
Chapter 1001 Xuchang

Chapter 1001 Xuchang

Thirty burning kerosene cans flew across the sky and smashed into the heavy trebuchet roaringly. The craftsmen on the other side could only roughly estimate, not accurately, but they could indeed cast about [-] steps, but the error was too large, basically Between two hundred and seventy steps and three hundred and twenty steps, there is an error of fifty steps.

Most of the kerosene tanks were a little bit short. They fell on the ground at about [-] steps. The clay pots fell to the ground and shattered. The kerosene in the tanks spilled out and burned blazingly on the ground. There was a fire on the flap.

Two tinder cans flew over the catapult and burned behind it.

Chen Qing frowned, how could Li Cheng have such a long-distance trebuchet?
Military strategist Zhang Xiao saw the clue, and said with a smile: "The other party has reduced the throwing oil tank, probably only twenty catties! So the throwing distance will be farther."

Another round of fire oil tanks came, this time the city craftsmen made adjustments, and the aim was not bad, basically burning around the heavy trebuchet.

A trebuchet was hit, setting it on fire.

A soldier rushed over and shouted, "Your Highness, the fire is too big, brothers can't operate it!"

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "Send the fire brigade to fight the fire!"

Two thousand soldiers rushed to the catapult carrying wet bedding. They spread the wet bedding on the burning kerosene around the catapult, and a bunch of burning fires were extinguished immediately.

On the top of the city, Li Cheng patted his forehead and laughed loudly: "We never thought of such a simple way to put out the fire. Every time we use sand to put out the fire, but it still can't be completely extinguished. Order to prepare three thousand wet quilts!"

This was Chen Qing's carelessness, and Song Jun's fire-fighting operation inadvertently revealed the fire-fighting technique.

But before all the quilts in the city were collected, the heavy trebuchets of the Song Army launched an offensive. Forty trebuchets were fired at the same time, and forty large fire oil tanks roared and shot towards the city. Suddenly, a fire ignited on the top of the city, and half of the trebuchets were ignited. Many soldiers were covered in fire, crying and rushing down the city.

"Jiedushi, evacuate quickly!"

The general and his soldiers surrounded Li Cheng and moved to Beicheng, Li Cheng shouted: "Get the wet bedding up quickly!
Li Cheng moved to the head of Beicheng. At this time, three thousand soldiers rushed up with wet bedding, and rushed towards the raging fire. Sure enough, the wet bedding was spread, and the fire disappeared immediately. The wet bedding blocked the air, and the flames were extinguished. put out.

Li Cheng was overjoyed and immediately ordered: "Go and collect another [-] quilts!"

On the high platform, the generals of the Western Army could also see clearly, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the enemy actually put out the fire with wet quilts.

Chen Qing suddenly understood that he had made a mistake in ordering to put out the fire just now, and taught the enemy how to put out the fire, a wry smile appeared on Chen Qing's face.

He sighed and said, "I was careless!"

Gao Ding smiled and said, "His Royal Highness, it is better to use the Iron Rhino! Today is cloudy, so it is just right to use it at night."

Chen Qing looked at the sky, the sky was dark and gloomy, and it looked like it was going to rain.

Chen Qing nodded. The other party had found a way to break the fire and oil war, and it was meaningless to throw it any further. He immediately ordered: "Order to withdraw the troops, and fight again at night!"

The heavy trebuchets stopped firing and began to retreat, one after another the heavy trebuchets left the battlefield one after another.

At this time, Liu Qiong stepped forward and suggested: "Your Highness, why don't you use the siege ladder to attack the city?"

Chen Qing shook his head and said, "The other side has enough fire oil to attack with siege ladders, our soldiers will suffer heavy casualties, there is no need for this!"

Since kerosene was used on a large scale in siege and defense battles, the traditional siege method has become a nightmare. If the opponent throws away thousands of barrels of kerosene and tens of thousands of bales of wheat straw, the attacking party will inevitably suffer heavy deaths. , especially fire, even if it is burned, it is difficult to heal, and it is the most convenient way to break the city with iron fire and thunder.

But what Chen Qing encountered was also an extremely experienced opponent. Li Cheng watched the opponent retreat in an orderly manner. He looked at the sky and said to the generals: "The sky is gloomy, and it must be dark at night. We must prevent the opponent from attacking the city at night. Especially if the other party will use iron fire and thunder to blow up the city, we must take strict precautions and be well prepared, so that the Song army will pay a heavy price for a surprise attack on the city!"

In the afternoon, some soldiers reported to Li Cheng that several spies from the Song Army had been found in the south of the city.

Li Cheng rushed to the south city to check it out. He saw five or six soldiers surveying the terrain hundreds of steps away from the south city. But good for a sneak attack.

"Jiedushi, what are they doing?" a general asked in confusion.

Under the city, a Song soldier was lying behind a mound, and after a while, he went to another mound.

Li Cheng narrowed his eyes, and after a while, he said coldly, "They're just pretending to show me!"

Night finally came, and it was really dark tonight, with no stars, no moon, and a drizzle of rain.

Fifty thousand Song troops were dispatched, and they were still arrayed outside the west city. Chen Qing stared at the top of the city. He couldn't see the situation on the top of the city, but he could feel the strong murderous intent on the top of the city. Li Cheng had already guessed that he would go tonight To act.

It will be a night of battles of wits and courage.

"Get out!"

With Chen Qing's order, more than a dozen scout teams rushed to all directions of the city. Each team may be a soldier who bombed the city, but they may not.

Li Chengcheng was on the head of Xicheng, nervously watching the movement below the city, he suddenly ordered: "Shoot the arrow!"

Hundreds of soldiers fired gunpowder arrows out of the city at the same time. Hundreds of bright light sources suddenly appeared in the dark night sky, just like hundreds of lamps hanging in the air at the same time. The bright red light clusters quickly descended and burned on the ground Up, that's hundreds of gunpowder arrows acting as flares.

The weak light source made the ground slightly brighter. If someone was running on the ground, it would still be easy to spot, but it would be futile. When the gunpowder arrows were shot, the soldiers of the Song army running outside the west city immediately got down on the ground. The soldiers still couldn't see any figure under the city.

Li Cheng frowned. The risk brought by the darkness of the night far exceeded his expectations. The soldiers of the Song Army sneaked close to the city wall, and they couldn't see it at all.

"Drop the straw and light it!"

Suddenly, hundreds of bundles of wheat straw were thrown from the top of the city wall, and immediately after the rockets shot down, hundreds of bundles of wheat straw immediately burned at the foot of the city wall, and the surrounding area was bright red.

The other three city walls did the same, and the entire city wall was surrounded by burning fire. Now the Song army could never get close.

But this is only a temporary solution, and Li Cheng actually has a better way.

Looking at the blazing fire below the city, Chen Qing couldn't help sneering. It seems that Li Cheng is also at the end of his rope, and actually used this stupid method. This is indeed a method. It can see the situation below the city, but it is relatively stupid. The straw will always burn out. time!

In fact, the best way is to send people down to the city to patrol the city, and the Song Army scouts will not be so easy to approach.

At this time, a soldier shouted in a low voice: "Your Highness, it seems that there are soldiers coming down from the top of the wall."

Chen Qing immediately took a closer look, and saw that in the raging fire, there were indeed countless small black spots climbing down, and they should have used the ladder.

I really can't see that this Li Guo is really capable and sent sentries to the city. At this moment, Chen Qing looked at Li Cheng with admiration. He used the iron fire thunder to attack so many cities. Sentinel's Golden Soldier General.

The sentries in the city are ringing their bells and patrolling, 'Ding Dong!Jingle! 'The sound kept coming, and once the ringing stopped, something must have happened.

One hundred and sixty sentries were patrolling under the city wall. They were divided into sixteen teams to ensure that four teams on each side of the city patrolled uninterruptedly, ringing bells and hanging ladders on the city wall. Once the Song army attacked the city, they would immediately climb up. Ladder to the city.

Thousands of soldiers on the top of the city cooperated with the training below the city to form two interactive lines of defense.

This is indeed a very effective method, preventing the Song army from attacking and bombing the city.

Although Li Cheng used the most effective move, it didn't mean that Chen Qing couldn't crack it.

(End of this chapter)

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