lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 595 Brothers, hold a bang negative game!

The coaches of both sides shook hands and exited.

Amidst the high cheers of the hostess at the scene, Mei Xia and her teammates entered Summoner's Canyon.

Lulu's skills bring flash teleportation, and the equipment buys Dolan ring and two reds.

In yesterday's game, skt's mid laner Faker had the experience of being caught in the grass on the right side of the middle lane leading to the grass behind the blue buff, so for skt's first-level position, the coach made a first-level team strategy early.

Of course, if you really expect faker to be caught twice in the same bush, then you will not only look down on faker, but also treat the skt coaching staff as fools.

Meixia and her teammates report to the group from the triangle grass in the lower road, ready to catch the duo that skt used to squat at the intersection of the lower road and the river.

Across the river, iboy Hanbing w fired ten thousand arrows into the grass, directly forcing the flash of the big mouth in the grass!
The first-level routine has gained a lot!
It's impossible to jump up and chase people, edg retreats when he sees it.

Meixia walked to the side of f4, waited for the moment when the wild monsters respawned, two basic attacks and an e-shield to help the poodle who was taking damage, and at the same time, iboy and meiko brushed up red buffs, providing the factory manager with an emperor start.

In this way, Meixia returned to the line much slower than Faker's clockwork, but it was not a big problem. She brought the purification of the teleportation belt, which is equivalent to two lives for one life.

Although e was almost cd, she was able to stand in front and give enough psychological pressure to the clockwork.

Then when e [Help, Pixar] gets better, it is even more swaggering and clockwork to exchange blood volume with a.

At two and a half minutes, Faker succeeded in grabbing second by relying on the advantage of being online at the first level. Immediately, qw wanted to exchange blood with Lulu, but Mei Xia insisted on taking the skill and did not run away.

She was waiting for the second level to use the q learned by the second to hit back the blood volume, so Faker didn't accept the move, relying on Lulu being slowed down by the puppet, she turned her back and opened the distance.

However, just as the clockwork was about to open the distance, the soldier next to him was killed, and Meixia succeeded in being promoted to the second level.

q skill [flashing spear] shoot towards the clockwork!

The colorful butterflies fluttered to the clockwork!

The blood volume of Lulu and Clockwork returned to the same starting line.

At this time, peanut had just swiped from the upper half to the lower half. Looking back, both the middle lane and the bottom lane were fighting extremely fiercely!
It's not just the cherry blossom girl Lulu who forcibly spelled out a [-]/[-] split, because bang lost the flash at the first level, skt's bottom lane is being beaten by iboy ice!
Both middle and bottom players have needs and opportunities for gank.

Peanut respectfully followed the instructions of the coach before the game, and shouted in voice, "Brother Xianghe, let the pawns come over a little bit, I will catch you at the third level!"

"That's good!" Faker readily agreed. Although the mid lane laning is not at a disadvantage, but with the help of the jungler, it is more comfortable than laning alone.

When dealing with mika, he has already let go of the figure of a big devil!
At 3 minutes and 40 seconds, Cuishen finished clearing the wild area and walked from the river in the lower half of the area to the middle road.

At this time, Mei Xia has already obtained the line right through the exchange of no blood and no blue, and is trying her best to send troops into the tower.

Seeing that Lulu, who was at level 4, even used up her w [Transformation], Cui Shen immediately walked out with her long and thin legs.

In order to avoid q [Deep Enemy] from being dodged, peanut just kept walking behind Lulu, and waited for the flash to be forced before releasing the skill.

Seeing that she was about to be caught between two sides, Meixia could only hand over her flash first, and then dodge behind the soldiers, so that unless Emerald God flashed q close to his face, it would be impossible to hit.

And has always been known as a carry-type jungler, the peanut and gank are very skill-saving. After all, heroes like men, spears and leopards are mostly used for K heads, so he didn't want to use flash to face q at all, but chased Small soldiers pile and then q skill shot.

Just like this, Meixia’s q [Flashing Spear] finally turned around, and her backhand q slowed down to open the distance, and then faced the q [Deep Roots] released by the Emerald God from a long distance away, she just dodged it with a slight twist .

"Mika is easy to move in this wave!" Seeing a false alarm, I remember shouting, "Although the mutated sheep is still extremely aggressive as always, but relying on flash and position, mika can still safely escape the gank!"

"However, Lulu's blood volume is very low, Blink is handed over, and the pawn line is controlled by the clockwork again. What should Mika do? Return to the city in 4 minutes for TP?" Zeyuan analyzed objectively, Lulu's wave is still very bad.

"Ah, Mika still feels that she has to go back to the city!" Su Xiaoyan continued looking at the situation on the court.

Then a tp beam of light lit up.

But it didn't shine in the middle.

Summer chose to go down the road tp.

To be precise, she tp landed on the minions of the skt bot lane defense tower, and the factory manager poodle was standing behind the tower, coordinating with Nami Hanbing to double-team the skt duo!
"Mika the bottom lane! Four packs for two! Bang's blood volume is a bit low, and the treatment increases the blood volume. Hey, skt is also handed over to the top lane for protection!"

I remember that in the middle of the explanation, Zeyuan, who had been staring at the mini-map, noticed deeper details, "Double TP! edg is the upper and middle double TP! Lulu and the wine barrel came down together!"

Before the words were finished, a hero with a big belly landed, and the e flash hit the big mouth, and then the poodle jumped up to cooperate with Han Bings second to drop the ad that was already less than half blood.

Then Lulu landed.

Meixia turned into a sheep against Karma, then aq, and cooperated with his teammates to kill another one.

At this time, the wine barrel opened the defense tower to damage him, and Meixia set up a shield for him to avoid being killed by Dazui's corpse.

In the end, Kenan, who had only a small skill, landed.

Huni looked at the four big men in front of him, and shouted "Axi!", without hesitation, e flashed in his hand, facing the wine barrel aqw that had already pulled the damage from the defense tower, and completed the kill.

But Kenan himself can't go away, because his killing position has been separated from the defensive tower, so there is no need to worry about the anti-tower problem in the last round.

Meiko and Nami flashed the blisters and lifted them up, the poodle jumped up again, Meixia continued to make up for the damage, and finally took the head with the general ice attack.

"One for three!!! edg's perfect five-pack and two-jump tower!" The commentator who was still trying to make up for edg's mid-lane miss just now remembers being extremely excited.

"Who would have thought that everything was a butterfly effect caused by that flash." Zeyuan was also excited when he saw it, "They have seized this opportunity! Mika would rather give up the pawn line in the middle lane, and also teleport to the bottom lane to help his teammates ! This is the edg team!"

Although the EDG fans had reservations about this bp after several times of four guarantees and one difficult victory in the lpl spring knockout round, this wave of wonderful five catches and two still caused a frenzy of barrage.

[SKT bot lane exploded! 】

[Mika-chan cried to death, she is too teamwork! 】

【This is where skt goes down the road. Is bang giving away the kill on purpose? 】

[I think that the qualifying game of Able exploded within 4 minutes. 】

[Reported, Big Mouth level [-] intentionally gives flashes, Level [-] intentionally doesn’t go home to give the chance to jump the tower! 】


"nice!" Mei Xia in the edg voice channel was full of vitality as always, "iboy will continue to play like this!"

The iboy is only concerned about the fact that the game is not as nonchalant as it used to be, and he is complacent, "Big Mouth is 2 minutes away from flashing, and Karma has not flashed yet, and we can continue to catch the sixth level!"

"OK! ok!" Mei Xia replied with a smile, "Waiting for you to level six!"

She could feel that Xiao Zhao was growing rapidly, not only in terms of physical manipulation, but also psychologically.

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