lpl's tokyo female foreign aid

Chapter 683 mlxg’s jungle suppression

Chapter 683 mlxg’s jungle suppression

After a short break, everyone returned to the second game.

This time, rng coach Firefox did not switch sides to the blue side as usual, but still chose the side to the red side.

The man wearing windproof glasses thought very clearly.

First of all, the red side can make the last move to hit the unit. In this way, there is no need to worry about giving Xiaohu the hero to be restrained by Sakura Girl. Secondly, the red side's lineup for two consecutive games does not have to worry about exposing too much to the teams in other divisions. There are many tactics, especially the blue side's own game, which can be completely hidden. In the end, the probability of winning the game against edg is very low anyway. Maybe the free side selection and lineup can actually perform better.

Then it entered into an intense bp.

In the end, the blue side's edg got top laner Sword Lady, jungler excavator, mid laner plane, adc Han Bing and auxiliary Luo.

The red square rng selected top laner Jayce, jungler Spider, mid laner Clockwork, adc Kalista and auxiliary Braum.

"Top Swordswoman vs. Jess!" The commentator remembers excitedly pointing out the most special aspect of this game's lineup, "The two teams have become more aggressive in choosing the top lane position!"

"Hmm! I didn't expect that mouse could actually play Sword Princess, and the guy from letme actually dared to use Jess as a counter, which is very brave!" the guest pdd said with a smile.

"Oh! I think pdd, you are a professional top laner. You should know these two top laners very well. I wonder how Jace is against Sword Lady?" I remember asking immediately.

"Haha, well, Jace will definitely have the upper hand in a team fight, but it's hard to say in the lane. It depends on the tactics of the two top laners."

The barrage is also very considerate and uses four PDDs in one shot to tease.

The focus of the commentators and the audience is on the top order.

However, the professional players who were also watching the game at this moment were paying more attention to the performance of edg's midfield hero.

"Oh! The plane is the hero that has been strengthened in this version. I remember that I wanted to tell you at the time that although Riot's original intention was to make the plane better at the adc position, it is possible to use the electric knife in the middle if you change it. No I thought that before the intercontinental competition, Mika came out." SKT coach kkoma was very emotional.

Sakura Girl’s understanding of the game version is indeed deep enough!

"Huh? Mika actually didn't hide it until the intercontinental competition. I thought this game would be like the last one. Either the two teams chose old tricks or the hero Smecta that was impossible to use in the intercontinental competition..." Chapter Bang, who felt sleepy after watching the game, got interested.

"It's not just Airplane! Clearlove's Rek'Sai is also one of the heroes that has been revised in the centralized version update. Clearlove has been very good at this hero before that. We played it many times in the finals of last year's World Championship." The jungler Peanut explained another very suspicious hero to his teammates.

"In this revision, the support ultimate move of Rek'Sai's map has been changed to a damage skill similar to the Stone Man's ultimate move. In fact, the ability to control the map has been weakened. It is not very clear whether Clearlove can continue to be a hero. Easy to say..."

Wolf Warrior thought of another possibility.

"Axi! Do you think it's possible that EDG just like the Jungler Widow in the last game, deliberately selected these heroes to make smoke bombs? In fact, they have prepared a more secret trick for the intercontinental competition!"

"This is bound to happen. Do you have any doubts about how deep Mika's hero pool is!" Mid laner Faker finally spoke.

"This is a conspiracy, but we still have to make full preparations for the Widow, Reksai, and the plane before the intercontinental competition!"

If you want to defeat EDG, you have to consider all possibilities!


Amid everyone's attention, Mixia and her teammates entered the Summoner's Rift.

Her summoner skill is flash teleportation, and she chooses an unconventional extraction and red potion for her outing outfit.The normal outfit when going out should actually be Dolan Shield and red medicine. I boldly bought the extract to go out. I simply chose the bastard Clockwork after seeing the position of Xiaohu Couter, in order to put pressure on the opponent.

However, before it was the turn to line up, rng took the lead in putting pressure on edg in the jungle. Relying on the super combat power of Kalista and Braum's first-level team, mlxg boldly invaded the red buff in the lower half.

There was no chance of winning in a head-on battle, so the director rationally let go of red and opened the field from f6.

Then mlxg, who got the red, turned around and walked towards the rng red area, completing three buffs.

Meixia's middle lane also welcomed the duel with Clockwork.

No matter how small-tempered Xiaohu is, he will not be able to swallow his breath when he sees Sakura Girl Extract coming out, not to mention that he also boasts that he is the No. 1 single-killer of mika in lpl.

As soon as the clockwork starts, even if the soldiers are not eaten, they must fight against the aircraft with no ability to recover for blood!

In such a fierce confrontation, Meixia took the lead with last hits, but her health and mana quickly reached the danger zone.

At a little over 3 minutes, she returned to the city to repair the Dolan Shield.

The summoner's skill difference in Clockwork Purification was achieved through teleportation, thus completing the reversal of the laning power.

However, at this time, the factory director was already harassed by mlxg and fell behind two groups of wild monsters, and at this time, he had just controlled the Twin River Crabs!

Soon Spider came to the middle lane to help Chongzhong out of the siege. The two teamed up to force out part of Meixia's health and made her dare not push the line across the river again.

Then 1 minute later, the spider came to harass the middle again. This time, Meixia held the w [Valkyrie Dive], backhand and clockwork, and fought until the two of them were still alive, and then escaped to the river on the left.

Then the director, who had been suppressed by mlxg, sneaked into the middle while the spider was chasing Clockwork all the way, hoping to gank Clockwork who had remaining health in the middle to push the lane!
The excavator digs the ground and flies away in a flash!

It's just that the damage was still a little short of killing Clockwork. At the same time, mlxg, who always knew that the unreachable excavator was nearby, did not chase the plane all the way to death, but turned back halfway!
Spider Queen Elise flashes e!

[Cocooning] Right in the middle of the excavator!

Then Clockwork and Spider got a set of skills and got first blood!

edg fell into a situation of falling behind in the early stages.

However, the audience was not particularly worried about this situation. We had seen a lot of scenes of the factory director giving away people's lives last year. Giving first blood in this round was completely a small scene, and we can't blame the factory director - the excavator's e-flicker was perfect. The only regret is that the damage was a little worse, five points to be precise. This is just a matter of pure luck.

More importantly, mika is not dead yet!

As long as Sakura Girl is still here, edg will be able to sit back and relax!It doesn’t matter how many heads others give away!

Then the factory director, who had no wild left to farm and started ganking a lot, became even worse.

At 6 minutes and 23 seconds, gank the bottom lane, missing [-] drops of blood and failing to kill Flash Escape Braum. I finally killed Uzi's Kalista with iboy's grass vision, and then letme teleported down and collected two people. Finally, Meiko Luo escaped back to the tower, but was blocked behind the tower by mlxg who arrived late and refused to return to the city. An exploding little spider completed the kill.

Three for one!

In the early stage of edg, the economy fell behind to [-]!
(End of this chapter)

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