lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 600 Only Sakura Sister Still Cares About the King of Europe

Chapter 600 Only Sakura Sister Still Cares About the King of Europe

"It doesn't matter, Karsa's strength is indeed very powerful. If it weren't for the fact that the senior factory manager is still very strong, I would have wanted Coach Abu to spend a lot of money to bring him in." When she was about to enter the arena, Meixia patted blank like this Shoulder to comfort, "Anyway, Blank, it's already very good that you can get along with him like this!"

Summer Summer's "spiritual hypnosis" method did not know whether it had any effect on Blank, but the factory manager who was waiting in the break room was refreshed when he heard this.

He and Karsa have a good relationship, they have added friends to each other in the game, and know that he is indeed very strong, and he is in the top [-] of Hanbok kings.

And the key point is that the guy is tall and handsome, and mika pays so much attention to him, if edg is really allowed to bring in foreign aid, he will definitely be the strongest competitor for the boyfriend of the Sakura girl in the team.

As a Huaguo player, Meixia cannot be snatched away by Baodao people like that well-known beautiful table tennis player!
The factory manager couldn't help feeling a strong sense of crisis!

However, the simple and honest Blank doesn't like Meixia...

After entering the game with gam, although his Emerald God didn't show a big rhythm, he didn't show how crushing the wild area operation was.

Of course, this cannot be blamed on Blank.

Gam is weak, but Wild King Levi is not weak at all, on the contrary, he is the strongest member of the Vietnamese team.

What made it even more difficult for Blank, a player influenced by lck-style operations, to deal with was that gam didn't play cards according to routines at all!

First, the gam level-[-] up and down lanes change lanes to avoid the battle, the edg policewoman Karma and a strong combination!

This is the s7 season, the defense tower mechanism has been greatly changed, and heroes like Jhin take the initiative to change lanes, which is basically equivalent to giving up a huge bounty for a tower!

But gam still did this, and Lulujin deliberately waited until mouse murloc learns w to eat pawns before going online again.

Lulu's aqa hangs on the ignition, Jhin is also aqa, and the little murloc with the summoner's skill belt teleports the ignition to send off the head directly.

What's even more outrageous than changing lanes is that the wild king Levi won't go to the top lane after eating the bottom lane.

The 2-1-2 split will only appear in the entire silver and bronze round.

In three and a half minutes, Summer Summer's mid laner Syndra won the lane right against Taliyah, and supported mouse with Blank.

Just before she arrived, the gam duo had already crossed the tower to kill the murlocs, and Blank came over after stealing the red from the opposite wild area, and the support was slow.

So Meixia flashed the partition wall qe, and then w took Jhin's head away, and the rest of Lulu circled from the edg wild area, joined the rock sparrow who arrived later for support, and escaped successfully.

edg changed one for one, but blank didn't even get an assist.

Fortunately, gam's opening three tricks ended here.

The duo returned to the bottom lane, Galio went up the road to eat soldiers, and the male gun returned to the wild area.

In this way, although the little murloc was killed twice, his experience was still higher than that of Galio who shared the experience with the male gun, so when he opened his big move at level [-], Mei Xia and blnk also supported him in time.

Meixia Syndra qe was dizzy, connected to w, the ultimate move was useless, and the head was given to mouse.

And Blank finally gave her a shield and an assist.

In the subsequent games, there was almost no blank thing, he only used team battles to give the shield, Xiaoju took some damage, or q to get a prize.

Summer Syndra leads by [-] in last hits, kills are also harvested all the way, equipment is always ahead of the audience, team battle output and control are full.

As for another c iboy in the team, although his female policeman didn't perform well in the early stage and didn't collect the money, but unknowingly developed all the way and was ahead of Jhin by more than 40 knives. It can only be said that this is the gap in basic skills.

At 10 minutes into the game, Vietnam Ye Wang confidently squatted in the bushes to the iboy who was walking at the back.

As a result, a set of awaqr failed to drop in seconds, allowing meiko Karma to flash re, emerald god e, and resist his own treatment.

At the same time, when Mei Xia was preparing to save someone with her hind legs, she was intercepted by the rock sparrow, and a set of QER almost killed the rock sparrow in seconds.

So gam's top laner, Galio, rescued the rock sparrow, but was twisted by her position and knocked into the air. Meixia grabbed the magic ball and turned around to slow down the male gun that had just cut the back row and used up all his skills.

The final finishing touch was still handed over to the little murloc who was sent down.

Mouse, who was targeted and killed twice in the early stage, has been fully developed after this round of team battles with five kills.

Dalong followed suit.

The female police system got the dragon buff so early, and it was like a fish in water to push the team quickly.

Within 3 minutes, all the outer towers of gam were destroyed, and the economic lead expanded to a dangerous number - [-].

But in this world, for edg, who has overcome all difficulties to win the championship, this is no longer that nightmarish number.

At 25 minutes, Meixia qe stunned Galio under the tower, and the little murloc jumped up with a big jump to complete the instant kill.

Then Karma re accelerated to push down the defense tower and chased all the way to the crystal of the main base, killed the other four gam people, and finally won!
The edg game is over, and the third match day of the group stage has come to a successful conclusion.

So far, halfway through the group stage, edg has won all six games and has steadily qualified. The next suspense is whether it can lock in the first place.

Next is 5-1skt, which is also guaranteed to qualify for skt.

The records of the next four teams were terrible.


The wild card team gam got such a record because the audience and the players themselves knew it well before the game, but before the game, they kept saying that they wanted to prove that they were the top mid laners in the world, but they only got the same record as the wild card, leaving only theory It was possible to qualify, but it surprised the audience.

Not only North American audiences sent out barrage taunts of na>eu.

Even hostess sjokz tweeted about it.

[Does the world's number one mid laner have to experience the fate of being the bottom of the group stage!Four accompanying pictures: s5dfm group match record.jpg
, Sakura girl mika.jpg, s7msig2 group match record.jpg, pekz expression.jpg]

It seems to be consoling himself that to become the world's number one mid laner, one must have the experience of being the bottom of the group stage, but everyone can see that sjokz is mocking g2.

Who did they bring to the bottom of the group stage?
What team did your perkz lead to the bottom?
The European audience who broke the defense below the tweet also made various speeches.

【I understand! Perkz immediately transferred to the lpl team after finishing the msi!In the second half of the year, we will be able to hit the World Championship! 】

[Maybe perkz will switch to the jungler to serve as a substitute for the factory manager! God mika will give him a world championship medal! 】

[perkz wants to join edg, he should claim to be a mika fan immediately! 】


Of course, Summer Summer will not miss such a lively event.

She also immediately retweeted the speech, [Yes!Those difficult games in the past will eventually make me, this time MSI met perkz in the hotel, he is a very hardworking and serious player, I believe he will become a strong player! 】

Among so many speeches that ridiculed perkz, only Sakura girl gave encouragement seriously.

sjokz followed Summergate's retweet with a bright smiley.

Meixia's fans also thought that she didn't see the irony in the tweet, and then came down and smiled and thought Sakura girl was very funny.

But they didn't know that Meixia's words were sent for perkz to read.

And perkz, who worked overtime and practiced hard in the hotel training room, really felt the warmth from Sakura Girl!
He took his mobile phone and showed it to his teammates.

"My friends, have you seen that even Mika believes in my strength. We just didn't adapt to the first round of the group stage. Next, as long as we play [-]% of our strength, we will definitely get three points except edg."

"And if tsm fails to win one of edg and skt again, their record will be the same as ours. It is still unknown who will win and who will win in overtime!"

In g7 of s2, perkz is the only optimistic player among the players.

However, perkz's optimism has indeed infected the players.

"Just take Mika's statement as the truth!" Assistant Mithy laughed.

"If you say something politely, you should take it seriously. I also said that our g2 has a chance to win the MSI championship. Believe it or not..." Ad player Zven also didn't understand the brain circuit of the mid laner.

"Haha, it's not impossible..." Perkz stroked his temples, which were already in danger of hair loss, "Maybe!"


(End of this chapter)

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