
Chapter 1012 Persuasion

Chapter 1012 Persuasion
The help Zhang Bao went to find was Chen Qing's intelligence station in Lin'an. Yue Lei and his party had no relatives in Lin'an, and no officials were willing to help them. Go, they had no choice but to ask Chen Qing's people to help them escape. This was Zhang Bao's suggestion, and Yue Lei agreed after hesitation.

Yue Lei was also agitated, and quickly asked: "Where are they?"

Zhang Bao said to the outside: "General Wei, please come in!"

I saw a burly man walking in from the outside, clasped his fists and saluted Yue Lei, "Wei Yanzong, the deputy manager of the Lin'an Intelligence Station of the Xiaxi Army, see Mr. Yue!"

Yue Lei hurriedly returned the salute, and asked with a puzzled smile, "What is the relationship between the intelligence station and the Jinzao Academy?"

Wei Yanzong smiled slightly and said: "Our official institution is not called Jinzuoyuan, but the Sichuan-Shaanxi Propaganda Envoy Stationed in Lin'an Liaison Hall, referred to as the Sichuan-Shaanxi Hall, and the head of it is Hu Yun, the special envoy of King Yong.

Our intelligence station is not an official organization, but a scout point placed by the Western Army in Lin'an, a secret spy. Lin'an defense officer Yang Yizhong has been trying to catch us all day long and get us out of the way. "

It turned out to be a spy, Yue Lei understood that this was the person he was looking for, he hurriedly bowed and said: "I am eager to leave Lin'an and return to Xiangyang, I implore General Wei for help!"

"Special Envoy Hu also asked us to help the young master leave. It is a trivial matter for us, but the young master should be more concerned about your father's news!"

"Ah! What happened to my father?" Yue Lei asked anxiously.

"Your father has been placed under house arrest in Dali Temple by the imperial court. He is currently living in a courtyard and is not allowed to go out, but please rest assured, young master, we will arrange Yue Dutong's life well. Although we cannot let him be free, at least we can make him free. If you are disturbed, you are guaranteed to have no worries about food and clothing."

Yue Lei was moved in his heart, and his voice choked up: "The whole of Lin'an, only you are willing to help my father. Thank you for your kindness. Yue Lei will remember it in his heart!"

"The key is that Mr. Yue trusts us. Because of this trust, we should try our best to help each other!"

Speaking of this, Wei Yanzong glanced out the window and said: "We don't get on the boat from here, we go to the Qiantang River to take the boat!"

Zhang Bao next to him was a little worried: "If you go by sea, it will take a lot of time!"

Wei Yanzong smiled slightly: "We will not take the sea route, but take the inland river to send you back to Xiangyang!"

At night, Wei Yanzong led a dozen of his subordinates and led Yue Lei and five people to ride to the southwest. Wei Yanzong had been in Lin'an for several years, and he was very familiar with the various gray roads in Lin'an. , The investigation is strict, but for the real local snakes, these checkpoints are useless.

Wei Yanzong led the people through one village after another. There were no checkpoints in the villages, and there were small roads connecting the villages. When it got dark, everyone closed their doors, and no one cared about the outside affairs. They actually walked around Checkpoint passed.

If you are running in the wilderness, it is easy to be found, but if you are walking in the village, there are dense houses for cover, basically foolproof.

A group of cavalry ran for more than ten miles and came to the back of a village. Only then did Yue Lei suddenly discover that there was a big river here.

"This is the Qiantang River, Mr. Yue boarded the boat!"

Under the willow trees on the bank, there were more than [-] thousand-stone ships moored. Wei Yanzong took three of his men and accompanied Yue Lei and his party on one of the big ships, and the rest of the men went back with their horses.

A slightly fat businessman in his forties came forward to greet him. Wei Yanzong smiled and introduced to Yue Lei: "This is the procurement manager of our Prince Yong's Mansion. His name is Lu Fan. He is Lu Xiangguo's nephew. Purchase supplies."

Yue Lei hurriedly saluted, Lu Fan smiled and said: "I know Mr. Yue is going north, Lao Wei told me that General Zhang and his subordinates can pretend to be my guards, but the key is Mr. Yue, I have to hide him. "

Lu Fan led Yue Lei into the cabin, and opened a baffle, which turned out to be a hidden cabin with a large space and a small window, very clean and tidy.

Lu Fan laughed and said, "We'll pass Lin'an later, Mr. Yue will hide here for a while, after Lin'an we don't need it."

"Will the checkpoints come on board and search?" Yue Lei asked worriedly.

Lu Fan smiled slightly, "This is actually the cargo ship of Xuanfu envoy Zhang Jun. We planted his flag, and no one dares to come up to check."

"Zhang Jun is so powerful?"

"It's not about being powerful, it's about daring to kill people. Whoever dares to board a boat to investigate will be slaughtered directly, and then hide in the barracks. The government will not dare to come to the barracks to arrest people. In the end, nothing will happen. If you die, you will die in vain. There are countless checkpoints everywhere. It is said to save face, but in fact they dare not board the boat."

"I understand!"

Yue Lei got into the cabin and locked it from the inside. When the outside baffle was pulled, nothing could be seen.

The fleet passed through Lin'an at night, with dense checkpoints all the way, and almost every ship was interrogated, but no one interrogated the fleet with the flag of Zhang Jun Trading Company, and the key was that everyone knew this Naturally, it will not embarrass it.

Three days later, when the fleet arrived in Dangtu County, Yue Lei and his party changed to a larger ship, which headed towards Xiangyang.

To the north of Xiangyang Prefecture is the Guanghua Army, which is an important military base to defend Xiangyang, and also the bridgehead of Yue Fei's army's northern expedition.

At present, the Guanghua Army is guarded by Yue Fei's confidant General Zhang Xian, with [-] troops under him.

Among all Yue Fei's generals, in terms of martial arts, Zhang Xian ranks second, second only to Yue Fei's eldest son, Yue Yun. A golden spear with a tiger's head makes people appear like ghosts and ghosts.

But in terms of strength, Zhang Xian was far inferior to Yue Yun. Yue Yun may have inherited his father's extraordinary strength, and was born with supernatural power. A pair of [-]-jin bright silver hammers was unmatched in the Song army.

This morning, a distinguished guest came to Zhang Xian's barracks. It was Liu Qiong, Zhang Xian's classmate and friend in martial arts. I also really want to chat with Liu Qiong. They lived in a dormitory back then, but they talked about everything.

However, Zhang Xian was still worried that someone in the barracks would gossip, so he invited Liu Qiong to drink at the Hongyuan Restaurant in the county.

Zhang Xian filled a glass of wine for Liu Qiong and asked, "I heard that you captured Yingchang Mansion?"

Liu Qiong nodded, "It's just that Li Cheng's army was not wiped out, His Royal Highness King Yong sent him out of the country!"


"We captured Xuchang, Li Chengyu was dead, and wanted to fight us in street fighting. His Royal Highness Yong was worried about too many military and civilian casualties, and worried that the grain and grass in the warehouse would be burned, so he finally chose to negotiate with Li Cheng. Li Cheng led the army to withdraw. We Occupied Xuchang, and got [-] shi of grain."

"Half a million stones!"

Zhang Xian exclaimed and sighed: "I now understand why we need to negotiate. It's really a pity to be burned."

He picked up his wine glass and said: "Last year I also planned to lead the army into Yingchang Mansion. At that time, there were no troops stationed in Yingchang Mansion, and Li Cheng's army retreated to Yingtian Mansion. What a pity! This incompetent court forced them to withdraw to Xiangyang Yes, when we retreated, hundreds of thousands of people knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, begging us to stay, and Yue Dutong also cried, you don’t know that scene.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Xian's eyes turned red, he picked up the wine glass and drank it down, slammed the wine glass on the table, gritted his teeth and said: "That damned court, the fatuous emperor, only wants to surrender, we are going to fight to Luoyang Oh, they actually begged Jin Guo to sign an armistice agreement, and sold all the results of our war in exchange for [-] casualties. At that time, we were all very angry and persuaded Yue Dutong to rebel, but Yue Dutong was still loyal to the emperor , loyal to the imperial court, wept and led our army to retreat."

Liu Qiong was silent for a moment and said, "Do you know that Yue Dutong has been placed under house arrest in Lin'an?"

Zhang Xian was surprised, "Is the news true?"

Liu Qiong nodded, "We have sent a pigeon letter from our intelligence point in Lin'an. At present, the imperial court has not decided whether to kill or exile!"


"Because the imperial court wanted to seize Yue Dutong's military power, simply put, the emperor could no longer tolerate the three 'Yue Family Army', and Yue Du led the army in the Northern Expedition, and disrespected the order three times, which made the emperor murderous against Yue Dutong."

"He dared to kill Yue Dutong, isn't he afraid that we will rebel?"

"That's why Zhang Jun will lead an army to receive Yue Dutong's army, like you and Yue Yun will be arrested and sent to Lin'an, that's why I came to you."

Speaking of this, Liu Qiong took out a letter and handed it to Zhang Xian, "This is a handwritten letter from His Royal Highness King Yong, please take a look for yourself!"

(End of this chapter)

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