
Chapter 1005 Reasons

Chapter 1005 Reasons
Su Heng was from Changge County, and the Changge Su family was quite well-known in Yingchang Mansion. Su Heng's father, Su Liang, was the county magistrate of Xuchang during the Zhenghe period, and later served as an official in Yushitai for many years. After the fall of the Northern Song Dynasty, Then he went back to his hometown to find a job.

Su Liang has always been looking forward to the Northern Expedition of Master Wang, but year after year, Jiangnan's gentleness has worn away the vigor of the monarchs and ministers of the Great Song Dynasty, and also worn away Su Liang's hope, so he agreed with his son Su Heng to go to Bianliang to participate in the Puppet Qi He passed the imperial examination and passed the examination in one fell swoop. He returned to his hometown with honor and became the magistrate of Xuchang County.

Although Su Heng was born in the pseudo-Qi Imperial Examination and is now an official of the Kingdom of Jin, he is influenced by his father, he is upright, has a clear distinction between public and private, and his ability as an official is very good, he is deeply loved by the people, and is also appreciated by Wanyan Wushu , He was called to work in Bianliang twice, but he declined both times because his father was in poor health.

Hearing that King Yong Chen Qing summoned him, Su Heng was a little nervous. Although he had talked with Zhang Xiao, Chen Qing was different. Chen Qing was the lord, and his fate could be decided with a single word.

Walking into the back hall of the county yamen, Su Heng bowed and said: "The humble Su Heng sees His Royal Highness Prince Yong!"

Chen Qing was admiring a plaque on the back hall with his hands behind his back, on which were written four large characters 'justice in the heart', and the brushstrokes were quite sophisticated. Chen Qing pointed to the plaque and asked, "Whose calligraphy is this?"

Su Heng hurriedly said: "Reporting to Your Highness, it was written by my father, and it was written by my father, and it is for the humble town hall."

"Calligraphy is nice, but do you understand what it means?"

Su Heng didn't know what His Royal Highness King Yong meant, so he had to tell the truth: "When I went to Bianliang to take the imperial examination in humble positions, I was quite entangled because it was a pseudo-qi imperial examination, but my father said that you did not take the imperial examination to be loyal to Liu Yu. It is for the sake of loyalty to the people of Xuchang. Participating in the imperial examination is just a way to achieve the goal. As long as I feel worthy of the common people and justice in my heart, whether the emperor’s surname is Zhao or Liu, so my father wrote these four words to encourage me. The county magistrate of Xuchang also hung it in the inner hall to encourage himself from time to time."

"Whether the emperor's surname is Zhao or Liu", this sentence won Chen Qing's heart.

"Why didn't your father think about going to Lin'an?" Chen Qing asked again.

Su Heng hesitated for a moment, and Chen Qing saw his hesitation, so he smiled and said, "Let's be honest, my surname is not Zhao!"

Su Heng nodded and said: "My father said that in Yingchang Mansion, our Su family is still a character. If we go to Lin'an, we may not even be as good as the watchdog in Xiangguo Mansion."

Chen Qing laughed, "Your father is very wise and knows his position. Indeed, if he wasn't from the Conglong faction who followed the emperor to the south of the Yangtze River, or from a famous local family in the south of the Yangtze River, he would have no hope of becoming an official. There are many people who went south to join the imperial court." Most of the officials are basically serving in vain positions, living in poverty, and dying of depression.”

Chen Qing asked Su Heng to sit down, and asked again: "I always thought that Yingchang Mansion was very rich and everyone could have enough to eat, but I asked the soldiers to provide porridge, but it was beyond my expectation. The porridge shed was full of people. What's the reason for this?"

Su Heng smiled wryly, "Yingchang Mansion is a major food producing area, but it does not mean that the people are rich, and the food is not cheap. The price of food is the same as other places, and it costs two to three hundred yuan a bucket. The monthly income of ordinary people is only two yuan. The money is lower, the price of salt is higher, and the people live just as hard.

In fact, the reason is very simple. If the food price in Yingchang Mansion is low and the people are rich, then wouldn’t the people from other prefectures and counties in the Central Plains all come here, and the county will be overcrowded. It’s just that Yingchang Mansion is a little bit better than other prefectures. During the Puppet Qi Dynasty, various taxes and taxes were as numerous as cow hairs, and the people everywhere were struggling to survive. It was normal for people to starve to death, but no one died of starvation in Yingchang Mansion, even if they were beggars, they could still get a bite of food. "

"I understand what you mean. Yingchang Mansion is just a group of poor brothers who live a little better."

"Reporting to Your Highness, the biggest feature of the Yingchang Mansion is that there are many official farms, and every county government can control a lot of food, and Xuchang County is no exception, so the low-level office can help the elderly and orphans."

Chen Qing said indifferently: "So there are not many clean and honest officials in Yingchang Mansion, and their reputation is not very good, because they have too much food?"

"Your Highness, it also depends on the specific situation. For example, the humble official's family is very rich, and our family also owns a lot of land. We harvest a lot of food every year, so the official food is not rare for the humble official, and we can distinguish between public and private. Compared with money, a lowly position values ​​reputation more, and the truly clean and honest officials are probably only Li Zhixian in Yancheng."

Chen Qing nodded: "Shen Guotai recommended you to me. He praised you for your outstanding ability and clear distinction between public and private. It seems that he is right."

Su Heng blushed, "Shen Tong's sentence is too high and low!"

"You don't need to be modest. Since justice is in your heart, then you should try your best to do things well. From now on, you will be the general judge of Yingchang Mansion, and stabilize Yingchang Mansion as soon as possible."

Su Heng was overjoyed, and quickly bowed and said, "Thank you for your great love, I will definitely do my best to manage Yingchang Mansion for Your Highness!"

Su Heng hurried back to the mansion, and met his father in the study room of the inner house. Although the Su family is a famous family in Changge, if they want to become a famous family in Yingchang Mansion, they must move to Xuchang County where the mansion is located. It is still in Changge County, but the main figures of the Su family have already lived in Xuchang.

Su Liangnian was about fifty years old, he was very handsome, and he always squinted a pair of slender eyes. His calligraphy was very good, and he was well-known in both the official and literati circles of Yingchang Mansion.

When he closed his eyes, he played with Yingchang Mansion, but when he opened his eyes, he stared at the whole world.

How could he not see Chen Qing's determination to forge ahead and grow stronger day by day?
But how can the Su family get into Chen Qing's eyes? Su Liang has been thinking hard, but accidents always come when he least expects it. The eldest son came back and told him that he had been appointed by Chen Qing as the general judge of Yingchang Mansion. It really made Su Liang ecstatic.

"Haier and Counselor Zhang Xiao also chatted, and I heard that Shen Guotai recommended Haier to King Yong."

"It's him!"

Su Liang really didn't expect it, he asked in puzzlement: "How does Shen Guotai evaluate you?"

"He said that Hai'er has a clear distinction between public and private affairs, and has outstanding abilities. King Yong also attaches great importance to incorruptibility. He also specifically talked to Hai'er about why I can be a clean and honest official?"

"Then what do you say?"

"Hai'er is telling the truth, Haier's family is rich, there is no need to embezzle the government's food. Compared with food, Haier values ​​reputation more, and then he appointed Haier as the general judge of Yingchang Mansion!"

"It's that simple?"

Su Liang was very surprised. His son's answer was definitely not the best. Although he was very honest, in the officialdom, he had to be hypocritical. The superiors would never be satisfied with this answer. The reason is very simple. You despise food because You are low level, what if you have a million taels of silver in front of you?
The correct answer should be virtue. A gentleman is upright, with no shame in his heart, with his country, and with his people. This is the answer that the superior wants.

Being favored by Chen Qing is definitely not the reason for his son's distinction between public and private. Su Liang walked a few steps with his hands behind his back and asked, "What else did you talk about?"

Su Heng thought for a while, then suddenly said: "King Yong is very interested in the banner my father gave me, fairness is in his heart, does father still remember? The child hangs on the hall of the county government."

"Oh?" Su Liang quickly asked, "What did he say?"

"He asked his father what it means to write these four characters?"

Su Liang asked: "Then how do you answer?"

"The boy told King Yong why I went to Bianliang to take the imperial examination, because my father told me that the imperial examination was not for loyalty to Liu Yu, but for the people of Xuchang. Taking the imperial examination is just a way to achieve the goal. Common people, worthy of justice, it doesn't matter whether the emperor's surname is Zhao or Liu."

Su Liang patted his forehead, and he understood, it was the last sentence, "It doesn't matter whether the emperor's surname is Zhao or Liu!" '

This is the real reason why Chen Qing favors his son. As an official, he is worthy of the country at the top and the people at the bottom, regardless of whether the emperor's surname is Zhao or Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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