lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 601 Group Stage Situation

Although edg has secured the place for promotion, the group stage is still going on.

Considering the needs of training and hidden moves, coach Abu decided to let Blank play instead of the factory manager for the next game.

On the second day, which is the fourth match day of the group stage.

After tsm's upset loss to am in the first match, edg played immediately, and blank, who started the game, faced his old club skt head-on!

In the second round of the group stage, skt coach kkoma gave edg strength in this bp.

First of all, instead of choosing a herbivorous jungler like Cui Shen for the jungler Peanut, he got the male gun strongly.

Then use the robbing agent to get the Lucian Tam combination for bang and wolf, so as to match edg and the mouse Nami's training combination.

After entering Summoner's Rift.

This system of kkoma can be regarded as a system that slightly exposed their knockout tactics. Facing Abramovich's well-regulated bp, it is easy to play a multi-lane advantage.

Except for Syndra, who is holding the s6 champion skin in the middle of the summer, and the faker murlocs in the lane have taken a lot of lead in laning, and edg has a lot of disadvantages in the upper and lower lanes and in the early stage.

15 minutes into the game, edg went down the road with five packs and two.

The wolf toad swallowed people in one gulp and helped Lucian avoid the control of the eq Erlian and the blank emerald god q that Misha Xindra predicted his slipping and shot.

Then there was the faker who came in a hurry, although the little murloc ult was dodged by the iboy, but it also cut off the battlefield so that the mouse who used the ult could not output.

Then there was Huni Galio's spirituality coming out of the base and launching a big move. It's actually still a [-]-[-] situation here.

But when Blank Cui Shen was hiding from Gary [Hero Debut], he made a mistake in his position, and instead got the bite from the little murloc's big move!

So the faker murloc pole vaulted to connect, and the bang Lucian, who was spat out by Tamm, also connected to the output, and killed the Emerald God first!

It doesn't matter if Emerald God dies on edg's side, the key is that without Xiaoju's help, neither tower resistance nor control is enough.

So the team battle was directly defeated, and even Meixia had to accept the fate of being stuffed into the mouth by the barrel of the peanut, and finally sent the team to destroy.

After this round of team battles, edg's economy lags behind by [-]. Because the lineup is too countered by the skt lineup, there is Galio Tambo on the opposite side of the rush. Playing four guarantees and one is easy to be brought into the game by the little murlocs. Even if it is a positive output, it can't compare.

What we will face in the future is the slow and rigorous operation of skt.

The game lost its suspense from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. Unable to bear it, Meixia ordered his teammates to force open the dragon when skt took the dragon.

"Mika is still outputting!! Mika is dead!!!" In the commentary that I remember crying, Misha Xindra finished the output and killed Lucian and Tam, and was shot dead by the male gun.

"Although edg punished the big dragon, he sent a group to destroy! Not a single dragon was left, and the resurrection time was more than 40 seconds. skt still had the male gun Galio and the little murloc. Galio has teleportation, and the male gun is now in Tower A. Soon, it seems that there will be a wave!" Zeyuan immediately reported a sad message.

The defensive tower in the middle road was lost and only the naked crystal remained. Galio directly tp up to a crystal, and the male gun also chased people all the way to the front of the high ground, and also e went up to attack.

"It's gone, it's gone..." The female commentator Su Xiaoyan looked at the speed of pushing the front tooth tower and knew that there was no chance, and she was a little bit unwilling, "Well, now edg and skt in the group match have six wins and one loss, and they are tied for [-]st place. [-]. There is still suspense about who can advance first!"

Before the game was over, various forums in Huaguo began to criticize the day's starting jungler Blank.

[blank serve the country faithfully! 】

[lck foreign aid can't be trusted except deft and pawn, okay! 】

[I think last year Deft really wanted to play edg, but in the end Mika took meiko and mous and won three games against seven! 】

[I don't think it's necessary to act in the group stage. Is it possible that blank is just a simple dish? 】


Not only the lpl audience, but also the Korean side, the commentator and the audience who have been frustrated for a long time are all refreshed.

"GG!!! It's not easy! skt finally defeated edg! Although they played on the substitute blank, I believe this victory is very meaningful to the players of skt!
Because this proves that faker can limit mika in the middle!As long as the peanut gets the male gun, it is more effective than the herbivorous jungler! Brother Roar loudly announced his thoughts.

"Although it may be impolite to say this, I have to say--player Blank once again proved that he is an average jungler. Although he works hard enough, he is far worse than Peanut!" The commentary next to him CT is also very happy.

The lck audience even blamed the blame for SKT's defeat last year on Blank, who didn't appear in the MSI and World Championship finals.

【Last year, SKT let Blank start too much, which caused Bengi's condition to deteriorate. Is EDG going to repeat the same mistakes this year! 】

[Sure enough, skt should have kicked blank a long time ago]

[If you want me to say that Abramovich is best to be on the blank in this MSI final]


And for such a result of the game, Meixia herself was also a little uncomfortable, not just because she was sad about losing the game.

The kind-hearted woman blamed herself a little. She planned to use a big victory against her old club to help Blank become stronger, but she unexpectedly lost the game.

This may cause Blank's game mentality, which has already improved a lot, to be traumatized again.

It can only be said that using skt as a training npc is still too underestimating the enemy.

However, under Summer Summer's request, edg didn't ruthlessly push Blank to the bench immediately after losing the first game.

It is still decided to use him as the starter in the next game of the day!

In the third game of the day, g2 defeated fw in an upset.

In the fourth game, skt beat gam lightly.

In the fifth match, edg, who had had dinner in the pavilion, came forward to face Lightning Wolf fw.

This is the second time that Blank has played against Wolf King Karsa. Although his mentality was very uncomfortable after losing to SKT, fortunately, Blank's personal strength and mentality have made great progress under the training of Sakura Girl this season.

And he had the experience of facing the enemy for the first time, this time he finally got used to it!

Overall, his performance has improved a lot compared to the previous game.

Of course, the strength gap between the two teams outside the jungle position is too great, so the game process still has nothing to do with the jungler.

Mouse boldly chooses Kenan directly on the hero, order mmd!

And Summer cooperated with him to select the support mid laner Rock Sparrow, and with Blank's well-behaved top lane gank, they grabbed the universe's top laner mmd to 10-0 in just 5 minutes.

During the period, the wolf king karsa was unable to play in the fast-paced game because the hero he used was the praying mantis who had no wild clearing efficiency before level [-].

In 10 minutes, the edg economy snowballed to [-].

Although karsa used a big move to steal a chicken from iboy in the bot lane, he was unable to change the situation at all.

In the end, at 28 minutes, edg won with a crushing momentum.


Finally, the highlight of the day, g2 vs. tsm, the outcome of this game is directly related to the No.4 qualifying team.

Due to the two upsets that day, tsm lost to gam, and g2 defeated fw, the records of both tsm and g2 stayed at 2-5.

But tsm will face skt and edg who are almost impossible to beat in the last day.

And g2's opponents on the last day were edg and gam.

So the positions of the two teams reversed overnight!
Life and death are at stake, the two teams played in a different style from the past, as stable as an lck team.

In the early stage of the game, tsm methodically expanded its advantage by relying on the long-range poke of Bilsen, Jess qe and hauntzer Rambo's ultimate move. By 10 minutes, the economic lead reached [-], and Xiaolong controlled three.

But at the moment of desperation, reminded by the decision to steal the dragon in the second game between edg and skt, TSM was worried that g2 would steal the baron when they took the fourth dragon!
So tsm went ahead with the big dragon to force the group. After a wave of operations, the big dragon got it, but the opportunity to gather four dragon souls was wasted, and the last dragon was given to g2.

So holding the big dragon, the stable tsm still didn't dare to go to the high ground, and the game actually dragged on for more than 40 minutes.

All dragons and ancient dragons are refreshed.

tsm wants to take the ancient dragon, after all the buff effect of the s7 ancient dragon is linked to the number of dragons, they have three dragons!
But hesitating all the way, Dalong actually surrendered to g2!

G2 who got the big dragon pushed all the way to the high ground, tsm was still hesitating to take the ancient dragon, and only kept the top laner at home to guard the tower, waiting for the others to come back, the top laner Rambo was instantly killed by the perkz clockwork big move.

The time is 48 minutes!The resurrection time is close to 2 minutes...

The game ended abruptly.

It was another 50-minute fierce battle. When g2 pushed down the main base crystal of TSM, the economy was even [-] behind!
At the same time, the result of this game also completely reversed the relationship between eu and na.

On the contrary, TSM's promotion path is in jeopardy...

In this way, on May 5th, the MSI group stage came to the last day!

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