lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 682: rng’s inexperience

Chapter 682: rng’s inexperience

Edg's lineup, Double C Ice and Rock Bird are definitely not late-stage heroes, so after gaining the advantage of the Canyon Pioneer team, they did not slack off and continued to try to start a team to put pressure on rng.

It's just that Han Bing has three long-distance ultimate moves, one was avoided by moving, one was forced to use Kalista's purification, and one was avoided by flash. When the rng operation concentration is full, he did not fully exert his mid-term performance. The ideal effect of starting a group.

He relied on Mixia's unexpected two big moves to block the road, killing the robot used by Flash, and killing Kled once with a single belt.

Rock Bird's roaming came at a cost. Because she took too long to kill Kled, rng pushed back one of the towers in the middle and lower lanes of edg.

At the early 20 minutes of the game, all three lanes and one tower of both sides were demolished, and edg's economic lead was only [-].

At this time, Meixia hadn't ordered her teammates to go out to start a group, but rng made a bold decision!
With mlxg Leopard Woman crouching around the back, Galio's ultimate move and Kled's big move, plus Uzi Kalista flashing and throwing the robot to knock away the ice, rng caught the red-hot EDG duo in the lower half of the EDG jungle area. Group and complete the instant kill on the ice!

Mixia, who came with the teleportation support, was almost killed. She avoided the robot's second round of hooks and escaped back to the high ground with her remaining health.

Zero for two, rng won the team battle!Then he pushed down the second tower in the middle of the edg, and knocked down half of the health of the high tower in the middle before returning to the city!
It was just at this moment that rng's operations had problems again. They coveted the high ground in the middle of edg so much that they spent a lot of time failing to dismantle the high ground tower and instead resurrected Ice Bronn...

It can only be said that the awareness is not accurate enough and the decision-making is too delayed.

At this time, the health of Kalista and the robot is not very high. If my rock sparrow ultimate moves directly behind you, and the ice ultimate in front of the high ground is aimed directly at you, do you still want to evacuate safely?

With this idea in her mind, Mixia also gave her instructions with her mouth!

The ice magic crystal arrow shot down from the high ground. Kalista did not flash, so the robot could only stand in front and block it with its body!

Snapped!The robot's whole body freezes!
And on his side, a stone wall rose from the ground!
"Do you feel in a dilemma?" Thalia, the rock bird who stepped on the q rock and fell behind rng, said this, and then q [Stone Penetration] was slowed down, and w [Rock Burst] had already released q and could not jump. The soles of Calista's feet are raised.

With another snap, Kalista was carried in front of the rock bird, and the widow, who had already been hiding in ambush, connected with her skills, and the two of them worked together to kill it!

rng itself used a lot of skills to kill Ice Braum in the last wave. If adc died first, this wave of team battles would immediately collapse.

Edg completed zero for three, and finally Leopard Girl and Kled escaped from the upper half of the jungle.

It's just that Mixia and her teammates chased all the way. Although they failed to kill the Leopard Girl Kled, they reached the front of the dragon pit, and naturally they followed the trend and rushed the dragon!

In 26 minutes, the Baron buff was obtained!

"After killing people, you should retreat back to the city early to resupply if you know that you can't get to the high ground in the middle. It would be too greedy to demolish the high ground tower." The commentator remembered that he was so focused that rng fell short.

"This really needs to be changed! mlxg's ability to find opportunities is so good, but the one-for-two team battle ended up losing the baron in one move. This is so inappropriate!" pdd also criticized, "You may also see it in lpl This kind of problem doesn’t happen very often. Besides edg, there are not many teams that know how to operate, but lck is different. The lck team likes to play this kind of operation with you the most. Once you make an operation error, no matter how good the operation is, you can’t win!”

"Yes, the two teams will soon go abroad to participate in the intercontinental competition. After this game is over, we must carefully review the problems!" Su Xiaoyan can't help but worry about the next game.

Afterwards, the equipment and levels of the two teams widened the gap.

No matter whether it's a group fight or an RNG operation, it's impossible to withstand it!

However, Meixia decided to teach rng a lesson in operations, so she stopped taking the initiative to start a group.First, use the Baron buff to push the second tower, and then use the ultimate move to seal the road and remove the lower high ground.

At 27 minutes, the big dragon buff disappeared and edg got the third little dragon.

Then the big move continued until 33 minutes, and edg's economic lead reached [-], and at the same time the fourth dragon was in the bag.

Two wind dragons and two earth dragons, while changing lanes quickly, there are also bonuses for demolishing towers.
Moreover, the two earth dragons also have a very good improvement on the rush dragon!

35 minutes, when rng was not paying attention, he stole the second dragon in less than ten seconds!
Then rng, who was not willing to die slowly, started a group after losing the dragon!
First, Kled entered the field and flashed the robot to force out the flash of Widow and Rockbird, and then chased and intercepted them all the way to the edg jungle. Kalista threw the robot to start a team fight, and Galio opened fire on the robot!
However, in order to start a group, Uzi put himself in danger.

Prince Mouse's backhand eqr didn't explain the combo, and Meixia followed up with the ew combo. The two of them killed adc in one go!

Although Mika Rockjaw was then knocked away by Galio, and was killed by Kled's melee, but the adc Ice kept outputting without any hindrance.

Team battle two for five! Edg gets the baron and gets a group wipeout!
The resurrection time is close to a minute and a half. The rebirth of Mixia Quanshui is directly teleported to the rng highland, and the last crystal is dismantled in the chaos of nine people!

The final game was set at 38 minutes!


"Wow, I can't stand it! I haven't played such a long game for a long time!" iboy couldn't help but sigh as he walked back to the player tunnel after the game.

"Then you have to be lucky that you haven't played any games before S5. A game of four or 10 minutes is considered too short!" The factory director looked like he was experienced.

"Then the game will definitely be very uncomfortable at the end." iboy couldn't help but shake his head, "The LCK players are really perverted. How did they invent this kind of operation that tortures their opponents and themselves?"

"Just last year's World Championship, we played for more than 40 minutes. So you have to be mentally prepared for this year's World Championship. Don't play until 10, [-] or [-] minutes before you fall in front of the computer. Besides, you young man is not as good as Mika. ? She can’t bear it..."

You also said that last year, when the game lasted 10 minutes, wasn't it because you, the factory manager, made too many mistakes and were held back?

Meixia was speechless.

"How is Mika?" Before he could walk back to the lounge, coach Abramovich hurriedly asked, "It's been a while since you've played in the later stages of the game. Are you feeling any discomfort?"

In fact, the 378-minute game didn’t feel like anything at all. I usually sit on an e-sports chair for four or five hours during ranked games and I didn’t feel any discomfort. Although there was a long time in between just waiting for matches. .

The main reason is that Mika is too important now, and Abramovich cannot see this cash cow and champion harvester lose even a little bit!

"It's only 38 minutes! I've played ranked for an hour at most!"

After hearing Sakura Girl's answer, Abu felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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