
Chapter 1008

Chapter 1008

Three thousand soldiers walked up the mountain cautiously holding large shields and swords, and there was a thick battering ram in the team.

The mountain is not very steep, with an inclination of about [-] degrees. The mountain road is very wide, and the cart can go up the mountain directly, bypass the ridge, and go down the mountain from the other side.

The soldiers at the front held up their large shields, forming a shield wall, approaching Guancheng step by step.


Suddenly someone in the team screamed and squatted down to cover his feet, but he wasn't the only one who was hit. Many people screamed and squatted down to take off their shoes.

"What's going on?" the leading general asked anxiously.

"General, there are poisonous thistles on the ground!"

The recruited soldier picked up a blue barbed wire from the sole of his shoe with a dagger, and shouted in horror.

The leading general shouted: "Everyone, beware of your feet, poisonous thorns!"

The soldiers were so frightened that they all stared at the ground, but the poisonous caltrops sprinkled by the Song army were still too dense, making it impossible to guard against. They were constantly stepped on. In just a few dozen steps, more than two hundred soldiers stepped on the poisonous caltrops.

Although it can be easily picked off with a dagger, the soldier can't pretend to be bitten by a mosquito. This is poisonous barbed wire. Who knows what kind of poison it is?In the slightest, the legs could not be kept, and in severe cases, the soldiers were killed, which filled the soldiers' hearts with fear.

However, even if they stepped on ten caltrops, the soldiers could not go back, let alone lie down and pretend to be injured. They would be killed by the Jurchen soldiers who supervised the battle behind them with an axe.

At this time, more and more soldiers stepped on the barbed wire. The soldiers kept groaning, picking them off with knives and moving on. They could only be regarded as being bitten by mosquitoes.

Toxicity usually kicks in after a quarter of an hour, but if you step on it too much, it will be different. There are still three hundred steps away from the city wall, and soldiers start to fall down, twitching all over, foaming at the mouth, and the poison starts to kick in. .

As soon as he turned the corner, Guancheng was [-] steps ahead, and the leading general shouted, "Brothers, charge up!"


Three thousand soldiers rushed forward shouting together, and the battering ram was among them.

The bed crossbow at the head of the city was fired, and two hundred and fifty jackdaw arrows were fired one after another. Although the soldiers running at the front held their shields high, the shields could not stop the bed crossbow from penetrating, and the soldiers fell down row by row.

Immediately afterwards, fifty bed crossbows were pulled to the back to load arrows, and another fifty bed crossbows were pulled up, aimed at the running enemy soldiers, and nearly a hundred people were knocked down by the arrows.

There are one hundred and fifty people in the back who are responsible for loading arrows on the bed crossbows in turn. After the fifty bed crossbows are shot, they are pulled down, and the fifty bed crossbows that have just been loaded with iron arrows are pushed up and fired again, just like three paragraphs. Shooting, taking turns, after two rounds of arrows, five or six hundred people were shot down, and dead bodies piled up on the mountain road.

The soldiers retreated one after another, but they did not dare to retreat downwards. They could only crawl on the ground and did not dare to move.

Only then did they see the appearance of the pass clearly. It turned out to be a double-layer pass. The bottom of the blue brick wall was two feet high. There are countless soldiers and trebuchets on the pass, and the entire pass is as high as three feet and five feet, which looks very majestic and strong.

At this time, the attack drum sounded at the foot of the mountain. It was the drum to urge the battle. After two rounds of drums sounded, the main general would be executed before the battle. If the main general was killed, the deputy general would be executed.

The leading general had to shout: "Brothers, rush up and hit the city!"

Many soldiers began to feel dizzy and their legs became weak. This was the beginning of the poisonous terrestris. However, under the urging of the general, they had to pick up their shields and swords and continue to charge forward. They just stood up and ran for twenty or thirty steps. Another burst of jackdaw arrows shot like a storm, and all the more than [-] people running in front were shot down.

"Climb up from the ground!" the general shouted.

The soldiers lay down on the ground one after another and climbed up like snakes. This trick really worked, and Song Jun's bed crossbow had to stop shooting.

Standing on the city stairs, Wang Duo watched groups of enemy soldiers crawling up slowly on the ground like ghosts. These soldiers even covered their heads and vitals with shields, just like headless frogs.

"The trebuchet is ready to throw fire oil!"

"Prepare the crossbow!"

The soldiers of the Song army waited patiently. When the enemy army climbed into the fifty pace line, Wang Duo gave an order, "Shoot!"

Five trebuchets were launched at the same time, and five thin-skinned pottery pots filled with kerosene were projected. A fierce fire was burning on the pottery pots.

At the same time, dozens of soldiers also struggled to throw down dozens of thin-skinned clay pots filled with kerosene. The pots shattered, and black flame oil splashed out, which was immediately ignited by several thrown torches. .

In an instant, there was a sea of ​​flames on the hillside, and the soldiers covered in fire got up one after another, and ran down the hill, crying and howling.

The bed crossbow chased and fired from behind, without the shield blocking it, the lethality was extremely sharp, one iron arrow could kill two or three people, and a round of gurney crossbow iron arrows shot powerfully, dense like rain, and soldiers running one by one The iron arrows shot through their bodies and fell down one after another. Countless soldiers were shot or burned to death.

On the city wall, two heavy oil iron cabinets also sprayed kerosene downwards. The kerosene sprayed out by this kind of fierce oil fire tank was like raining, and the burning kerosene dripped on the soldiers' heads and necks. Although they will not die, they will burn the soldiers, the pain is unbearable, and they will completely lose the will to fight.

In this round, more than a thousand people were shot and killed by the Song army, including the attacking general who was also burned to death. In addition to the soldiers who died in battle, there were more than [-] soldiers killed in battle, and countless wounded. The attacking soldiers were [-] Among them, there were less than [-] soldiers who were not burned by kerosene and did not step on poisonous caltrops.

Seeing the attacking soldiers fleeing down the mountain frantically, Wanyan Helisa was furious and ordered: "Everyone above the head will be beheaded!"

Twenty or so capital heads and commanders who managed to escape the death and killing of the Song army, but could not escape the severe punishment of the military law, were all hacked to death by the Jurchen cavalry with sharp axes.

Wanyan and Lisa didn't care about the life or death of the wounded soldiers, and ordered Wang Zheng to lead the second batch of [-] signing soldiers to attack Guancheng on the mountain.

At this time, in front of the pass, hundreds of soldiers were cleaning up the battlefield, executing the wounded and surviving soldiers, collecting jackdaw arrows and enemy weapons, and pushing the corpses of the enemy soldiers down the hill with a big iron fork. A thick battering ram was dragged back to Guancheng.

At this time, a soldier shouted: "A new army is coming up the mountain!"

'when!when!when! The bell rang loudly on the Guancheng, and hundreds of soldiers of the Song Army withdrew to the Guancheng one after another.

At this time, Wang Duo stood on the side of Guancheng and watched the situation down the mountain. The road up the mountain was in a zigzag shape, circling upwards, and the lower part of the side was just a road up the mountain.

The Song army deployed two pure copper oil fire cabinets on the side, which can spray burning oil downwards, just like raining fire. It was very effective in dealing with the fleeing soldiers just now.

Although the fierce oil fire cabinet cannot kill the enemy, the rain of fire is the same as the poisonous thorns. The severe pain of the oil burning on the skin can destroy the morale of the enemy.

Wang Duo could see clearly just now that the wind was not too strong, and the fire droplets sprayed out basically drifted downwards. If the wind was strong, the fire droplets would fly around and burn his soldiers and the tower.

"Get ready! The enemy army is coming, remember, stop if the wind is strong!"

At this time, the second batch of three thousand soldiers rushed up the mountain along the mountain road, and they soon reached the penultimate turning point of the zigzag, which is below the side of Guancheng.


The fierce oil fire cabinet is operated by four soldiers. One soldier is holding a long copper pipe, and the other soldier is in charge of lighting the fire. It is also a very long ignition stick. He ignites the fire oil at the moment when the fire oil is sprayed out.

There are also two soldiers who are responsible for pushing the oil. Just like pulling the bellows, push the rod forward to spray the kerosene into the tube, and pull the rod back to lift up the kerosene in the fire cabinet below.

The two soldiers pushed forward at the same time, and the kerosene sprayed out of the copper pipe in an instant. The igniting soldier ignited the sprayed kerosene in time, and the sky immediately rained fire, and a burst of burning kerosene droplets floated to the soldiers below. go.

(End of this chapter)

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