
Chapter 1011 Conviction

Chapter 1011 Conviction
Emperor Zhao Gou returned to the imperial study with a gloomy face, Qin Hui, Zhu Shengfei and Xu Xiantu also arrived.

At present, there are only three of them in the court, and Li Guang, who is in charge of finance, has also been dismissed. Zhu Shengfei is a member of the Empress Dowager Wei's clique, and Qin Hui is the head of the hundred officials.

And Xu Xiantu is the confidant of the emperor Zhao Gou. He usually doesn't say anything, but he needs to be a good person at critical moments. For example, in the Zheng Tongquan incident, Chen Qing publicly threatened in the "Beijing News". He did not hesitate to send assassins to retaliate.

At this time, Xu Xiantu needs to come forward to resolve the crisis. This is the emperor's mind. Someone needs to come forward to be a villain, but someone also needs to come forward to be a good person.

Qin Hui bowed and said: "Your Majesty, it is easier to restrain a tiger than to restrain it. I suggest that Yue Fei be imprisoned and punished. If the crime is confirmed, he will be killed to avoid future troubles."

"What crime?" Zhao Gou asked coldly.

"The crime of treason, the crime of deceiving the king."

After a pause, Qin Hui explained: "The crime of treason stems from the fact that he and Chen Qing colluded in private, reached an agreement in private, and completely ignored the court. Although he has not done it as blatantly as Chen Qing, there are already signs of it, such as calling the army The Yue family army, for example, scorned the court agreement and so on.

We have to learn from Chen Qing's lesson, we can't wait for the evidence of his treason to be conclusive before taking action, then it will be too late, and the humble official does not recommend exiling him, what if he absconds like Zhe Yanzhi and fled to Xiangyang to raise the flag to rebel?So the best way is to kill them to avoid future troubles. "

Zhu Shengfei said from the side: "His son Yue Yun and his confidant Zhang Xian are still holding the military power in Jingxiang. Isn't Qin Xianggong killing Yue Fei now to force them to rebel?"

"What about Mr. Zhu's opinion?" Zhao Gou asked.

"Weichen suggested to put Yue Fei under house arrest first, take over his military power, and arrest Yue Yun, Zhang Xian and others back to Lin'an, and then consider how to convict them."

Zhao Gou nodded. Zhu Shengfei's method was relatively safe. He glanced at Xu Xiantu, who was still in deep thought, and asked, "What do you think, Mr. Xu?"

Xu Xiantu sighed and said, "Your Majesty, Yue Fei cannot be killed for the time being!"

"How to say?"

"Your Majesty, our ultimate goal of convicting Yue Fei is to seize his military power. If we kill him, what will happen to Zhang Jun? What will happen to Han Shizhong? Do they dare to return for a temporary report? Can their military power still be cut? "

Qin Hui was a little dissatisfied and said: "Yue Fei is different from them. Yue Fei's three major crimes are clear. Zhang Jun and Han Shizhong don't have these crimes, so why should we panic?"

Xu Xiantu shook his head and said: "Mr. Qin, why should he deceive himself and others? Let's talk about Yue Fei's three crimes, but if it is really promulgated, it will be untenable."

Zhao Gou frowned and asked, "Xu Xianggong had better speak clearly, why is it untenable?"

"Your Majesty! It is true that Orihiko agreed to allow Chen Qing to cross the border without authorization. The Privy Council can find the records. First of all, this one is untenable. Secondly, he secretly dealt with Chen Qing. Didn't Zhang Jun? Didn't Han Shizhong? Produced in Ganzhou Each of Han Shizhong's soldiers had a piece of sheepskin, but the imperial court had never bought it. Where did the kerosene in Zhang Jun's army come from? Yue Fei didn't.

Furthermore, it is said that Yue Fei wrote a letter to Chenliu County King, and a discerning person would know that it was framed, how could it be possible?Zhao Huan and his son were under the strict control of Chen Qing. Everyone in the world didn't know that Yue Fei could still communicate with Zhao Chen. Are all the people in the world fools? "

Xu Xiantu added: "There is also the matter of Yue Fei's refusal to resist the edict, let alone mention it. If the people know that Yue Fei's army has reached Luoyang and is about to encircle Bianliang, they are ordered by the court to withdraw and are forced to give up all their efforts to regain their homeland. , killed Yue Fei, but the court's reputation was completely ruined."

Qin Hui was also silent. He knew before that the officials wanted to kill Yue Fei, so he tried his best to cater to him. He tried every means to convict and kill Yue Fei, but Xu Xiantu obviously knew the emperor better than him. If something happened to Yue Fei hastily, Zhang Jun and Han Shizhong would have trouble Get up, the emperor may use himself as a scapegoat.

Zhao Gou stood in front of the window with his hands behind his back, and asked coldly for a while, "Then according to Mr. Xu's intention, what should we do now?"

"I agree with Zhu Xianggong's plan. First put Yue Fei under house arrest, remove Yue Yun, Zhang Xian and others from the military power, and then consider how to deal with Yue Fei. I am more inclined to demote him to Lingnan as a civil servant. This is what I suggested to His Majesty before. plan."

"Then who is better to take over his army?" Zhao Gou asked again.

Xu Xiantu thought for a while and said: "There must be enough troops to suppress Yue Fei's army and prevent them from rebelling. I suggest that Zhang Jun be appointed as the Xuanfu envoy of Jinghu North Road to take over Yue Fei's army."

Zhao Gou nodded. Zhang Jun is quite reassuring. He is greedy and greedy for money. Such a person will not rebel. In the future, give him more titles and benefits, and let him hand over his military power.

Zhao Gou immediately made a decision, "Follow Xu Xianggong's plan!"

Yue Fei and his second son Yue Lei lived in the Jinzuo Academy of Xiangyang Mansion. After the job report was over, Yue Fei returned to the Jinzuo Academy with a lot of worries. Pack your things and go home, pack now!"

"Father, what's wrong?"

Yue Fei sighed and said, "The Son of Heaven is going to seize my military power, and I'm afraid that your brother will rebel. You should go back and tell your mother to stop him. Don't allow him to act recklessly, and ruin my reputation!"

Yue Fei packed all the dozens of taels of silver into a bag, took out his gold medal, and handed it to his second son Yue Lei, "Hurry up and take Zhang Bao with them, or it will be too late!"

Yue Lei took the package, kowtowed three times to his father with tears in his eyes, got up and left in a hurry.

As soon as Yue Lei left, General Yang Yizhong surrounded the courtyard where Yue Fei lived with hundreds of soldiers, clasped his fists and said: "Yue Dutong, I have ordered you to change a place of residence for Dutong, please Dutong and your son." Pack your things and follow me!"

Yue Fei sat at the table reading a book, and asked for a while, "Have I been dismissed from office?"

"Not yet, but the emperor asked Yue Dutong to hand over the military talisman and command arrow first, this is the emperor's oral order."

Yue Fei knew that Yang Yizhong was the emperor's confidant, he was cautious and would never pass on word of mouth indiscriminately, so he took out the tiger talisman and command arrow and put them on the table.

Yang Yizhong took the tiger talisman and command arrow, and said again: "There should be a gold medal for dispatching troops!"

Yue Fei said lightly: "I didn't bring the gold medal, it's still in Xiangyang Mansion, I can write a letter, General Yang will send someone to Xiangyang to get it."

Yang Yi was puzzled in the center, such an important item as a troop transfer gold medal is usually carried with him, why didn't he bring it?
At this moment, his subordinates hurried in and whispered a few words to Yang Yizhong. Yang Yizhong was startled, and quickly asked, "Yue Dutong, where are your son and the soldiers?"

"Since I have not been dismissed from office, then they are not guilty of anything. I have sent them back to Xiangyang. Is there a problem?"

Yang Yizhong looked at Yue Fei for a moment and said, "No problem, please invite Yue Dutong!"

Yang Yizhong asked his subordinates to send Yue Fei to Dali Temple for house arrest. He hurried to find Qin Hui, but Zhao Gou handed over Yue Fei's case to Qin Hui. , he immediately ordered the officials along the way to arrest Yue Lei and his men.

Yue Fei was worried that Yue Yun and Zhang Xian would rebel and ruin his reputation, so he asked his son to take the gold medal to stop Yue Yun and Zhang Xian from acting recklessly.

But Qin Hui didn't think so. Yue Lei took the gold medal and went back, so he must have gone back to mobilize troops to rebel.

In an inn outside the Yuhang Gate, Yue Lei stood in front of the window on the second floor, looking worriedly at the pier a hundred steps away. Come out and let the soldiers take a closer look.

This is where Yue Lei is worried. There is a natural red birthmark on his forehead, like half a copper coin. It is very eye-catching in the middle of his forehead. When you come out, you have to take off your hat even if you put it on. If you check it this way, he won't be able to fly at all.

Yue Lei is sixteen years old this year, not yet an adult, but he is relatively precocious. His mentality and all aspects are similar to those of young people in their twenties. He has the gold medal given to him by his father in his arms, and he is also very aware of the importance of this gold medal. Sex, the elder brother Yue Yun has a strong personality and is very hostile to the court. If he knows that his father has been arrested, he will definitely rebel. That's why his father is worried about him and asks himself to suppress him with a gold medal.

At this time, the door was suddenly pushed open, and the commander of the soldiers, Zhang Bao, hurried in from the outside, and said excitedly, "My lord, I found them!"

(End of this chapter)

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