
Chapter 1009

Chapter 1009

Hundreds of enemy soldiers running ahead were unprepared and caught off guard by the kerosene raindrops from the sky. The severe pain made them jump up and down, screaming repeatedly.

The soldiers behind realized the danger and raised their shields one after another. At this time, the second burst of fire rain fell, and the number of injured soldiers was greatly reduced, but many people were still hit by the fire rain. On the skin, the severe pain is unbearable.

But it wasn't just rain of fire that fell from the sky. Immediately afterwards, dozens of rolling logs fell from the top of their heads, and all those who were hit had their bones broken and their brains shattered.

The attacking soldiers rushed up the cliff one after another. At this time, the bed crossbows of the Song army were ready, and the kerosene and catapults were also on standby. This signing army was about to repeat the tragedy of the previous batch of [-] soldiers.

Wang Duo deployed two hundred scouts behind the enemy army, the leader was a commander named Li Wu, a very common name.

Li Wu's task is to harass the enemy army, sneak attack the enemy's food and grass, or attack the enemy's logistics team.

In the middle of the night, Li Wu approached Jingxing County quietly with two hundred of his men. The war broke out in Jingxing. It was still a matter of the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms. There has been no war for more than a hundred years. The walls of Jingxing County are already very dilapidated, although not for a hundred years. The ancient city, but it has not been repaired for at least fifty or sixty years, and the entire city wall is riddled with holes.

Two hundred people came to the southwest corner, hundreds of steps away from the city wall. There were soldiers standing guard on the top of the city, but above the city gate, while there were no soldiers patrolling the walls on both sides.

The small county town can't station [-] troops. The barracks are outside the city, but the food and supplies are stored in the city. In the southeast corner, two thousand soldiers are stationed near the southeast corner to guard the food and supplies closely. They don't worry about the Song army's attack. Because the Song army was west of Niangziguan, the Song army could not come through. They were actually guarding against the residents of the city to prevent them from coming to steal food and grass supplies.

On the southeast corner of the city, there are also dozens of soldiers patrolling and standing guard. This is necessary. Below the city is the warehouse area. You can enter the warehouse area by hanging a rope down.

There were no soldiers patrolling in the southwest corner, and two hundred soldiers quickly climbed up to the top of the city. They lined up to dress up as a patrolling soldier, and walked quickly to the southeast corner.

Fifty soldiers stood guard on the southeast corner of the city. They were divided into two squads. One squad was sleeping soundly, and the other squad was patrolling back and forth with vigor.

At this time, they suddenly found an army approaching from the opposite side. They lined up neatly and asked for the head of the capital, "Whose subordinates are you? You are not allowed to approach here!"

Li Wu said in a loud voice: "It is the order of Marshal Lisa to change the guard. This is the order of the wolf head. Go back to the camp!"

After speaking, he held up a copper wolf head token, waved his hand, and put the wolf head token away.

"Wait a minute!"

I'm a little confused now, the current leader is Wanyan Kuolie!Why did he become a drinker again? Didn't he go to Niangziguan?
"I'm going to report to the general, please wait a moment!"

"Take the wolf head order with you."

Li Wu took out the copper wolf head with his left hand and handed it to him. After thinking about it, Dutou was right. He stretched out his hand to receive the wolf's head order, and saw a flash of coldness, and Dutou's arm fell to the ground. Before he could scream, the cold light flashed again,' puff! 'A human head flew up, blood splattering everywhere.

Two hundred soldiers rushed at the fifty soldiers on the top of the city at the same time. They were highly skilled in martial arts, and their movements were quick and fast. They stabbed with spears and slashed with swords. The fifty soldiers on the top of the city screamed a dozen times and then fell silent. down.

The two hundred soldiers of the Song army were divided into two, one hundred soldiers continued to patrol the city, and another soldier went from the lower city to burn food and grass. The Song army threw down ten sets of ladders, climbed down the city, sprayed kerosene, a clicked up.

Two hundred soldiers quickly left the city and headed towards the barracks.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!" Suddenly the alarm bell rang loudly in the barracks, waking up the soldiers one after another.

"The granary is on fire, hurry up and put out the fire!"

There was a sudden commotion in the barracks, and groups of soldiers rushed out of the barracks and ran towards the county seat.

Li Wu led his men to take the opportunity to approach the camp, shouting as they ran, "You must use wooden barrels and tubs to put out the fire. It's useless to go in with bare hands!"

The sentry had already confused them with the soldiers fighting the fire, and they were unprepared. The soldiers of the Song Army shot arrows indiscriminately, and the sentry fell from the sentry tower.

The soldiers threw burning torches into the camp one after another. Dozens of large tents were set ablaze, and the southeast corner of the camp also caught fire. This was in the direction of the downwind, and the fire spread rapidly. Escaped, watching the raging fire engulfed the camp.

At night, the fierce battle for Niangziguan was still going on, and the Jurchen soldiers also joined the battle. In the fierce battle during the day, more than [-] signing soldiers were killed, [-] were injured, and only [-] soldiers were still fighting. The city head of Niangziguan was also continuously hit by fire oil balls thrown by them with trebuchets, and a big fire ignited.

Seeing the hope, Wanyan Helisa ordered an overnight attack, throwing in [-] Jurchen soldiers and [-] signature soldiers.

The fire on Niangziguan Fuguan City was still burning, and the wooden pass city was crumbling. Wang Duo led the soldiers to retreat to Zhengguan City. The bed crossbow, fierce oil fire cabinet and most of the supplies were withdrawn, but the four trebuchets Still engulfed in flames.

Four thousand five hundred gold soldiers stood densely on the mountain path, led by Wanyan Helisa himself. Everyone held their breath and stared at the Guancheng that was about to collapse. At this moment, the burning pillars of Guancheng finally couldn't bear the tower weight, 'Boom! 'With a loud bang, the wooden gate above collapsed.

Jin Bing cheered for a while, Wanyan and Lisa gave an order, "Go in!"

Five hundred Jurchen soldiers charged forward with spears in their hands and charged towards Guancheng, which was [-] paces away. They stomped on the corpses all over the ground and ran quickly, followed by a large group of Jurchen soldiers.

The signing army soldiers paid more than [-] casualties to overcome the first secondary pass, but it was the Jurchen soldiers who won the victory, and the [-] signing army soldiers fell to the end.

The Jurchen soldiers smashed open the gate with battering rams, and five hundred soldiers rushed in. Unexpectedly, they were greeted by a storm of jackdaw iron arrows. The powerful crossbow arrows pierced the shields, pierced their armor, In the blink of an eye, more than [-] Jurchen soldiers fell down one after another, howling and screaming, and the remaining dozens of Jurchen soldiers scrambled and crawled out of the Guancheng Gate.

Two hundred steps away, at the foot of the main gate, there are three hundred bed crossbows densely placed. These bed crossbows have wheels, and it is very convenient to alternate between advancing and retreating, and they can shoot in turn.

Although the armor of Jurchen soldiers is strong and can block most bows and arrows, it cannot stop the attack of the most powerful crossbow in the world. Every arrow has the power to break through gold and rock. In the history of Song and Jin wars, Jin soldiers were the worst All casualties were lost on the bed crossbows of the Song army.

But Jin Bing also has a way. They forced Xiang Jun to climb up the still burning Fuguanguan City, endured the scalding heat wave, cleaned up the ruins above, pushed all the burning logs down the mountain, and sorted out a wide green brick platform. , and then build the fortification wall with sandbags.

The [-] signatory soldiers were repeatedly shot down by arrows, but they did not dare to retreat. The Jurchen soldiers behind them glared at them viciously with sharp axes, and whoever dared to retreat would be punished as deserters.

After finally building a fortification wall tens of feet long with sandbags, there were less than [-] people left in the [-] sign army, and the remaining [-] people were all shot and killed by the Song army with the god arm crossbow.

At this time, suddenly a soldier pointed in the direction of Jingxing County and shouted: "There is a fire over there!"

The soldiers on the mountain could clearly see the situation thirty miles away. They saw that the fire was burning in the direction of Jingxing County, and the sky was reddened by the fire.

Wanyan and Lisa were shocked. He immediately realized that the logistics of Jingxing County must have been attacked by the Song army. The Song army had hidden troops in Jingxing Road. He glanced at the more majestic and sturdy Niangziguan, the master of Guancheng, and suddenly lost his mind. Confidence, he sighed and said: "Send the order, the whole army retreats!"

Wanyan Holisa paid the price of [-] casualties and had to retreat hastily.

Wanyan and Lisa have enough lessons. He knows the strategies and tactics of the Song army too well. If the Song army hides thousands of troops on the Jingxing Road, they will seize the Tumen Pass, cut off their retreat, and burn their own food and grass. If food and grass are cut off, the entire army will inevitably be wiped out in Jingxing. They have had a painful experience on the Luoshui Channel in northern Shaanxi.

So now Wanyan Holisa is not a question of withdrawing to Jingxing County, but withdrawing from the entire Jingxing Road. Only then did he realize that they were not fully prepared to attack Taiyuan Mansion. If they seize an opportunity, they will be destroyed forever, and their entire army will be wiped out on Jingxing Road.

(End of this chapter)

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