
Chapter 1010 Debriefing

Chapter 1010 Debriefing
Three days later, Wanyan Helisa led an army of [-] troops out of Tumen Pass in embarrassment and retreated to Zhengding County. The reason for their embarrassment was that their food and grass ran out the day before, and they had to kill [-] mules carrying food and grass. Donkeys were used as military rations. Fortunately, their back-up food and grass had been sent to Zhengding County, and before they could be sent to Jingxing, these back-up food and grass completely saved their lives.

Wanyan Helisa appointed Wang Zheng, the governor, as the military envoy of Zhending Prefecture, and led [-] people to sit in Zhengding County, of which [-] troops guarded Tumen Pass.

Wanyan and Lisa no longer had the courage to enter Jingxing again, he actually gave up Jingxing and only guarded the last pass of Jingxing.

After arranging the defense, Wanyan Helisa returned to Daming Mansion with an army of [-]. Although he lost nearly [-] troops, Wanyan Helisa didn't take it seriously. It doesn't matter how much it is, but he doesn't know how to explain the battle of Jingxing to Wan Yanchang, the battle was too embarrassing.

Lin'an, Yue Fei waited for a full month, and finally waited for his report. There had been rumors that he would be demoted to Lingnan as an official, but no one had announced the transfer order to him, and Yue Fei himself didn't quite believe it. It is a common practice that he will not be directly demoted in the first pass, and the court will give him a chance to explain.

His debriefing was arranged in the left side hall of Ziwei Hall, and behind the right side hall was the imperial study of the emperor Zhao Gou. Generally, important work reports were arranged in the left side hall for the emperor to listen to.

All civil servants and generals dispatched abroad must return to Lin'an to report on their work on time. There are two types of report on work. One is normal report on work, such as once a year. When reporting on their duties, the generals will report to the Privy Council. This kind of reporting is just a formality, and there will be no risk. Instead, it is an opportunity for local officials to build a good relationship with senior officials in Beijing and China.

There is another kind of debriefing called special debriefing, which is mainly aimed at leading military generals. The imperial court issues special debriefing documents to local generals, asking them to return to Beijing to debrief. The imperial court was dissatisfied and asked the general to return to Beijing to explain clearly.

This kind of special debriefing is a hurdle for every general who leads the army. If he passes it, he will have a bright future. If he fails to pass it, he will be dismissed from office and demoted.

Almost every general has encountered this kind of debriefing before. Liu Ziyu, Liu Kai, Wu Jie, Wang Yan, Yue Fei, Chen Qing, Liu Guangshi, Zhang Jun, Han Shizhong, etc. Generally, generals with backgrounds can survive this test , or active activities to open up the joints.

The backstage of Liu Ziyu, Liu Qi, and Chen Qing is Zhang Jun, who helped them survive the court hearing, Liu Guangshi’s backstage is the Empress Dowager Wei, and Zhang Jun manages all kinds of relationships well, and Han Shizhong has the power to save the emperor Thanks to the success, Yue Fei won the trust of the emperor before, and passed the hearing without any risk.

Wu Jie and Wang Yan had no background relationship, so they couldn't go back after the debriefing, and were demoted one after another.

Yue Fei waited in Lin'an for nearly a month this time. He didn't seek any connections, and he didn't visit any prime ministers. He just waited patiently. The various investigations on him were almost completed, and the hearing began.

On the other side of the hall, Yue Fei bowed deeply to the Emperor Zhao Gou, "I pay homage to His Majesty the Emperor!"

Zhao Gou waved his hand, "Yue Dutong, please sit down!"

Yue Fei sat down, surrounded by Prime Ministers and high-ranking officials. Today, Prime Minister Qin Hui was the one who asked the question. He coughed, cleared his throat, and said calmly: "According to the usual practice, the Prime Minister will ask Yue Dutong three questions. You can answer them truthfully. gone."


Qin Hui asked slowly: "In May last year, the imperial court and the Kingdom of Jin signed an indefinite truce agreement. According to the agreement, the imperial court asked Yue Dutong to withdraw his troops and return to Xiangyang, but Yue Dutong said that he would be away. Has it happened that you have rejected the emperor's edict three times?"

Yue Fei sighed and said: "At that time, the humble army defeated the Jin soldiers successively, captured Dengzhou, Ruzhou, Tangzhou, and entered Henan Mansion. Another army was preparing to advance to Yingchang Mansion, which was empty of enemy troops. The first-order troops also conquered Caizhou and Yingzhou, and were preparing to march into Chenzhou. Once the humble West Route Army captured Luoyang, the Middle Route Army occupied Yingchang Mansion, and the East Route Army captured Chenzhou, they would form a three-sided attack on Bianliang. There has never been such a good situation.”

Qin Hui said coldly: "So you said that the general will be away, and the emperor's order will not be granted? Can you refuse the emperor's recall letter?"

"Humble job originally wanted to capture Bianliang, and then come back to plead guilty to the emperor!"

Zhao Gou suddenly asked: "If the general refuses to carry out Yue Dutong's military order in the barracks, what will Yue Dutong do?"

Yue Fei was silent for a moment and said: "Beheaded according to military regulations!"

Zhao Gou looked at him for a moment, then said calmly: "I have no military regulations, so I can't behead you, but now I want to remind you that all the troops in the world are my troops, and I am the commander of the three armies. The general I sent out."

"Wei Chen understands!"

Zhao Gou waved his hand to Qin Hui, which means that this matter is over!
Qin Hui turned a page and asked the second question, "According to the regulations of the imperial court, each government has its own jurisdiction, and each army has its own scope of activities. Only the imperial court can dispatch troops. But the imperial court learned that , Yue Dutong actually allowed the Sichuan-Shanxi army to pass through Jingxiang without the permission of the court, is there such a thing?"

Yue Fei nodded, "Is this true?"

"Why did you allow the Sichuan-Shanxi Army to cross the border without authorization?"

Yue Fei sighed and said, "Chen Qing's army used this route to go south. In fact, there was only one time when his [-] cavalry went to Jinghu South Road to suppress bandits. The Shaanxi army was passing through the border. Orihikozhi was the privy secretary at that time. He had the right to decide that an army of less than [-] people should pass through the border. Orihiko agreed on the condition that the opponent's number could not exceed [-]. At that time, the opponent's army was [-] cavalry. , These are all recorded, Qin Xianggong can go to check, and you can also ask the officials of the Privy Council who are with Ori Yanzhi."

Qin Hui was stunned, he didn't expect Yue Fei to push this matter to Zhe Yanzhi, and Zhe Yanzhi had defected to Chen Qing, where could he confront him?

The atmosphere in the court hall was a bit awkward, Xu Xiantu was secretly a little annoyed, Yue Fei didn't make an agreement with him in advance, and pushed the Privy Council to the fire with a casual push, and the responsibility became the Privy Council.

Xu Xiantu said coldly: "But Yue Dutong and Chen Qing reached a transit agreement, didn't they?"

Yue Fei shook his head and said: "The transit agreement is true, but it was an agreement reached after I allowed the soldiers in Chen Qing's army to return to their hometowns to visit their relatives through Xiangyang. Long weapons and military crossbows are not allowed, and a certificate issued by the opposing army to return home to visit relatives is required."

"I reached an agreement with Chen Qing, why didn't I file it with the imperial court?"

Yue Fei glanced at Xu Xiantu, and said slowly: "Reporting to the privy envoy, the humble position is Jingbei Road Xuanfu envoy, this power is there, it is impossible to report everything to the imperial court, such a small matter of returning home to visit relatives, I think There is no need to report to the court."

"This question is over!" Zhao Gou said.

Academician Liu Zhi secretly sighed in his heart, this Yue Fei really doesn't understand politics!The key is not the size of the incident, but his private contact and negotiation with Chen Qing. This is the key, and he can't see through it.

Qin Hui asked the third question again, "Someone in your army reported that you had written a letter to Zhao Chen, the king of Chenliu County, who was recuperating in Jingzhao. Is there such a thing?"

Yue Fei stood up abruptly, and asked sharply: "There is absolutely no such thing, Qin Xianggong, please tell me, who is framing me?"

Qin Hui narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Why is Yue Dutong so guilty and roaring at the court?"

Only then did Yue Fei realize that he was impolite. He bowed to the emperor Zhao Gou and said, "I am impatient. I heard that someone framed me, so I exploded. I am rude. Please forgive me, but things happen. If you don’t have it, you don’t have it, I will never lie, please learn from your majesty!”

Zhao Gou waved his hand and said, "I'm a little tired, let's end the work report!"

(End of this chapter)

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