw sandals.

So Swift didn't hand in flashes, and fought hard against the helpless and passive Mantis.

"Luciana is here first, can you kill Rambo first!" the commentator remembered.

"Isn't Rambo still turning in the flash? Wow, the punitive red buff restores blood, Swift's limit blood volume flashes into the grass and pulls away!" Hao Kai said in surprise, "The mantis flashes to chase, but Karma flashes to give the shield!"

Just looking at the performance of this opening, Swift is even stronger than the previous round!

Then the scout, who arrived as a second aid, immediately opened up on the praying mantis!
He's finally opening!

edg here.

Meixia didn't flash the idea of ​​saving Blank either, she just gave Mantis e and the ultimate move, and then turned around to command.

"Kill Verus!"

"Okay!" The aggressive iboy had already supported the back of the Dragon Pit, and immediately crossed the wall to reach the side of the blue ashlar beetle wall. He was heading towards Verus, who was turning to the battlefield and was helpless because of the support flashing first!
Awaqa, while Lucian is playing a set of damage, he has Nami's passive on him.

lwx can't flash through the wall like Karma, because mika is already guarding the other side of the wall at this time.

Head to iboy or head to mika?

According to the theory of player positioning, giving iboy a head is definitely better than mika, but from a hero point of view, giving Lulu is better than giving Lucian.

lwx resolutely chose to give it to Sakura, anyway, the most important thing is to get off the road later!

So lwx flashed across the wall and came in front of Lulu, was caught up by Lucian flashed, and handed over e-hand healer and was dying.

At the same time, the mantis that edg took the initiative to flash up was finally about to be dealt with by the male knife.

Want to change one?
Do not!
The moment the mantis died.

Since Meixia used the first q to block the male sword's support in the middle, she finally made a good second q here.

On one side is a Pixar hanging on a praying mantis.

On the other side, Verus was aimed straight ahead.

[Shining Spear] Forked into two paths!

On the left, Verus received damage and deceleration before being killed by Lucian, while on the other side, Rambo, who was in a bloody state after being hit by the praying mantis for the last time, unexpectedly also received the shining spear because he was confident that he didn't pull too far!

Everyone thought that Rambo, who had already escaped from Tianxiu, fell in the wild before Mantis!

And Verus was also slowed down, allowing Lucian to catch up and kill.

edg trades 1 for 2!

[I'm super, mika kills two birds with one stone! 】

[What a fork! 】

[Disgusting, the beautiful girl Sakura can't xx! ! 】

[Swift's wave almost turned the sky upside down, but it's a pity that he couldn't avoid Mika's spear...]

[No, what is the position of lwx, a person has been single-cut? 】


The audience was all aroused by this thrilling small-scale team battle. After all, the resistance of a weak team can always arouse sympathy.

Except for doinb who was watching the game at the base at this time.

The thin monkey-like man grinned loudly, "Hahaha, Xinyi, you see, this Verus is really smart! He just flashed this way, just to give Lulu a chance to wear two!"

Xiyi also complained about Verus, "I'm super, if this lwx flashes to the right, he won't be able to eat Lulu Q, and he still has a chance to escape to the defense tower. Why should he flash in front of Lulu? I noticed it a long time ago." Is this person doinb your undercover agent in nb?"

"Undercover? Xiba... I have the ability to put NB undercover, and I won't be driven to LSPL for a year!" Doinb pretended to be angry but couldn't hide his smile.

Seeing that NB was eliminated by EDG with a high probability of [-]-[-], he couldn't help but want to dance in the training room.

(End of this chapter)

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