
Chapter 1002 Xuchang

Chapter 1002 Xuchang

Chen Qing immediately ordered: "The trebuchet is in place, ready to launch!"

Forty heavy-duty trebuchets were right behind the army formation. Following Chen Qing's order, forty heavy-duty trebuchets rumbled and moved in a straight line. Driven by hundreds of soldiers, each trebuchet moved three hundred steps forward again. go ahead.

Chen Qing ordered again, "Tang Tongzhi, you can lead [-] cavalry around the city and shoot at the enemy's sentries, and carry out my Nancheng plan well."

"Follow the order!" Tang Qian took the military order and left.

In a moment, three thousand cavalrymen were dispatched suddenly and rushed towards the city wall. The cavalry rushed towards them like a rain of arrows.

The smarter sentinel immediately lay down on the ground, waited for the enemy cavalry to run away, climbed up and climbed up the ladder. The Song army had already launched an attack, and staying under the city could only lead to a dead end.

Three thousand cavalry went around to Nancheng again. The sentinels under Nancheng were the same as Xicheng, with [-] people. During the day, a few Song soldiers pretended to check the terrain outside Nancheng. Li Cheng thought that Nancheng was not very dangerous, but whether there was danger or not, the sentries were still there. The same deployment, no carelessness.

This is the difference between ordinary generals and famous generals. Ordinary generals think that the danger is not great, so they will put this cognition into practice, and send no sentries, or send fewer sentries.

But famous generals are different. Famous generals will not be affected by their own subjective consciousness. They should still send sentries as usual, and take them seriously without any slack.

However, it is inevitable that Baimi will be neglected. Although Li Cheng did not slack off on Nancheng, he himself will not appear in Nancheng. His energy is limited, and he is more likely to appear in West City, or to visit North City or East City, which also leads to Nancheng. The defenders are not as nervous as Xicheng. After all, the soldiers can feel that the general does not pay attention to Nancheng, which means that Nancheng is not at risk.

At this time, all the sentinels on the south city had climbed up to the city, and arrows were fired from the top of the city. Dozens of cavalrymen were shot off their horses, and the soldiers on the top of the city cheered.

Three thousand cavalry rushed towards the east city like lightning, but the corpses lying on the ground started to move, and under the cover of night, they slid into the water silently. under.

All the patrolling sentries under the city went to the city, and Li Cheng on the top of the city also realized that this was a dangerous time, so he immediately ordered: "Throw down four thousand bundles of wheat straw and set fire to it, one thousand bundles for each city, and order all the soldiers to keep an eye on it." Every move in the city."

Soldiers on the top of Nancheng dropped thousands of bundles of wheat straw and ignited them with rockets. The bottom of the wall turned into a sea of ​​flames again, illuminating the situation below the city and making it impossible for the Western Army to exploit.

At this time, the Song army's catapult outside the west city was launched, and forty large burning fire oil tanks smashed towards the head of the city. The head of the west city instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames. Countless city guards fought the fire with wet quilts. Although it was not extinguished, it did not spread into a fire that filled the city, and the guards did not retreat, they still stared at every move in the city, and fired arrows at the slightest movement.

This time, the Song army's catapults kept firing, and the soldiers on the top of the city desperately put out the fire. The fire kept burning and extinguishing. The two sides seemed to be competing, especially Li Cheng, who kept asking the soldiers to go to the city to collect bedding.He knew very well in his heart that once the top of the city was covered by fire and could not be extinguished, Xuchang City would be finished. No matter whether the Song army bombed the city or attacked the city, it would be easy for the Song army to break into the city.

The thousand bundles of wheat straw gradually burned out, and it became pitch black again outside the city. Immediately, some soldiers ran to ask Li Cheng for instructions.

At this moment, three black shadows climbed up from the cracks on both sides of the suspension bridge, lifted a huge iron winter melon ashore, dodged and hid under the city gate, the city gate retracted about two feet, and there was a circle on it The eaves, they cannot be seen from the top of the city.

But if it is daytime, they can be seen from the horse-faced walls on both sides, but now it is dark night, and the men in black under the city gate are also invisible from the horse-faced city.

This is a loophole in the defense of the city. The various crises that Li Cheng is facing are complicated. He didn't consider this loophole, but Chen Qing thought of it.

The catapult fire oil attack in the west city was not meaningless. Every step Chen Qing made had a deep meaning. He used cavalry to run and shoot around the city, on the one hand to drive the sentries back to the city, and on the other hand to transport scouts and iron fire mines. Before they knew it, Tie Huolei and the soldiers from the Firearms Battalion had quietly arrived.

The use of heavy stones to attack the west city was actually to distract Li Cheng's attention, making him exhausted and tired of facing the fire oil attack, so that he had no time and energy to think about the loophole in the south city.

Chen Qing sent a total of four soldiers, packed two large iron fire mines in a large wooden box, and carried out two attacks. What is about to happen now is the first attack.

At this time, another thousand bundles of wheat straw were thrown from the top of the city, and the soldiers threw torches to light them. At the same time, two soldiers in black also lit the match ropes. It turned into a sea of ​​flames again, clearly visible everywhere.

At this time, the guarding soldiers on the horse-faced wall suddenly found a dark object on the city gate, like a round boulder with sparks on it, and the soldiers quickly shouted: "General, what is that?"

On the city gate, Li Hong, the lord of the South City, quickly leaned forward and looked down. He could only see a small part of it. At this time, the fire rope had already burned in, and there were no sparks outside, only smoke.

"It's a big rock, didn't it exist before?" Li Hong asked.

"There was no such big rock before, it appeared suddenly."

"Strange, what is this?"

At this moment, a burst of red light shot out, and the iron fire thunder exploded. The huge explosion sounded like a mountain avalanche and the ground cracked. The ground was shaking, and the ears of countless soldiers seemed to be deafened.

Li Cheng didn't stand still and fell to the ground. He got up and looked towards the south gate in horror. In the darkness, a puff of white smoke rose into the sky.


Li Cheng punched the ground hard. He never imagined that during the day, the Song army was pretending to be outside Nancheng, but it was actually Nancheng that they were attacking.

"Order the whole army to go down to the city and block the gap!"

Li Cheng got up and shouted sharply, the alarm bell rang loudly, and the soldiers in the city rushed towards the south gate from all directions.

The southern city gate was filled with thick smoke and dust, and no one knew what happened when it was bombed. At this time, four soldiers of the Song Army rushed into the thick smoke carrying the second iron rhinoceros.

After a while, the four soldiers escaped. At this moment, the thick smoke had already dissipated. The soldiers in the city could see their figures and immediately fired arrows. The two soldiers screamed one after another, and were shot through their bodies by dozens of arrows. Falling headlong, the other two soldiers jumped into the moat,
At this moment, there was another earth-shattering explosion, and the south city wall, which was hundreds of feet long, collapsed.

The heavy trebuchets outside the west city had already stopped attacking. When the second explosion came, Chen Qing knew that he had already succeeded in capturing Xuchang City. He immediately ordered: "March to the south city!"

Gao Ding led [-] soldiers of the Black Armored Army to head towards the south city, and then tens of thousands of soldiers marched towards the west gate.

But the fastest was to control Gao Feng and lead five thousand crossbowmen. They lay in ambush one mile away from the south city. The five thousand crossbowmen rushed to the front of the south city and shot arrows into the city together. After entering, hundreds of soldiers quickly built a pontoon bridge with large wooden boxes and planks.

Inside the city, the coach Li Chenggang rushed to the bottom of the city, staring dumbfounded at the collapse of the southern city wall, and then the smoke and dust rose into the sky, and the dust filled the air, making it impossible to see anything.

But Li Cheng knew that the city wall could no longer be defended. Of course, he would not choose to escape. The city wall fell, but the battle to attack and defend the city was only halfway through.

He drew out his saber and shouted sharply: "Order the whole army, prepare for street fighting!"

The crossbowmen of the Song army used dense arrows to suppress the soldiers who were trying to block the city. Lu Gui led the [-]-sword shield army to rush across the pontoon bridge first. Holding a heavy shield in one hand and a sword in the other, they lined up ten people along the huge gap. Walk towards the city step by step.

What awaited them was still the dense rain of arrows shot from all directions.

(End of this chapter)

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