
Chapter 1006 Promotion

Chapter 1006 Promotion
Li Qiong's army finally left Yancheng County, and the county magistrate Li Yanjun heaved a sigh of relief. Although Li Qiong's army had a good military discipline, it couldn't stand the crowd!The [-] army had to eat, drink, and live, and there were so many things that Li Yanjun's legs were about to run thin, and he was exhausted from exhaustion.

But to Li Yanjun's surprise, when Li Yanqiong's army set off, it was a signed army, but when it came back two days later, it turned into the Sichuan-Shaanxi Army, and the flags were changed. Although the soldiers refused to say anything, Li Yanjun and his men guessed that something must happen What happened made Li Qiong raise his troops to surrender.

But these have nothing to do with Li Yanjun, he is very tired, he wants to go home and have a rest, and then he still owes others a few books, the money has been collected, and he has to finish copying it to others.

Contrary to Su Heng, Li Yanjun was born in poverty, and he was not born in the imperial examination, but in a government school. Because of his beautiful handwriting, Zhao Yuan, the magistrate of Yingchang, appreciated him and recommended him as the county magistrate of Yancheng.

He has a salary of three pieces a month, and the salary of the county magistrate is so much. The county magistrate has the title of the imperial court, and the salary will be higher. He has a sick mother, a wife who is in trouble, and two children, one son and one daughter. The family of five depended on Li Yanjun’s money to support them. The housing was free, and there was an official house, which was a little better. Better yet, Li Yanjun also took advantage of his beautiful handwriting to copy books for others at night to earn a little money to subsidize his family.

Li Yanjun is indeed very clean and honest. He passes hundreds of thousands of grains every year. Even if he spends a little more, he will be very rich. But even so, he is clean and never greedy for a grain of grain, as Su Liang said , A gentleman is upright, worthy of his heart, worthy of his country, and worthy of his people.

It's a pity that such an official offends people very much. No one likes him. The officials in Yancheng County don't like him. Even if Li Cheng admires him very much, Wanyan Wushu also admires him, but it is useless. He is too clean. Blocking other people's money, showing the ugliness of others.

"It's so early today, officer?" When he got home, his wife opened the door for him in surprise. These days, the husband didn't come back until midnight, but today he came back before dark.

"The gang of soldiers finally left!"

Li Yanjun walked into the courtyard and asked, "Did Lao Tian look for me these two days?"

"Lao Tian is the shopkeeper of the bookstore, and has been an old friend with Li Yanjun for more than ten years. He introduced the book copying business to Li Yanjun."

"I came here yesterday to see you!"

Although Li Yanjun is clean, he is very smart, he immediately guessed that coming to see him was just an excuse, in fact he came to urge the book.

"I'll stay up all night to get the books out for him."

The wife really felt sorry for her husband, "The officials are too tired, let's rest for a night! I will write tomorrow."

Li Yanjun shook his head, "It's not easy for Lao Tian. He wouldn't have come if someone hadn't urged him so urgently. The finishing touches to this book cost two pennies. It's all spent, and there's no way to return it to others. Let's work hard." !"

Li Yanjun came to the study room and was about to pick up a pen to copy the book. His wife brought him a cup of tea. At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside. The knock was fast and urgent, "Mr. County, Mr. Li!"

Hearing the voice seemed to be the voice of Wei Hong, the county magistrate, Li Yanjun quickly put down his pen and came to the front yard. His wife had already opened the door, and it was indeed Wei Hong, rushing in like a gust of wind, "Mr. County, hurry back to the county office?"

"What happened?"

"Yong Wang, His Royal Highness Yong sent someone to issue an order, and he is looking for the county lord!"


Li Yanjun was taken aback, Yong Wang Chen Qing sent someone to find him, why?
He hurriedly put on his official uniform again, and put on his hat again. His wife tidied his clothes and asked worriedly, "Will something happen?"

"Probably not! Li Dutong has surrendered, and it can be regarded as the Western Army. All counties should have notified it."

As soon as the words fell, someone behind asked: "Excuse me, is this the home of Lizhi County?"

When Li Yanjun turned his head, he saw a civil servant in military uniform followed by several soldiers.

Li Yanjun guessed that they were the people who came to deliver the letter, he hesitated and said: "I am Li Yanjun, but not the county magistrate, but the county magistrate!"

"The county magistrate is not important, as long as the person is right."

The civil official smiled and said: "Yingchang Mansion has been captured by the Western Army, King Yong is short of some manpower, so I would like to invite County Lord Li to take up a post in Xuchang."

Li Yanjun hesitated for a moment and said, "But I've done a good job here in Yancheng."

The civil servant handed King Yong's order to him and said with a smile: "Look for yourself, it must be a good thing. King Yong only used two people. One is Su Heng, the magistrate of Xuchang County, appointed as the general judge of Yingchang Prefecture, and the other is Mr. Li County."

Li Yanjun's wife was excited, "Officer, you should hurry up!"

Li Yanjun hesitated for a moment, pulled his wife aside and said in a low voice, "I haven't finished copying that book yet, if I don't finish it, I will pay him two pennies!"

"Let me borrow some! Otherwise, please ask Shopkeeper Tian to pay for it first, and we will return it to him later. This opportunity is very rare!" Even his wife knew that her husband's luck came when he was favored by King Yong.

The civil servant who sent the letter had very good hearing, and he heard the whispered conversation between the husband and wife. He was amused and moved. He had never seen such a poor county magistrate, and he was worried about two bills. No wonder His Highness asked him for a settling allowance.

The messenger officer hurriedly took out a heavy red silk bag from the horse bag, handed it to Li Yanjun and said with a smile, "This is the settling allowance given to you by His Highness. Settle your home well, and we will set off tomorrow morning."

Li Yanjun took the red silk bag, his hand sank, he almost missed it, one hundred taels of silver weighs six catties!
"This is."

"This is the settling fee from His Highness, one hundred taels of silver."

Li Yanjun was stunned, one hundred guan of silver, that is five hundred guan of money, he had never received such a large amount of money in his whole life.

Three days later, Li Yanjun followed the reporter to the Xuchang Daying Camp. Chen Qing immediately summoned Li Yanjun. Chen Qing now has an important position, and he has been unable to find a suitable person. Now he found that Li Yanjun was tailor-made for this position. Candidates.

"The humble Li Yanjun sees His Royal Highness King Yong!" Li Yanjun bowed deeply.

Chen Qing looked him up and saw that he was about thirty-four or fifteen years old, with a thin face and clear eyes. He looked like a very upright official.

"Magistrate Li, please sit down!"

"Thank you, Your Highness!" Li Yanjun sat down on a chair next to him.

Chen Qingxiao asked: "You came from a government school, how did you become the county magistrate of Yancheng?"

"Beizhi has been serving as a teaching assistant in the prefectural school. He met the later magistrate Zhao Yuan. He admired him a lot and recommended him to be the county magistrate of Yancheng. It has been five years."

"How many years have you been a teaching assistant?"

"Six years!"

"Is there a rank for the state school teaching assistants?" Chen Qing asked Zhang Xiaodao.

Zhang Xiao leaned slightly and said, "Reporting to Your Highness, the teaching assistant of Zhouxue is from the ninth grade!"

"County magistrate Li has been in office for eleven years, and he is only a small county magistrate. It seems that he is really unhappy!"

Chen Qing changed the subject, and asked with a smile: "In recent years, Yancheng's grain output has been very high, even surpassing Xuchang. It can be seen that Mr. Li County has done a good job in persuading farmers. Is there any secret?"

Li Yanjun pondered for a while and said: "The secret is to go to the fields more to help farmers solve practical difficulties, but I have to make one thing clear. In terms of grain production, Yancheng is still not as good as Xuchang. With all the conditions here, the same seeds, The same climate, the same water source, the same land, the amount of land in Yancheng is only [-]% of that of Xuchang, it is impossible for Yancheng to be favored by the heavens, but the humble job did not hide the grain production, as much as it produces, so it stands out from the crowd!"

Of course, Chen Qing knew that the reason for the highest grain output in Yancheng was that Li Cheng didn't want to hand over all the grain, so he concealed something in the direction of compiling the production report. Li Cheng withheld a large amount of grain because of this, and Yancheng was the only one who reported it truthfully. In the county, he became the number one in production.

Chen Qing just used this incident to test Li Yanjun, but Li Yanjun did not disappoint him, he was very frank and did not follow his words to claim credit.

Chen Qing nodded and said: "From now on, I will make you the official sixth-rank Chaofeng Lang and serve as my staff officer. Please tell you the specific appointment."

Li Yanjun was excited, he was really promoted, he was only the eighth rank Chengwu Lang before, but now he was promoted to the sixth rank Chaofeng Lang, and he is also the staff officer of King Yong, his fortune has really come.

[There is another update at [-]:[-] p.m., to make up for the one that was missed yesterday]

(End of this chapter)

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