lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 594 Mika is angry!

Chapter 594 Mika is angry!
Although the commentary made the atmosphere extremely enthusiastic, but for the team, it was just an ordinary group match.

Training and testing are the main focus, there is no need to show Sakura Girl's ultimate move so early.

Therefore, edg, who is on the blue side, was banned in the first round very unexpectedly. Rambo, male gun and blind monk, the three heroes with the best performance in skt so far in the group stage, were pressed.

As for SKT's bp, it is the same as all the previous teams facing EDG, banning the murlocs, enchantress and Jess.

The handling of the third mid laner is not unusual for tsm or g2, but when it comes to skt, which has a big devil, it seems a little unconfident.

"Faker is scared." The factory manager couldn't help but sigh, "SKT has never had such a bp before!"

"It's also possible that faker has a hero counter in the middle lane." Abramovich is still very vigilant towards skt coach kkoma, "Now, the top laner Galio, Kenan, Kled, and the support Lulu Karma are all outside, and skt didn't do Kenan ..."

As a hero in the group stage, it was only due to the use of the Vietnam team.

Ad Liu Kenan can say that except for EDG who finished the playoffs by himself and tried to practice privately because of Mika's reminder, the other teams basically haven't practiced for a few days.

This is also an important reason why most teams played Kenan in the few days of the group stage. They didn't practice too much and didn't dare to grab it, and they were worried that the opponent's selection would change the situation of the battle.

"Let's see if Huni can play Kennan, my Kennan can continue to be hidden." Mouse said indifferently.

Now he fully has the confidence to be a world champion, he is no longer the trembling challenger he used to be, but a challenger who can stand here and accept the challenge.

"Then, should we choose Karma or Lulu?" Abu didn't ask meiko, but turned to Mika, the cherry blossom girl.

Because in edg's hidden system, both Kalma and Lulu are the type who can swing in the center, and unlike other teams' understanding that Kalma has a higher priority than Lulu, on edg's side, Lulu has a higher priority than Karl Ma.

"Give Lulu to Senior Meiko!" Mika thought about it, "I'm not in a hurry to choose my hero."

So when the commentator remembers and Zeyuan is still discussing whether to grab Kenan or Karma.

edg unexpectedly locked the fairy witch Lulu first-hand.

"Then skt's first two hands with Kenan Karma!" Zeyuan couldn't understand, "Are you going to grab Lulu?"

"Oh! I see. Is there a possibility that edg is doing a bp test to see if skt's top laner Huni will play Kenan, and Faker will play mid laner Karma!" I remember thinking that I realized it.

"Then BP edg is too confident!" Su Xiaoyan was expressing shock.

Then skt's first two players were locked.

They are the top laner Kenan and the jungler Cuishen.

This again surprised the audience commentators.

"Green God? Did Little Peanut play the jungler Jade God in lck? I don't remember him picking the Green God!" No matter how Zeyuan recalled, he couldn't remember that he had this hero.

"Probably not, but in this way, skt still didn't choose Karma, do you want edg to take it?" remember to explain again.

edg has Karma Lulu four guarantees and one ADC system, but in this game, not only the coach Abramovich did not dare to choose because of his trust in iboy, even Summer himself did not want to choose a passive Karma for the opposing mid laner counter.

I saw edg lock on the ice on the second floor, and then jump repeatedly between the poodle, praying mantis, spider, and Nunu on the third floor.

Zeyuan didn't quite understand, "edg still doesn't want to choose Kalmar, doesn't it play four guarantees and one? The factory manager is a little hesitant..."

I remember explaining the reason for edg's hesitation, "It's true that before the game, I couldn't think of how Peanut could play Emerald God. His MSI has been male gun and mantis so far. I remember that male gun was super amazing yesterday."

On the EDG player bench.

The hesitant factory manager asked Sakura-mei instead.

"Mika, what hero do you think I should take?"

"Since we are facing the fans, let's take the poodle. I also want to see the poodle of the factory manager's senior." Mei Xia calmly picked out the most challenging hero for the factory manager, "And I can take the clockwork Give you a shield!"

"Okay, then the poodle!" The factory manager cheered up.

edg locked the poodle on the third floor.

It's skt's turn to choose.

"Coach, it looks like I'm still going to take the mid laner Karma?!" Faker asked kkoma behind him.

He doesn't like Karma because he doesn't have any initiative, but any sacrifice for victory is worth it, and in the spring finals, he almost lost due to the loss of this system in the hands of kt, and he did crazy practice during the offseason.

"Don't worry, edg has a combination of clockwork mid laner and poodle." As a veteran coach, kkoma can tell what Sakura girl is thinking at a glance.

He continued, "How about we pick Karma first, and we'll wind you up in the next round?"

"Ah! Alright!" Faker was young and vigorous after all, and in his opinion Clockwork was more proactive than Karma.

skt's third hand finally locked Karma, who has been unselected.

The second round of bp.

edg banned Verus and Rat, both heroes that bang had used before.

skt bans Lucian Klein, the former is to continue to block the summer hero, and the latter is more comfortable to deal with Kenan.

When it comes to selection.

skt's fourth hand, directly snatched the spring prepared by Meixia!
"Huh??" Mei Xia was stunned. Although the wind-up poodle is a small routine, the strength of this version of the wind-up is average. The poodle has just been shaved, and it is not at the point where it needs to be targeted.

"kkoma is really...Mika, if you don't try it, you can take Syndra, it's more comfortable to play in lane." Coach Abu suggested.

SKT has four mid laners, and there are not many heroes who can effectively counter the clockwork and cooperate with the poodle.

But Meixia was angry.

"Coach Abu, senior Meiko, I've changed my mind!"

"What?" Abu and Meiko asked at the same time.

"I want to play mid laner Lulu!" Meixia made a decision.

"This..." Abu hesitated.

"No problem, besides Lulu's mid laner, I still have so many routines hidden in my stomach. I will use one in the group stage first, and I will think about another one in a few days at worst." Misha said.

What Abramovich is worried about is not the early exposure of the mid laner Lulu's tactics. In fact, judging from the current game trend, Lulu and Karma will be fixed sooner or later. They may not have a chance to win the mid laner Lulu in the knockout round.

He is afraid of going down the road

iboy crashes...

After yesterday's setback, iboy suddenly became self-aware, "But, I chose Hanbing..."

"Han Bing is also possible! Xiao Zhao, I have always believed in you!" Meixia continued to take the opportunity to give her spiritual support.

"iboy? What do you think?! Four Guarantees and One Ice, you alone can handle the output!" Abu quickly winked at iboy.

iboy hesitated for a moment.

He had obviously already made up his mind, and the rest of the game would be messed up, but he didn't expect that Sakura would still trust him so much.

"I...I can try Zhongdan Lulu!" He summoned up his courage and answered with difficulty.

But iboy's heart is completely different from the guy in the playoffs who wants to show off his operation. At this moment, he only has one thought - that is, he can't live up to the trust of Sakura girl!

"Okay! Then can I wrong Senior Meiko!" Mei Xia apologized to Meiko with her palms together.

"I don't care, bring me Nami." Meiko shrugged.

In the end, Abu had no choice but to agree.

edg selected players with both hands, and locked the top laner Keg to assist Nami.

When bp came here, the commentator and the audience were shocked for the third time.

"Edg assists Nami, that is to say, the mid laner Lulu? Isn't that right, the four guarantees and one iboy routine in the lpl final is coming again?!" Zeyuan didn't trust this system very much, because he gave Sakura Mei a support mid laner Such a waste of her abilities.

"Let's think of it as edg trying again. In fact, Lulu is quite good at laning." Remember to try hard.

And seeing edg's selection, it was skt's last move.

"Give me this, don't worry, the iboy's ice won't break me." Bang was full of confidence.

"Well, it can be locked! Mid laner Lulu, Abramovich chose this kind of hero for mika, it's really self-defeating." kkoma calmly explained the operation in the game, "Wang, playing edg is different from playing other teams , keep the middle lane in the early stage, although the ice is very strong in the bottom lane, but there is no special care.”

"I understand, I understand!" Peanut expressed understanding, "clearlove is my idol, and I have studied his wild gank for a long time."

During the conversation, skt was unceremonious in the last move, locking Kog'Maw, Void's mouth!
The lineup of both sides is determined.

Blue Fang edg, top lane wine barrel, play wild poodle, mid lane Lulu, adc ice and support Nami.

Red Fang skt, top laner Kenan, jungler Cuishen, mid laner Clockwork, adc Dazui and support Karma.

 Why is it updated in the middle of the night, tomorrow I must update during the day!Swear here –_–!
(End of this chapter)

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