
Chapter 1007

Chapter 1007

In the side tent, Zhang Xiao asked Li Yanjun to sit down, and said with a smile: "You may not understand what a staff officer is, let me explain."

"The humble office is all ears!"

"There are two kinds of staff officers, one is full-time staff, such as those officials who handle documents in Yongwang Mansion, they are full-time staff officers, and the other is staff staff. At present, His Highness has six staff officers, five of whom are in Jingzhao. A professor from a school or a government school is currently assisting the princess in handling government affairs for King Yong, and there is another person in Lin'an who is in charge of the "Beijing News".

You belong to a full-time staff officer. Of course, King Yong’s staff officers are far more than you alone. There are hundreds of people who are in charge of various affairs of King Yong, including military personnel, judges, master books, promotion officials, intelligence, Sima, etc.

The current staff officers are probably around the seventh rank, and there are only five staff officers at the sixth rank like Ni, who belong to high-ranking officials. I am now serving as a military adviser and a staff officer, but I am a seconded staff officer. , I will return to my job. "

Li Yanjun pondered for a while and asked: "The humble official is Chao Fenglang, but what is the humble official?"

Zhang Xiaowei smiled and said: "Your official is the boss, which is not the same as the boss of your county magistrate. You will know later. They belong to the first-class civil servants, and they are all of the sixth rank. Once they become political officials, they will be promoted to the fifth rank, and at least they will be appointed as governors. It doesn't matter."

As an official of the Song Dynasty, Li Yanjun was not surprised at all. The official rules of the Song Dynasty were like this. If he was assigned a position, what he actually did had nothing to do with his position.

Zhang Xiao continued to say to him: "King Yong's attack on the Central Plains was not only military, but also aftermath. You also know that since Jingkang, the Central Plains has been ravaged by the Puppet Qi and the Jin Kingdom. It is already devastated and all industries are withered. The families of the people were destroyed and displaced, so King Yong and the Internal Affairs Hall decided to exempt the Central Plains from all taxes and taxes for ten years in order to recuperate and slowly recover.

However, after ten years of tax exemption, where will the various expenses of the Central Plains State Government come from, such as official salaries, education, relief, etc., all of which will be subsidized by the Yongwang Mansion. Therefore, King Yong decided to set up the Henan Road Pacifying Commissioner, which is a temporary government office responsible for subsidizing the Central Plains financial matters. After ten years, when the subsidy ends, the mission of the Pacifying Commissioner will also end. "

"The humble job is to join the appeasement commissioner."

"That's right, I will serve as the first appeasement envoy of Henan Road. You are my subordinate, and you will also be the first envoy of the Department of Money and Food. The term of office is three years. Countless money and food will be allocated to the Central Plains through your hands. In all states and counties, honesty is the most important thing, and King Yong has taken a fancy to you, so don't let him down."

Li Yanjun nodded silently, and Zhang Xiao laughed again: "But the Henan Road Appeasement Commission will not be established until after the war is over. You now have a temporary position to promote the Henan Warehouse. Now we have about a million shi of grain captured in our hands. Placed in Cangcheng in Xuchang County, the two Cangcheng in Luoyang and Xuchang were renamed Henan Cang. After the summer harvest, all the grain from official and military fields will be transferred to Henan Cang, which is specially used to relieve the hungry people in Henan. King Yong According to the order, you will now be the manager of the Henan Warehouse, and you will take office immediately!"

"Humble job. Follow orders!"

At the same moment when Chen Qing seized Yingchang Mansion, Wanyan Helisa led an army of [-] troops into Jingxing. Jingxing is the most important strategic channel among the Eight Xings of the Taihang. The reason why it is important is that it is called a strategic channel because It is the only channel that can be used for carts, starting from Zhending County, Zhending Prefecture in the east, and ending in Pingding County, Taiyuan Prefecture in the west, with a length of about [-] li.

The narrowest passage in Jingxing is only a few feet wide, but the widest part is tens of miles. There are many villages in it, and there is even a county seat, Jingxing County.

Of course, there are many dangerous passes, such as Tumen Pass, Niangzi Pass, Jingxing Pass, etc. At present, the pass controlled by the Jin soldiers is Tumen Pass, and the passes controlled by the Song Army are Niangzi Pass and Jingxing Pass. Jingxing County is located in Zhending Prefecture. Belongs to the Kingdom of Jin.

Almost all canyon passages are related to river water, and Jingxingguan is no exception. A river runs through the Taihang Mountains to form Jingxing. This river is called Yehe in Hebei, and it is renamed Mianmanshui when it reaches East. It actually originated from In Shouyang County, Hedong, it flows into Hutuo Water after crossing the Taihang Mountains.

Wanyan and Lisa's army took the lead in stationing in Jingxing County, and he would use Jingxing County as his logistics to attack Niangziguan and Jingxingguan.

Wanyan Holisa personally led an army of [-] to Niangziguan, which is about [-] miles away from Jingxing County. Niangziguan was named after Li Yuan’s daughter, Princess Pingyang, who led an army to guard it in the early Tang Dynasty. It was called the ninth pass in the world. Live a way up the mountain.

After capturing Niangziguan, Chen Qing's army re-expanded and built two passes at the front and back, with a distance of [-] steps between the two passes, and leveled the land behind to expand the army's camp.

At present, Niangziguan is guarded by two thousand troops led by Wang Duo, the commander. Wang Duo is one of Niu Gao's lieutenants. He is in charge of the defense of the entire Jingxing. At Jingxing Pass, there are another two hundred scout soldiers with high martial arts skills, active behind the enemy.

Niangziguan is the first pass to defend the Jin soldiers, of course Wang Duo must personally come to preside over the defense battle.

The mountain road is covered with [-] tiny poisoned caltrops. There are [-] defenders on the first pass, mainly using defensive weapons such as bed crossbows, rolling logs, rocks, and gunpowder barrels. There are five small trebuchets.

Just before dawn, [-] Jin soldiers arrived at the foot of Niangziguan Mountain. The signing army soldiers set up their tents. Off to attack.

This is also one of the reasons why Wanyan Chang, Wanyan Helisa and other senior officials dared to attack Taiyuan. It is an unspoken rule that everyone knows but no one will break. Han soldiers and Jurchen soldiers were unharmed.

There are only [-] Jurchen soldiers in Hebei, which is too precious, and the Han signing army can be continuously replenished, so let the Han signing army charge to the front, and replenish after losing troops.

The soldiers of the signed army also knew that they would bear all the dangers, but they had no choice. There were a thousand Jurchen cavalry behind them holding sharp axes to hold down the formation. Anyone who dared to resist would be killed with an axe. Not only would they not survive, but their families would also die. They are regarded as family members of deserters, who bear heavier taxes and even serve as official slaves.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!" Jin Bing's drums were beating loudly, and the horns sounded repeatedly, "Woo——"

The [-] signed troops lined up and walked to the foot of the mountain. They were ready, and Wanyan Lisa waved his saber and shouted "Attack!"

"Attack!" Han Chang, the chief general of the signing army, gave an order.Three thousand vanguard troops rushed up the mountain mightily.

These [-] soldiers were in charge of testing the defense situation of Niangziguan, even if they were all killed in battle, they would not hesitate to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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